Open Borders for Israel?

I think there's a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans will be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Africans will be resented because of their leading role, but without this transformation, Israel will not survive!

Other urls found in this thread:

Israel needs to stop these Racist policies. This isn't 1950 anymore. I mean, "Hello!", when are you going to take your fair share of migrants?

Racist Jews. Fuck! I seen them rip-apart my community in the US and they think they are special somehow?

When will Israel learn to be multi-cultural like the rest of the civilized World? If Israel (mainly white) were part of the E.U., they'd be Sanctioned for this type of behavior! They are next-door to Syria, but they won't take their fair-share of migrants. How far does this Racism have to go in Israel?


Since the election-time in the USA (around October-2016) this board has been infested with all sorts of liberal views, but when it comes to the human-rights of good-willed Christian Africans, ya'll are suddenly silent?

Heyo, HOL UP. Dis thread been up fo 2 hours now n none u White Trumptards aint gon say nuttin bout dis? Deez Israel (we da true Israelites) be oppressin us black fold n none u white crackas got nuttin to say bout dis?

Yea, dis wat da proffesas in College be speakin bout. Sysematics n sheeit.

Jews aren't white, so I'll advocate for this

Hol up mang, I seen dis shit bout 2 months ago on here. Wat yall think, cuz I know I aint being seein sheeit.

i support you muh niqqa

Kikes need to have a taste of their own medicine.

You trine to dis da Africans whitey? Yall know full real n well dat we wuz da real egyptians n sheeit. Like if Africa part of the Pyramaids, den how u explain da Jews n Arabs takin da credits?

BTW, thanks to my real Jewish homies in the Americas settin up this THICC sheeit. Dis make dey white girls wit da fat ass go for my niggas dick. Aint no brothas preach like dis!


Israel needs to take more black queens to enrich their race.

Hey yall, yall know dat da Jewish women love the BBC. I seen some movie bout dis. You know wat I mean? Who got dat posta, nigga?

gentleman & scholar

Ayo Nigga, leave my nigga Takudzwa Aywok out dis. He a real nigga 100.

You're doing god's work. May kek give you with all kinds of reoccurring numerals.

Ayo, u sayin I got trips n sheeit? Yall dint even check a nigga? Dis some bullsheeit.

>spending begging money on cigarettes
>begging box pedo ice cream, probably bought with begging money too

>Inb4 the multiculturisation of israel meme from South Park becomes real

Without multicuralism, Israel will not survive. Did you not see the official report in the OP? There's nothing wrong with the Big black cock taking-to-court the women of Israel. Are you so much a fucking racist that you can't look past the color of skin?

It's funny. When I created this thread 2+ hours ago, I assumed it would be ironic and Sup Forums would have some fun with it.

When I created a canned-text 'nigger' thread; within 10 minutes, there were hundreds of replies, almost as if Soros himself supplied tons of JIDF with '4-chan passes' to bypass the Captcha. You can imagine my amazement after watching this thread for 2 hours have no replies, then when I cross-referenced my theory with a bait thread, this 'nigger' thread was obvious bait and get's MASS attention. Meanwhile, this thread gets passed up because Israel?

Sup Forums must be compromised.