Other urls found in this thread:

>quick rundown
somebody posted a thread earlier that I thought was LARPing claiming there was something on a specific ship mersek something or other
anons reported him to the coastguard or claimed they had
maybe coast guard is investigating the report made by Sup Forums?
maybe dude wasn't larping

either way the ship is in charlston and I'll bet being searched right now so we'll know soon

Cernovich isn't reporting on it so it's obviously BS.

This is it? Just a shit poster? They are going to shut down Sup Forums.

sometimes shit posted here isn't just shitposts though
I'm glad somebody is gonna check but yea I hope this isn't just autism


Bahahahahah oh god i fucking love this place


it was kek

Literally not happening.

>maybe coast guard is investigating the report made by Sup Forums?
Sounds like it.
>They are going to shut down Sup Forums.
This. It's been a pleasure, lads.


Crew expendable

My nigga

Sorry Sup Forums, what's LARP?

I haven't been here in a long time, and even when I did, I didn't care to ask.

>tfw in Greenville/Simpsonville

Live Action Role Playing. It's people making shit up for entertainment purposes.

Google it. Even normies use the word larp/larping.

wut wut

youtube channel of George Webb's brother

It's an acronym that Sup Forums uses incorrectly because this is the containment board for Christcucks.

Thanks kind anons.

screenshot this post so all the reddit newfags know how to respond to false happenings.

It's going to be nothing, again. Happenings are never predicted or LARPED about in the days/weeks/months before it actually happens. As soon as you see a name like George Webb attached to it, you should know that it's going to be nothing.

When will you niggers learn?

yea this
nobody larped about the republican getting assasinated at that ballgame either

Yeah, I saw the thread too. I thought is was BS given the wide window... but then later I see the news.

It's probably fake if that thread spawned the response. Dude probably made it from Tor or a VPN, and that set off the FBI servers Sup Forums is hosted on.

>Happenings are never predicted or LARPED about in the days before it actually happens.

LARP thread that was reported by a charleston user
may god bless his retarded soul

this was confirmed faked and photoshopped though.

Is this a girl? If so, are there any pics of her butthole?

fake... but who ever tipped them off has some explaining...

Floridian here.


Here's the rundown
>LARPer says Maersk Memphis (a real ship) is carrying a BOMB and will BLOW YOUR FAMILY TO SMITHEREENS!
>Scared anons report it to the FBI, DHS, etc
>FBI, DHS et all send the Coast Guard to investigate "possible threats"
>This makes the news
>Sup Forums thinks user WAS RIGHT! and reinforces it's own belief in itself
>Nothing ends up happening but by then we've moved onto the next islamic terror attack because they come on a daily basis

Self fulfilling prophecy.

Wait for some of the hot chicks to get out first, lol.

I remember the thread, it happened.

i too just finished watching that house of cards episode

If somebody says bon jovi I'm going to blow up the fucking Mærsk Memphis



WTF!! Butthole pics NOW!!

he's probably balls deep in trap anus and missing out the haps

Swatting with the Coast Guard now. Nice to see you step your game up Sup Forums

Nice. So no butthole?

>Thank you!
Yes please! it is like L.A if it were on the east coast.

More of the ginger, dear sir.

But i like that leathery kikeskank from Burn Notice.

Rare nigger.

autism grill

singles and george webb is a schizo retard who should be euthanized before he cucks his brother again


0 proof thats his brother

It has been confirmed. George fucked his brother's wife, and his brother works for NSA.

We get stuff like this a few times a week, the fact that one of them is (very, very vaguely) on point isn't surprising. It's like that time when some robot said not to go to school if you were in the mid west right before a school shooting.

If the ship name pans out, then I'll be impressed.

that was the ship that got searched


buttholes dont exist idiots

so webb is in the slammer now?

i know this isnt proof but he sounds almost exactly like george.


And seriously, the only good person in Miami is sadly a fictional character.

He's probably just choking his wife


pic related

call me paranoid but I'm gonna need more proof than "sounds like him" for an account that started uploading videos today

SeeOh shit Dexters muppet lookin sister/wife was hot as fuck too.


I thought you were India at first

would it be possible to confirm the 3 involuntary committals? is that public information? if the cops responded i would imagine so.

that at least could confirm the schizo part.

>the original reporting source of the threat has been detained by authorities
RIP user

its not any user, its George Webb, Trish, and Goodman

no clue, I would like to know if Webb is schizo though

Hopefully this is a female cosplayer with all the degenerates now a days you just can't tell.

That is why it is called "Hollywood", makes anyone look good. Just don't be judging a book by its cover. It still a shitty city, full of spics from Cuba. Gangs are rampant and it is highly liberal. If LA is to Sodom, then Miami is to Gomorrah.


Are you autistic? Look at the image, its obviously mspaint. There weren't guns used in the attack, and the attacker was a 50 year old muzzie. Also that's an iconic location and its in the heart of the muslim world (Britain). seriously kill yourself leaf.

There is a legit SCHP-CTTF Trooper in another thread that is saying all clear and Weeb has been picked up


Oh no that sucks. Maybe I'll have to leave the house now and finally find a trap to wife. Could be worse

An user managed to bait the USCG holy shit

>tfw no debs gf

Lol, I remember when I told you guys the exact date Rockefeller was going to kick the bucket a week beforehand, and everyone just cried "LARPer" like a bunch of shills who wont even take a couple of days to see if it happened. No more leaks from me, faggots.

u has screenshots?

No one cares about Rockefeller anymore. It's all Soros now.

>id is RP
>literally LARP id
>now he's going to fuck off
oh noooooooooo that sucks

LARP confirmed. see ya faggot.


well it needs to stay over there. i live next to a major port. someone hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay.



Jesus ! the digits in this thread

No, faggot moderators pruned the thread. You can thank them.

Webb and Trish have been declared the main subjects now for Conspiracy. FBI/DHS gets to buddy with them longer now.

Remember that time we found Jimmy Hoffa and the thread got pruned?

It is either an ISIS bio-weapon or it is a Leftist CIA suitcase nuke designed to make it look like Russia just nuked us.

you remember what it was called?

It was just a string of numbers in the OP I had used to test to see of any user could decode kindergarten-tier encoding. Everyone just screamed LARPer until one guy figured it out, so I posted the real message next in a blank .jpg

I thought the same thing.

>all those agencies

what a police state

How much of a virgin are you if you think there's something devious about that article? It's absolutely true.

i would bet my house that your wife cucks on you

bumping since the other threads about this were taken over by a retard

but it's true. all women have a bondage fetish at the minimum. my wife grew up Mennonite and she fucking loves straps and choking.



seemed like the poster was "reporting" on the incident at the same time that others were

How the fuck do you have Internet? Isn't your country 95% desert?

The CG cleared the ship.

Now what?