Guys I haven't seen a swedish flag in like 2 days. Is sweden kill?
Where did they go
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Reppin' the swedish flag doesn't exactly facilitate discussion. The average Sup Forumstard will disregard valid points with retorts like ''lol go back to your cuckshed sven''. It's frustrating, especially as America is an even worse shithole than Sweden.
It's doing fine, don't worry kaffir
Go back to your cuckshed Sven.
lol go back to your cuckshed sven
Why would they show their flags? They have the most cucked country in the world, it's not even fun to bully them anymore because it's depressing knowing the whitest humans on earth are such fags
they're all redditards too, you can see it happen a lot more on weekends because the kiddies are aren't at school
At least we don't have grenade attacks.
>wants to be taken seriously by the world
>does not take own governance seriously
America has an excuse. There are 5 million Jews buzzing around that country like flies on shit, more than twice as many as Israel, and they've successfully infiltrated all their forms of government, academia, media and entertainment. What's yours? Your only excuse is that delusions of white supremacy and white unity/integrity/solidarity are ONLY illusions, a conclusion we can reach strictly because Sweden exists. Fuck your stupid country.
This familybanana
I'm enjoying Sweden, it's a nice place.
Hello, what are the chances of us leaving the EU? Just made this flag to make a new thread but I'm afraid of not getting replies
kekkity kek
Most cucked? I thought France or Germany took that title, damn it. But it might even be even more cuckier to not realize you are the most cucked
It really isn't
Yes it is, but that's only because the populace is ?x bigger
As an American who moved back from Sweden last year, I can confirm you are 100% wrong.
Go prep Mohammud for wife Hans.
He's waiting.
I think Canada might have outcucked you guys. But its hard to say cause there is fierce competition between many countries to by biggest cuck nation.
sweden yes
>is sweden kill
In time, brother. Takbir.
The best hope for Sweden is if the northern half declares independence
We have the 1st and 2nd amendments.
What about you???
How is Finland? Only bad thing I've heard is that some Muzzies were sleeping in your graveyarsd and well the government is falling
>disregard valid points
>America is an even worse shithole than Sweden
Sven, youre not making your point very well. Go back to your cuckshed.
Germany and France are BLACKED, you are cucked
cause you guys are dickheads that should have been aborted so the vermin that you are wouldn't have to infest this planet with the cancer that is you people's personality. you people are awful. you people are the unclean gross part of the toilet. you people are the whores that everyone is waiting to die of the many stds it infest. you Sup Forumstards is the nigger faggotscum of of Sup Forums and that says something. kill yourselfs Sup Forumscunts so you can save some of that oxygen for someone who needs it. like a fly or a corpse
Anyone else here not a complete newfag and remember before Sup Forums added region flags? This place used to be filled with Swedes but almost everybody left after that.
same goes for every country
Says you
Ramadan maybe?
You make an excellent point, 56%.
At least we're allowed to shoot ferral niggers.
You people have NO freedom or happiness.
We're allowed to defend ourselves, not with a gun though
I think were mentally pretty cucked too but i live in a city so im not sure its everywhere. But politicians, media etc pretty much all say "diversity is strenght" "we need more multiculturalism" "we need refugees to pay our pensions" etc bullshit. I think it's mostly luck and our location that has saved us from as many refugees etc. than you guys.
Why don't you tell me what you really think?
Go back to your cuckshed sven
You feel better after that?
no, hardly any blacks in germany. Lots of filthy arabs though.
No Negroes here, only Middle Easterners. You do know Arabs still keep Negro slaves today right?
They're hiding behind the LGBT and BlackLivesMatter flags.
Whole USA is a gigantic cuckshed were niggers roam free and kill white girls every day.
was ist das für 1 Karte vong Abbildung her?
Yeah, I heard this from some Swede (on a podcast, or maybe Red Ice) - that Sweden really does regard itself as so successful, so superior, they have such self-confidence that things just /will/ work out. That's probably true among Swedes, but they had too little experience of the world, and too much self-assurance, alas.
Everybody is hiding behind the new flags. Bunch of pussies if you ask me.
The kaffir service our anuses, now. white man make the lickie lickie of our prostates. all will bow to Allah. america next!
True, I've barely seen any blacks my whole life, I can count them on two hands(Of course I might just not remember any, but I'm pretty sure in this)
0, your women love being raped too much
Slim to none, a bit like ours
Go back to your cuckshed sven and prep the bull.
I've actually become a bit proud of you leafs. I thought you would go into hiding too, but I have still seen you guys everywhere.
Says the guy hiding his flag
basierte Ossis
that picture is whiter than burgerland though
>Failure of an empire, irrelevant ever since
>Haven't fought a war since 1814
>Biggest cucks in Europe
Sweden will be a 3rd world country in 14 years according to the UN.
Alrighty then Mr Fascist
Pussy still hiding behind another flag.
