Be me

>be me
>be half english to my mother and half indian to my father
>Sup Forums thinks jews are fully jewish if they have only a jewish mother
>i can now claim to be fully english despite my half pajeet blood
Sup Forums btfo

How much for you to not try to fuck me?

That rule is only for Jews though

Much like the Zerg, they aren't human and they can infest other species

>be from /hr/
>literally worship our queen Taylor Hill's asshole
Sup Forums btfo

nigger sympathizers aren't welcome here


stay mad white boi

Honestly anyone who has1/16 of jewish blood should be considered a potential threat.

That's a Jew rule. According to Sup Forums (one person, don't ya know), anyone with any Jewish blood is a Jew.

Her hair is shit

Sorry I don't belong in the race with the biggest modern IQ gap nigger

Pol thinks?

It's Hebrew law dip shit, shamalamadoop.

>Taylor Hill
Umm hate to break it to you anons

Ethnicity: Cornish, Dutch, English, French, German, Irish, Scots-Irish (Northern Irish), Scottish, Swiss-German, Welsh, as well as distant Austrian and Belgian (Flemish)

looks like someone farted on her pillow.

>Being this gay

As a half-breed, you are always the lower tier race, poo.

you know what to do, bin that poo

Like me?

Are you fucking serious? She looks underaged as fuck but this is Sup Forums.

I just go by the nazi rule 1/4 or less (european) jewish can be considered white, anything more will definitely feel some allegiance to jewry.

Flag checks out.

some poos are ok, but majority r dickheads. maybe you ok too.

didn't you hear me? theoretically i'm not even a poo.

Austurds are the worst though.

im done with you faggot

>half english to my mother and half indian to my father

hahahahhaah your mummy was pajeeted, white whore with indian semen in her vagina, is she a landwhale?

You are done with me because you know I am right. Go on dog and don't forget to remove the tail between your legs.

she was ghadi'd actually. my father is the paragon of integrity.

Sure buddy, sure...

doesnt work that way

poo in the loo



If you have a bucket of clean water and a bucket of shitty water and you mix them together in a new bucket, it isn't a bucket of half-shitty water, it's just a bucket of shitty water

just accept it. i met few angloindians or w/e the name is. they r ok.

Jeez you are more autistic than me. Black lives matter is pretty damn degenerate and you showing me your dream girl's pictures while you stroke your crusty dick. Black lives don't matter its the lives that make change that matters. Tell me a good black politician.

That's the orthodox definition, pols definition might differ.
To me you're a mutt

She is not gonna age well.

Go back to Carl of Swindon's subreddit.

whatever makes you feel better

you have to go back

or to New Zealand

Who the fuck is Carl of Swindon? Sorry I don't use plebbit

Pls, without that makeup she'd look like a grunt.

Wrong. You are fully Indian.
Other races are like a disease. Even a little bit gets into white people and they are infected. There is no such thing as a mixed race white person, you are fully white or not white at all.

She's not even Indian you dumb shitskin

PSA: that site is a scam. They sneak in a little Jew results into everybody to make is feel like they are our people and empathize with them.

>being this btfo

Whatever you have to tell yourself, you faggot leaf.

That is not the case, Ephraim.

good job with the retarded logic of the day prize, m8
dont forget to fill out your option bar

You fags can beat off to some photoshopped shots and a heavily painted face. Im less then impressed.


Your mom was a ho who couldn't get a white man

absolutely tippy fucking top subversive, m8

It's not Sup Forums that thinks people are fully jewish by mother it's Jews you imbecile. It's part of their satanic synagog.

do you like the supermodel Doutzen Kroes?

she's already only a 4

She looks over 16. She has on natural makeup, eyebrows aren't shaped, hair isn't done up, and she's not posing sexually. Change all of that and you'd easily perceive her has 21 or higher.

Do you resent your mother for getting poo'd? Does her lack of self respect, which allowed her to race mix with a poo, affect you mentally?

Not East Asian enough.

That's hilarious. Burgers and aussies should get along well.

Since you have a mother who is a jew, you are officialy a jew by the law

No. One drop of shit in a gallon of water still makes shitty water.

t. Dalit

>cleaning window with steel wool
>shit I scratched half of it
>now the window is scratched
>oh well, half of the window is unscratched
>that means, using anyone else's logic, if one scratched area means it's "scratched" then one I scratched area means I can call it "unscratched"
>I'm a genius

i would suck his dick

>can't into alleles so tries to apply completely irrelevant over-simplified analogies to the complex field of genetics

Jewish tradition means you are Jewish only if your mother is.

Sup Forums tradition means you are fully shit skin if you have only one drop of shit skin blood.

You disgusting, worthless fuck. You have to go back.


Indian girls from India are the real deal. Why? Because many know the kama sutra, still marrying one it's another thing.
My Indian friends cant stand the white washed indian girls that try to be slutty, and as house wife, they are bad to terrible dirty.
So why get someone who will fuxk anyone...

You must look absolutely disgusting, i'm sorry about the pajeet blood

nah, a lot of supermodels have my same ethnic mix. heterosis at work i guess

If someone does poo in half a glass of milk, you still drink? No, milk is ruined.

Right thats neat but I don't think you look like any of those supermodels

>dumb fuck brain can't into relevant scientific analogies

I do actually but let's not turn this into an ad hominem

no sorry buddy

no matter what scenario niggers are in, they are always Orc-level violent.

people who blame U.S. society for nigger violence are either niggers, kikes, or just braindead.

>I do actually
Post pics you gypsy


Not really.
And here is logic for dummies: if you have half shit blood and half good blood, you are still shit-blooded. So you are pajeet.