I'm really curious about this. Is it closer to Europe, or Arabia culturally? What are the people like? Is it safe overall?

Depends who you are.

if you're jew


this picture looks distorted

Fly through Israel. It's what made me start down the path to National Socialism. The rampant effects of inbreeding will make you sick to your stomach. 99/100 girls are ass ugly with huge ass noses and nigger tier hair. The Palestinians look more European than the Israelis.

From what i hear and see its a clash between ultra liberal and ultra conservative.
The liberal areas are more like the party islands in europe.

fuck off slav killer

what is the actual on the ground feel though?

It's very expensive and competitive. Small country with sparse resources, everyone tries to Jew you.

This is what a guy actually from Israel told me as well.
Tel Aviv is a far left hell hole like California or Europe.
But Jerusalem is full of conservatives, especially orthodox Jews which are as crazy as Muslims with their traditions.

Funny thing is Israel is so small that Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are just a few miles apart.

The last 2 are kinda cute

so what does the average level headed israeli do in this scenario?

It feels very safe I'm a woman and I went walking at night with no problem. You feel like you are in sort of a European country. Without terrorism it's the best country. Also the people are really nice. Tough but nice.

was there recently. tel aviv is basically ibiza or any mediterranean city. very gay, young, and hip. jerusalem is pretty cool. all of it is much, much closer to europe in everything except architecture and food. and it is safer. people let their kids run around free. you can leave your baby outside a store. everyone is more dedicated to the safety of the country than in other places, and so everyone feels more secure. it also helps that in many places it is homogenous. there are black jews and white jews but not a huge cultural divide like between black and white in america.

Also the guys in Israel are really hot.

The guy I met was pretty average.
Walks the line between the two extremes and everything is fine for him.
Basically the same thing you do in any other developed country.

If you want to be a degenerate you can be, but there is a time and place for it.
You'd be wise not to be too disrespectful to the wrong people or you'll literally get stabbed or something. But again, thats the same as it is here.

Number 8 from the left/number four from the right is the one girl there that looks good.
Number two from the right is cute.
Rest is shower-material.

Is there any breathing room for secularists?

>Tough but nice.

What do you mean?

Heard here on pol that it's full of shitskins

Did you get any sense of the direction the country is headed? Like more religious extremist or more degenerate?

Just a bit more to Arabia

Is the situation there improving or degenerating?

What's your overall prognosis for the country?

Israeli girls are conservative and more level headed not wacko feminists

It's gonna get better in time but very slowly

Israel is kicking ass in tech it's the Singapore of th ME sorry to disappoint you pol

I ask because I am considering living there for a while, maybe do grad school there. What would be your advisement?

Jews love secular people, moron. Jews even have a sect for non-religious kikes. You'll fit right in.

Holy fuck. Wow. Is this the "special" corps?

>Level headed

Do you know where you are big nose??

There is a sense of community on the streets, unlike anything I've ever seen in the west.

You can make a good living as a programmer.

Lots of israelis think that the grass is greener elsewhere.

There is a real sense of future here even though all the security problems. I left europe to start a family here, instead of becoming a guaranteed dhimmi.

>Room for secularists

Nigger you aren't getting citizenship, they don't like Niggers or humans with whole dicks.


>Israeli girls are conservative
Are the women there into black guys?
I heard there are some black/Ethiopian chicks there that are hot af.
Not race mixing because I am black so its all cool.

This board has no room for slavicide instigators. I happen to like all members of the white race and don't wish to exterminate them like nazis do. Fuck off

israelis in general are very upfront and brusque, in a way that most westerners will feel is rude. but they genuinely don't feel any ill will while acting this way, it's just normal, and they can be very kind (even whilst being brusque).

huge spread of wealth, sort of like new york city except everywhere; some drive bugattis, other steal from homeless bc they are themselves homeless.

where did you leave from if i may ask?


your country has more niggers per capita than israel. fact

I see a lot of israelis complaining about life there on pol so i've gotten kind of a gloomy impression of it.

Most I met said blacks are disgusting. They only really like tall blonde goyim.

And yes, ethiopians are hot as fuck. They are poor though and a little ghettoish. Also don't impregnate, unless you want kids with africa tier IQ.

Do you think Israel will ever expand? One of the major problems I see with it is that it's simply running out of space? Do Israelis understand they're facing this reality?

Isn't this a thread for Sup Forums?


Yea importing ethipians was a mistake.

We have lots of black people here, but racism is still alive in some conservative circles. Not hateful racism but rather "i don't want my white daughter marrying a black guy" racism.

We get along just fine, but ashkenazi-ethiopian breeding is still quite scarce.

is there any chance ethiopians will ever leave?

I would laugh if it weren't for the fact that these people are mentally and/or physically disabled women. Not cool.


Maybe in the future. We are still at war with most of our neighbors. The once we have 'peace' with are not very stable.

We still have a lot of space in the south and north. They will slowly develop soon. All though we should definitely think about annexing in future wars.

>ashkenazi-ethiopian breeding is still quite scarce.
Just you wait. We're going to hit you with everything you threw at us for decades once we take back our countries.

You'll be lucky if open borders and forced miscegenation is all you get in return for your crimes against humanity.

