"Migrants are piling into New Zealand at nearly twice the rate than in Australia and more than three times the rate of the UK"
NZ Migration
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According to the clickbaiting liberal trash that is stuff.co.
This is accentuate Labours new immigration policy. They are selling their leftist principals to get elected and softening up to Winston.
Labour are the same brand of academia cookie cutter neo marxists as every left wing party across Europe. Be skeptical.
Fucking Jews. I am sick and tired of all the Asians, Arabs and other non whites crawling into the land I was born in. New Zealand is dead and is going the way of Brazil.
>B-but whats wrong with that? We will have people with varying skin tones, that is progress.
>You want racial purity laws to protect your people? What are you? A sick Nazi?
>Diversity is our strength hyuk hyuk hyuk
Yeah, no shit.
Move out of Auckland faggot.
National = wealthy right voting Chinese
Labour = Left voting 3rd world niggers, Merkel style.
Vote for WP and stfu
It's fucking depressing, and it feels like we can't do anything about it outside of voting, and what good will that do when most people don't give a shit and vote National. I'm escaping south, but at the current rate it won't remain pure for long.
>This is accentuate Labours new immigration policy. They are selling their leftist principals to get elected and softening up to Winston.Labour are the same brand of academia cookie cutter neo marxists as every left wing party across Europe. Be skeptical.
They will slow down immigration and massively increase the refugee quota. Its literally all they fucking talk about is bringing more poor people here so the tax payers can spend 70,000$ per year per refugee. (They cost more then fucking prisoners and most don't end up in work because they wont assimilate)
Winston is the only option and I think a lot of Kiwis are waking up to this.
As an Aucklander I can tell you if something isint done very soon, this city is destined for ruin.
The motorway is no gridlock all day and it never used to be. No one can afford to buy a house and rents are absolutely insane.
This week iv heard nothing but ridiculous ideas from the immigration loving media about "how to fix Auckland"
From "Banning" people from driving one day a week so they could "see the benefits of public transport"..................WTF Public Transport barely exists in Auckland. Its a god damn joke.
The other was "We should pay Aucklanders more then the rest of the country so they can afford rent"
The politicians and media have no answers because stopping immigration is "Racist" Winston is the only one wanting to completely stop it.
let me in you cunts
>They are selling their leftist principals to get elected
stopping migration to restrict labour so that wages go up is a classic policy of the party though
Are Italians OK by you Kiwis? I just moved here 3 months ago from Calabria. Fucking love it here.
NZ pros
> no Arabs
> no gypsy
> sensible politics
> no cosa nostra
> good wages
> bad dressed women
> bad looking women
> bad haircuts on women
> fat women
But funny thing, they think they are something valuable. And they have terrible pompino skills.
Can't wait to hear the inhuman hybrid of a NZ accint and an arab one.
It'll be fucking ridiculous
Hope your Maori's just flat kick the shit out them for you guys, since I know none of you can do it.
>Public Transport barely exists in Auckland
It does it's just is positioned in the worst fucking places and infested with shitskins.
>Are Italians OK by you Kiwis?
not as good as proper migrants from the home country
They are cashing in on Winston's popularity, nothing more. Labour are marxists/feminists and PRO IMMIGRATION. They want you to get on board with the European agenda ASAP but need to get elected first.
The only immigration they oppose is wealthy Asian immigrants who vote against them.
>Are Italians OK by you Kiwis
Preference is Australia>Anglosphere>Europe>United European Emirates>Commonwealth>Everywhere else>China
start hosting NZ generals, brother
I live on a train and bus route and even I refuse to use public transport.
Too many bad instances with Maoris and Islanders growing up on busses and trains.
We have them 1-2 times a week.
fuck off;
you thought we we're full?
are you white mongol?
nz bros i really fucking feel for you
start hosting your own generals please
never give up
we'll seize victory and start deporting these choongas one day
Pretty much the problem, that and nothing convenient for everyone out West, North and East. Unless you live right next to transport hubs.
>They will slow down immigration and massively increase the refugee quota
this is exactly what will happen along with some other kikeish behaviour and you'll end up with even more than beforehand
Is nice! Grazie.
But hey I am living in South Island. Here it is not so full. I saw Auckland, looks nice but not an option. You have given that city to Asia just as England has given London to the middle east
My parents tell me of a Jewish mayor Auckland had in the 70s.
That he said Auckland wasn't ready for a bigger population and it needed a lot of money spent on infrastructure to prepare it.
They laughed at him and said it would never happen and now look where we are 40 years later.
They call Auckland the "most livable city" in the world but its becoming a congested shit hole that no one can afford to live in.
