Sup Forums still identifies with cucktianity in 2017

>Sup Forums still identifies with cucktianity in 2017

Why are you not a based muslim yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd rather be a transracial black than a moslem


good goy


All semitic cults are oppressive universalist trash.

D-deus vult am i right??


Islam is the most compatible with Natsoc

kill ALL muslim

Are you ready for the most bitter redpill of your life Sup Forums ?

amin brother

This captain wears a fedora laddy, now scram before me parrot plucks at ye halal bollocks

Day of the long sword is coming, saracen.

Q: What's the difference between ET and Muslims?
A: ET got the point and went home.


you're a funny kuffar

>le epic kekistani strikes again

Now how many picture of christian girls marrying Tyrone and Jamal?

Maybe; I still prefer something that is born of our own race and nation over a foreign, and fundamentally universalist, religion.

for ye

Fuck Muslims

it's not, judaism is, they have "god's chosen people" thing, you have the "make them say they're us untill we become a minority in our own group" actually more cucked that christianity, christians are just hippies

A Muslim immigrant goes to the doctor and says "I feel terrible." The doctor examines him and then says: "You need to pee and shit in a bucket for a week, throw in a dead fish and a rotting cabbage. Put a towel over your head and inhale the vapors for three days."

The Muslim does this and goes back to the doctor and says "I feel wonderful! what was wrong with me?"

The doctor replied, "You were homesick

We can live in peace in separate nations brother

because i prefer not to wipe my ass with rocks and venerate a pedophile

Any liar can call himself God's chosen one.

you know kjb is not the only bible translation

Nobody denied that christians are cucked, but you claimed that muslims are based

Muslims have always been cleaner than christcucs

I pray to God, you pray to a meteorite encased in a piece of pre-Islamic architecture in the Arabian desert.

t. fedora atheist faggot

Obviously paganism, and other beliefs like zen and Buddhism are very right-wing, patriotic, support nationalism, etc.

Many are. Where have you been? Asleep? All those "degeneracy" threads...muslims.

Talk to that "deus vult" larping faggot. All i want to say is that we are the best abrahamic religion

Not identifying as highly complex electrostatic mechanism in an unfathomable infinity of matter

>a fucking leaf

Claiming to be based
No loli love

I agree; that is my wish as well.

Burger telling others they are degenerate, ironic.

I want a real answer to this. I know a bit more about your religion than most Westerners so I think I'm better able to tell you why it's wrong

Go back to Arabia goatfucker.

We pray in THE DIRECTION of mecca because it is the holiest place for us. We don pray to the rock itself.

Because Islam isn't a religion. Fuck of pagan

All the christcucks here are just autistic larpers who use their religion as a vehicle for their politics. They should be laughed out of every thread.

I will not deny that Jesus is the son of god.

Stormfront out

pretty funny

Christianity is a cult of death that has almost killed Europe many times during history

inshallah sa'aleikum , where are all the halal qt arab waifus

top kek, dont you have some goat fucking to do?

But yet you think that the meteorite intercedes on behalf of all Muslims, which is why you pray in its direction

So how can a pre-Islamic meteorite act as a middleman between muslims and God?

salam aleykoum, alas they all are in Arabia

I went to a mosque once and during prayers everyone would bury their face in this thick, shag carpet that had just been walked on by dozens of shoeless shitskins.

It was one of the most disgusting, unhygienic things I've even seen and what ultimately solidified my view that Islam is a gutter religion with nothing to offer the civilized man.

I farted.

Because of pork and alcohol.

What is the theology behind Muslim girls thinking it's ok to suck dick or let someone fuck them in the ass as long as their pussy isn't penetrated?

Because even if it is pre-islamic, it fell from Jannah to show Adam and Eve where to build an altar, which became the first temple on Earth. and thats why its holy af.

That is not even true. Where did u get that? Stormfront? :^)


epic XD

You're retarded

I don't follow kike religions.

daily reminder, muslims are anti kikes

Why would God allow it to be used by polytheists for so long, and what happens if archeologists verify its age and it turns out to be much newer than Muslims think?

It's typical Arab-girl-on-foreign-exchange-in-Western-university behaviour desu. They let you use them however you want as long as you don't penetrate their pussy

He did not allow it, thats why when the prophet muhammad (pbuh) cam to Mecca he waged war on all these polytheist
These are good for nothing sluts desu, sodomy and succs are strictly forbiden.