I guess the flag is Scandinavian or English

That needs a Ben Garrison sig.

you guys need to retake the sinai. you had it once after a war with egypt and even built some settlements there, but had to evacuate it. Egypt isn't doing shit with it, you guys could probably build decent homes there

you're an absolute fag

>They only really like tall blonde goyim.
There's no need to lie. Your women love the Sefardi/Mizrahi men the most.

I fell in love with Israel when I was there on vacation. Food is amazing, tons of historical stuff everywhere. You can get the middle east experience without being in a crime riddeled third world shithole. Also coming from germany it was really cool to see the sense of community coming from the Jews. I gues being surrounded by enemies does that. At first I was surprised at all the rifles around me but after a day or two I didn't noice them anymore. I also never got shit for being German from anyone.

Nah just a white man that learned that 90% of the 1918 German communist revolution leaders were kikes, that the only politician to be convicted of treason in Canada was a communist kike, and that Jew NKVD Yagoda, Stalins right hand kike Kaganovich, and Jew married Molotov famined 6,000,000+ European Christians right as Hitler was coming to power.

Don't pretend it isn't your inbred desert tribe that is bringing them here. People are waking up, they're taking notice. That's why dozens of you are here polluting our board at any given moment.

One of my flatmates went to Tel Aviv and brought back biscuits, crackers, and other popular snacks... Before trashing everything I read the ingredients, Jeez you God's Chosen peeps are fed the same shit as us expendable goyim!

Israel is largely a third world dump and even the most crazed zionists admit this. You fool nobody.

Israel is pretty much like any white Mediterranean country in Europe. The people look similar, the culture is similar, the standard of living is similar. Source, most of my family in Manhattan have repatriated back to the Holy Land and I went to visit last year.

I love this photo, that's the only sexy jew I've ever seen.

>t inbred kike
Jews aren't white you inbred rat and goyim don't travel to Israel without a reason. Nobody is buying your holy land garbage either you're all semitic desert trash.

i feel bad that modern germans have to bear the guilt for something they had no part in. those holocaust laws in germany are ridiculous

We pooped in your food.


Zionism != Diaspora kikes

The communists are all about international socialism. That's not what zionism is about. Many zionists stuck in eastern europe after ww2 were arrested by the secret police and lived terrible lives.

compared to the rest of the region? It didnt seem that much worse compared to southern europe. The only place that felt like a real shithole was Safed which was understandable since it is riddled with orthodox jews.

I don't feel guilt but I would still understand I some Jews felt peeved about us.

thank you master

that's ok
we're going to fuck with you all
we're going to diversify your genes so much
stealth too
get some people with black as night parents who turned out lighter, give them money, cars, pay them to fuck around and preggers some jew-kikesses and then they'll be left with babies the color of shit after you've had a weekend of non-stop drinking
you fucking niggerkikes, you dirty fucking meddling cunts
taste your shit-flavored baby rainbow as you suck their cocks after cutting them

A kike is a kike is a kike. This is what you're taught from birth and this is what the goyim are starting to notice. I used to think if we deported all the jews and took all their shit we wouldn't have problems, and yet here you all are polluting our obscure mongolian basketweaving board from your patch of sterile desert.

Eliminating the diaspora via deportations clearly won't work or we wouldn't be approaching assbooting #360.

*understand if

Its a feminist heaven. Men are cucks.
Cheating wives are common, in fact, you should not say anything or you will land in jail, yes, false accusations are common and most get full prosecuted.

Fucking Caucasian niggers


why are you so full of hate? I have done nothing to you

No shit. Americans have spent some 7t destroying the middle east.

I've been to Qatar, Saudi, Tehran, Istanbul, all of these places are infinitely better than anything in Israel, although obviously nothing compared to the European capitals obviously. Israel is a third world dump in most of the country and most Israelis will admit this but they always blame external forces.

The parasite withers without a host after all.

is infidelity really that common there? that fucking sucks


I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with.. etc. etc.


don't stop him. his autism is helping bump my thread

You'd be better off asking that question to your own tribe. Look at America, they treated you better than their own sons and daughters and it took you not even three generations to fully turn on the people that saved your pathetic race from extinction.


europe. I actually live there usually.

literally not true. Israeli girls are a lot hotter than average girls in los angeles.


what's the dating scene like there?

The cheerleader effect definitely does NOT work here.

just remerbered the weirdest thing I saw in Israel. I was at the Golan heigths and suddenly like 3 tour busses arrived and filled with American teenagers. I was amazed at how obnoxious and loud they were. The girls sounded like trey parker and matt stone making impressions and everyone was taking selfies. Turns out it was some weird type of heritage trip. They stuck out like sore thumbs and somehow managed to seem disrespectful und patriotic at the same time.

It was probably birthright. Every jew gets 1 sponsored trip to israel

cool story bro

yeah thats what they called it, what an odd thing. They even had armed guards.

Are you delusional? I've traveled as well. All the muslim countries complain about how oppressed the muslims are because israel is so rich while they live like shit. Keep lying to yourself. I'm literally thinking about moving there from america because of the impending race war... too many nogs for me to nig


lmao retarded burger confirmed

like it is in america. Hard if youre a beta.

I actually went on it and I can confirm the girls were indeed cancer. It was a very controlled tour of the country tho which is why i wondered what daily life is actually like.

Israel is an anti-black paradise for racist.

The worthless faggots on the left are to afraid to call out Israel for not have open borders.

why are there actual nogs able to use computers?!?!?!