I blame the baby boomers who own all the property in Auckland and vote National.
In all honesty Europeans are a bit of a problem, their idea of right wing is National. which is the globalist party fucking up the country. So from Europe we get mainly Leftists and cuckservatives.
Unfortunately us Kiwis are fucking stupid.
Our baby boomers have been the only force keeping neo leftist shit out of our country
fucking vermin plauge
fuck off back to your desert island you call home you noodle eating arab
>My parents tell me of a Jewish mayor Auckland had in the 70s.
>That he said Auckland wasn't ready for a bigger population and it needed a lot of money spent on infrastructure to prepare it.
Dove Myer Robinson was never able to put his public transport plans in because from WW2 until 2008 Auckland was controlled by the CitRats who were firm in keeping all rates down
>faster rate of knots
>measuring immigration in a unit of windspeed
Why does this country hurt itself so?
Immigration has been great for New Zealand. Auckland is becoming a truly global city.
Feelsgoodman i'm moving to NZ next month cant wait desu
I'll finally be a kiwi although I will miss my guns
>> no Arabs
Drive through central Auckland. Mt Albert has a whole block of shops they have taken over.
> sensible politics
You're joking right?
> no cosa nostra
No just crazy white trash and brown biker gangs that all used to war with each other but now have united together to sell the youth of NZ Meth. They have destroyed thousands of Millennials in this country.
> good wages
Lower wages then Australia but you are Italian so we probably pay more then Italy.
> bad dressed women
> bad looking women
> bad haircuts on women
> fat women
Sounds like West or South Auckland. I live out East and we have some good looking white girls who dress nice.
Anyway welcome Italian. Are you a tradesman of some sort?
And the same Baby Boomers who bought in all the Islanders to do the shit jobs no one wanted during a recession.
Fucking hell, why?
We have guns though.
try putting a 'full' sign on the border. worked for us
Yeah they refer to him as "Robbie.
That he drove around in some nice old car shirtless all the time and was a really good guy.
>I'll finally be a kiwi
you won't though
They are using jew zeeland as a pathway into Australia.
Fucking cunts.
Getting a gun liscence is extremely easy in NZ
We are nowhere near as cucked as aus and yurope
How is Chowick/Pangmure?
>And the same Baby Boomers who bought in all the Islanders to do the shit jobs no one wanted during a recession.
I had to deal with some today. Fucking everywhere you go in the workplace 90% of them have the same attitude.
Not only did they bring Islanders here. They let them breed out of control. Seriously the average Island family has 7+ kids.
He was against maori radicals so not bad for a jew
because america's cup
>Believing the best/most livable cities in the world propaganda
Wellington has supposedly been voted best city on earth 40 times in the past year, its bullshit that's peddled by the government to trick people into moving here.
indeed you do you glorious fucking bastards
really fucking feel for your lot, but: your immigration poz is pretty much worse than us despite being so much smaller
fuck lads: please start your own generals!
That is true, but we also don't want our special relationship sullied by those cunts.
Howick seems nice.
Panmure is shit and I wouldn't live there. High crime and drug area and its mostly non white.
Sweet, central over here.
Surprisingly few Asians all things considered. Then again few people sell.
>Howick seems nice.
still 1.3 mil for a house though
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
good joke
he can't get up late and have a siesta here, mate
not to mention it would do in his stilettos
fucking whiterabbit retards
spamming this shit to the choir
Friendly reminder to vote for National in the upcoming election.
>posting a copy pasta
who cares, nz population is like 5 million and most of them are down syndrome inbreds and abos.
Friendly reminder to be sodomised with a cactus.
>voting for Bill Chinglish
I'd be offended but then I realise we have more gold reserves than you.
The problem with our immigration is that MFAT and INZ pretty much lie to other people in the anglosphere to make them move here.
They're starting to figure out that our housing consists 75% of wooden shacks, you're actually more likely to be murdered here than most first world countries, that being at the very bottom of the Pacific Ocean by yourself actually sucks and having your children come out of the education system comparatively borderline retarded isnt really so good. Alongside the fact that alot of the provinces are stuck in the late 80s and early 90s infrastructurally its only a matter of time until they start drawing people from the heart of darkness.
We have more gold inside the ground than you have ground in your entire "country".
Kiwis are morbidly retarded. Just join australia already.
They're the best we've got, and they're going to win again. I'll be back here on election night to savour your tears.
>Voting for a party that thinks bringing over 100,000 people here every year is sustainable.
>Voting for a party that bases all its growth off mass immigration and then sells it to the public as a "success" as an entire generation gets pushed out of the housing market due to over population.