Repent and believe in Jesus Christ

If you profess Christ repent of your bullying, abuse of people, and racism. If you're on this imageboard I am sure that's what you're up to.

The earliest non-Islamic (in this case Greek) mention of the Kaaba is in 60BC, or 300BC if you're more generous. This means that God allowed his holiest shrine in the world to be desecrated by polytheists for at least 700 years, and possibly even a minimum of 1000 years.

All weebs are anti-white homosexuals. Rid yourself of the Eastern Jew.

Fuck off larper

>No beer
>No bikinis
>No bacon

Fuck off.

Because I barely enjoy religion as it is and I am a Christian who seeks to appreciate the very soul and essence of Christ. I tried liking Allah and Muhammad but they are so gay, they don't say anything of meaning and have nothing interesting to me.

I want to evolve not just slightly upgrade my firmware to God 1.3. If I ever changed I would just change to Transhumanism.

Because unlike you, I have a choice.

But what is it about Islam that makes them think that so long as they follow the strict definition of being a virgin, things are ok?


I am not enough informed on this to reply, thank you for the argument

Every monotheist religion does the same, virginity is seen as pure

I ask only that you consider what I've said

Have a good day or night depending where you are

I will, also I am in Canada too. Have a gud night

If I had to choose between Islam and Christianity I'd have to go for Islam because it isn't cucked. However, I don't really like any form of Judaism. Zoroastrianism and Germanic Paganism are better options in my opinion.

This is the most satisfying ending to a debate I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Both of you please post more.

undercover leaf detected

aye aye

There's only one thing more deadly than foolishly committing suicide/jihad/eternal buttsex with Muhammad.

And that's becoming an ex-Muslim. You homicidal fags don't fuck around with that AT ALL -- inescapable death.

Talk about dumbest religions/ideology on the planet.

They're too durka durka for me if that makes sense.
They seem retarded and filthy.
Lots of 2 syllable words that end in vowels, basically nigger tier language.
Too inbred.
When I watch a video of a call to prayer it instinctively sounds bad and dumb to me whereas Christians singing sounds good.
I don't know if it's Islam itself or that 99.9% of them are inbred shitskins.

Because I get on my knees for no man and I'm not into fucking goats.

Actually National Socialism was very popular with European and even Arab Muslims. To this day, Bosnian Muslims celebrate their involvement and some Middle-Eastern countries have national socialist parties and groups.


The Islamic heaven is sitting around on a bejeweled couch while your slaves wait on you. Then you fuck your virgin sex slaves afterwards I guess.

It's the least transcendent or beautiful idea of heaven I've ever heard.

Arabic is a wonderful language, try to go hear some Arabic poetry and behold how pleasant it can be. Regarding the filthy and retarded part, most of these Arab countries have been under siege by (((american))) imperialism and greatly destroyed the countries.

Hahaha. I believe in no god. But an omnipotent being. And it isn't a fucking Islamic one

what do you believe in?

Ok, I'll answer this too. What I was getting at was the unfortunate tendency in Islam to be legalistic about moral commandments. This is more famously present in Judaism (especially the Talmudic sort) but it's a problem you'll find in any religion that relies exclusively on a book. Blowjobs? Technically not sex since there's no vaginal penetration. Anal sex? Same.

Christianity is not a religion that relies exclusively on a book, and what we say is "the letter kills, while the spirit gives life." What this means is that when you are faced with a moral commandment (say, wait until marriage), you should not only follow it, but look at the moral principle it's trying to communicate to you and live by that and its implications as well.

Oh gosh, I'm horrible at taking compliments

Religions are fairy tales for cowards cucks who shit their pants when thinking to death. Islam is the shitiest of all.

Okay so i just found this, i think its only for married peeps but take a look: "Oral sex (oral-genital contact) is considered as a part of foreplay by those who allow it, not as an alternative to vaginal intercourse.[13] One group of Salafi scholars and Shafi`i school says that oral sex is halal (permissible) because of the hadith in which he encouraged foreplay between spouses, and that these are naturally gratifying activities that will help them have a better marriage."


and that christian way of thought is pretty coolio

I believe that I am God, and created in his image


b l a s p h e m y

A religion invented by plagiarizing Judaism. You even mutilate your dicks like kikes. Fuck that. I will stick to my pagan Aryan gods.


choose one