>There are 5 million
9 actually. There is more jews in the usa than in israel.
Im an Israeli fascist and my country has got your country by the balls.
This is accurate. People think Sweden is basically the greatest country in the world because we have such high taxes and take in so many brown people. ''A humanitarian great power'' they call it. Allowing in hordes of shitskins is pretty much considered the highest moral duty, which upon Sweden's entire justification for existing rests.
One trope is constantly referring back to when a couple of hundred dutch immigrated here in the 17th century and using that as an example saying ''sweden has always had immigration'', and that since they were successfully assimilated, so will Ahmed and his 14 children. I wish I was joking, but this is an actual fucking talking point.
Or they refer to how meatballs are originally from Turkey, in order to dispel the myth of any genuine Swedish culture. On the basis of this, they justify that ramadan can also be considered a Swedish tradition. Again, no joke. The largest chain of grocery stores here, which makes up about 50% of the market, advertised it as such. And while marking it in their calendar, they'd somehow overlooked the Swedish national holiday, because that wasn't as important I guess.
Part of me feels like Sweden just needs to fucking die already so that the rest of Europe will wake up. This is the future they chose, let them live in it.
They've all benn LARPing as pirates since the flag thing started.
now pls go back to your cuckshed sven
>America is an even worse shithole than Sweden
>Trying this hard
no my friend we're right here
Defensive blowjobs
We stole 99,9% of all the Danish jews during WW2
Jews are even a public minority which means they have lived here for over 100 years.
(((Bonnier))) are the ones that is controlling our media
The open border policy was forced by (((David Schwartz))) onto Olof Palme. Which is why he got shot
what ever flag fag
Underated flag use / 10
Send them back to norway
Shhhh, we already took Norway, we nearly have Sweden captured
same is going on in Netherlands (though not so extreme), but at least we stand up against it
- and without turning into nazis, just with rational arguments and new political parties. this process already started 17 years ago.
You think that will even happen?
Our government can't even deport illegal immigrants. How would they justify deporting jews?
The jews also have influenced us to much.
It's too late
The Jew has been physically removed from nearly every nation they've infested. It's only a matter of time before they are ousted from the US. It could happen as quickly as a year or two, or as long as two decades, but it WILL happen at some time. They can't help getting diaspora'd
Recovering from Ramadan.
When was that?
I've been busy fucking Britt-Inger and working out, sorry, you were saying?
You tell me.
That's why you're on an American website.. speaking the English language?!
Hey Mr Christian, you were the one that said we recovered from it, so you must've known when it was right?
Sweden can't get enough of the BBC
vi kan prata svenska om du vill, men du är för tjockskallig för att orka dig lära dig det
Sidan är förfan ägd utav en sneögd gulman
Du skulle ignoreras och kasseras
Stop roleplaying Achmed. You might be accused of Bid‘ah.
>google translate auto-detects arabic
Owned.. that's the key word... It's American through and through... remember who created this place... and you visit it... what... Sweden doesn't have one?!
That's right....
>be eurotard
>go on american website
>on american invented internet
>on american invented electricity
>on american invented computer screens
>on american communication satellites
> then proceed to shit post about how america isn't the greatest.
Probably right after you
>drive in american invented automobiles
>text with an american invented cell phone
>use american invented light bulbs
>watch american tv series
>listen to american music
>eat american grown food
>live in a free democratic society defended by two world wars and a cold war won solely by America
Why are you such cucks?
Det gör jag inte alls det. Håll käften jänkarjävel. Ditt lands storhetstid är snart förbi ska du se, och då reser sig Svea Rike ur askan.
Honestly, I can't understand why you guys give a fuck about Sweden. We are an extremely small unimportant country, so why all the shit threads? Don't you have anything better to discuss?
Look, that kind of attitude isn't helping. America may have a more general problem but its a massive country, some parts are bad, some parts (larger than your entire country by far) are very redpilled. We essentially have polands and hungaries inside the union of states But then we also have little ecuadors and nigerias. You should really stop thinking of USA as a country no more than the EU is. Meanwhile, sweden is a small little state of a few people so we can focus in on that. It would be like you critisizing a cucked us state that makes sense. Sweden has a nation mental illness, I watched some stuff on your television and was so traumatized by its content it ruined my day and I actually had nightmares. The amount of self hate, delusion, and sheer cuckery on levels that should NEVER be possible. Im talking little boys dressing as girls and praying to allah with a jew smiling in background. WHAT THE FUCK SWEDEN ITS NOT OKAY NOTHING IS OKAY
You are a cautionary tale.
What is weird is your obsession with looking what we discuss here.
Keep dreaming. America has another 1000 years. of hegemony.
>american education
Did it ever occur to you that we are very worried about you? We expect better from sweden, and we only bully those we care about.
Yes you are very smol but its because nobody can beat your cucking power level. Some come close, but you are #1 cucks. Not all swedes of course
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