>late 80s and early 90s infrastructurally
we were having a few other issues back then other than infrastructure
>We have more gold inside the ground than you have ground in your entire "country".
Wait, are you saying you'd invade China to mine their land?
The fucking madman!
>They're the best we've got
We have NZ first faggot.
Is this a bot or a new epin meme?
chance of labour/greens getting in?
Canada is literally covered in gold and diamonds you mongoloid. Enjoy your genocide.
Hi man.
I have given up on italy. You complain about Arabs in Auckland. We get three times as many Arabs arriving in my country each week then you have in your hole country. You can not make a comparison.
And I will do you the service to know nothing about my countries political situation. Corrupt, governments falling apart every six months. Berlusconi has been our only good politician. He said he doubts anyone could get an erection enough to fuck Merkel.
> cosa nostra
Don't ask. They run cities in my area. They decide what happens. If judges and police have no power and get killed, you will understand we citizens have no say.
I am stonemason. You don't have this trade in NZ anymore so you have to get us from Europe to do this job. Am working in Christchurch rebuilding. So be happy knowing I am not taking anyone's job.
Thank you for the welcome.
They will win, right? NZers understand that Labour/Greens are true Marxists that will destroy NZ, right? I worry that Bill English isn't popular enough...
>They're starting to figure out that our housing consists 75% of wooden shacks
You sound like one of these Auckland beta males complaining about old houses that our grandparents grew up in.
Buy a fucking heater you queer.
come home white man
You can have guns cunt.
Semi auto's all good. You can own an AR-15 as long as it isn't military styled but you can import parts separately, mag size limited to 5. Join a gun club and 'get things' easily once you make friends with locals.
Mag size for .22's is 15, everything else is 5.
Lots of Russian SKS here (so easy to convert if you know what I mean), also 100 round drum mags to suit.
You can't have pistols without special E-cat licence (hard to get)
Who /afrikaans/ here?
We should go back to Europe.
Id love to see NZ turn to shit under Maori/Island dominion and it would within a decade.
>are true Marxists
nah the green party is so desperate to get into power they have started wearing suits to parliament and their leader used to be a corporate lawyer while them and labor have made fiscal responsibility pledges and promise to reduce faster then the nats in other words they have a very neo lib appearance
bout 50/50 at this stage
>Who /afrikaans/ here?
Fuck off cunt exactly this type of attitude is why we're in a situation where families huddle around an LPG heater in their living room and then head to bed in freezing cold bedrooms where some people are unlucky enough to have their babies not survive the night.
Atleast Wellington has a natural gas infrastructure so I've got central heating, like any civilized white British man would, but "muh frontier mindset" will relegate you to nigger tier home heating.
Nice one man. Welcome to NZ,
Reason I asked is a lot of tradesmen from UK and Europe seem to be coming here to help with the housing boom.
I prefer you guys to non Europeans any day.
>that our grandparents grew up in.
having a family of two parents and 7 kids in a two bedroom house was not that good
I grew up in an old state house.
Toughen up you fag.
I have met two finnish people in the last 5 years and both were cool as fuck.
Japies get out.
The average NZ'r is dumb as fuck.
People here vote Green because it gives them good feels, saving the earth, etc.
National always have the popular vote. Under MMP that doesn't matter though. There are enough left wing factions of special interest to cobble together an ugly coalition.
Winston Peters will be king maker.
its either we get flooded with chinks and poos or flooded with towelheads and niggers
fuck they're in for a rude shock once the chinks take over, can't wait to see their faces when the gibsmedat disappears
Stop fucking up our islands you Kiwi bastards.
Kiwi cucks are some of the worst cucks
>NZ first
A lot of those immigrants are here on student visas and bring a lot of money into the sector, or provide necessary skills and labour. There are problems that come with immigration but it is an essential part of growing our economy, and significantly reducing it comes with its own problems. You can't blame all of our issues on it.
Yeah, Nats will win again. I'd be shocked if they didn't.
>National - Liberals
>Labour/Green - Commies
>NZ1st - Nationalist
That's how is see the parties now.
>Toughen up you fag
Fucking wew, I'd rather be warm when I get home from work.
You remind me of those kids who would walk around in winter at school with their short sleeve shirts on to try make a point of how hard they were.
You're not hard, you're cold.
We Aussies really need to annex NZ
The globalists are trying to make them as cucked as Sweden and influence us by proxy. The amount of intelligence shenanigans that's get routed through that country is insane
I highly recommend Nicky Hagers Book "secret power"
So they're rowing faster?
It seems afrikaans superiority has triggered the litte bird.
you forgot
> woman are slag