Charleston speculation thread

Charleston speculation thread

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>edition cnn com/2017/06/15/us/port-of-charleston-threat-evacuation/index.html

Less than 10 posts on a real happening. Sup Forums is dead.

This thread is brand new, give it a second to warm up.

Every summer this happens. However we must not forsake kek. We feel his will, we know the lies will end. You feel it annon, I know you do.

Happening Status: not really happening and if there's anything nuclear in those containers nobody will ever tell us for natl security reasons.

Is anybody else getting sleepy? Its really late.

No radiation detected. Sorry boys.

>Thread number 5
>Still waiting for a source or a single piece of evidence

I'll stop bothering you fags but I'm lurking in the shadows waiting to say I told you so.

All the news sources say the same thing. It's not necessarily a big deal just yet. Anybody wanna show me why it's the end of the world?

Morning for me kiddo

because nothing is going to happening

it's a false alarm

they found the ark again, ebil nazis

post link

fucking bongs. God damm time zone hacking wankers all of you.

yep. but I live close to chucktown so I'm too nervous to go to bed now

I wonder if some conspiracy-tard called it in from that earlier (speculative) report about Maersk Memphis carrying something.

It starts with an earthquake birds snakes and aeroplanes...

>Sup Forums is this desperate for a happening

Lotta coincidences around this happening but I still put it at only 30% possibility
We'll see what happens

idk, I dont think they'd let people know. It would cause a panic.

High Templar of the Keks Guard here. Its nothing

Do you ever sleep?

I work graveyard shift.

Any reason to believe we'll find who did this? Maybe a leftover bagel with special Israeli cream cheese?

Do you really think they'd tell people if there really was radiation?
Do you know what normies would do and are capable of when their precious bread and circus they've been so accustomed to, suddenly gets cut off?
Retards panicking would cause more death and destruction then simply having people remain calm and orderly.

>TFW my godfather, my aunt and their 4 really cute kids live in Charleston


it's a based bot

You're going to be seeing plenty of graves friend.

Urban or turban?


Fucking faggot stop making new threads about this we have 5 up already

>mfw pol thinks there's a happening

8am here lol enjoy your long sleep sweet prince

Maybe it'll finally stir us into action.

high guard. That's cute.

Really KeK values all messengers the same. The only real difference is the job. Some of us are here in-case you others fail. Hopefully you guys get it right.

Dirty bombs are not that bad. It's literally conventional bomb that spreads radioactive material around, instead of nails. It's not a threat to big cities, you would have to be close to it. The only problem is that this is a bitch to clean up.

so many happening threads and nothing happens that I don't care anymore. When I see "dirty bomb in X US city" on the headlines, I'll report in.

it's the goddamn blue jackets again in the charleston harbor

The worst that could happen is you don't die.

You guys ever see that movie Special Bulletin (1983). It features the EXACT same details of what we're seeing here. Same location, same dirty bomb plot.

It was George Webb that called it in.

don't remind me of that possibility

Whoa is this like a prequel to Fallout?

Then fuck off dude. What's your game here?
No one likes a Negative Nancy!

But why?

It was in Oman and India as of late.

It's ok. Sleep a long, comfortable sleep. Dream of another life and leave this one behind. We will join you soon.


they would not tell us if they did.

Pic related.

Just blow it up to be sure and move on

> Literally hundreds of threads waiting for California to fall into ocean
> None of them come true
> Eventually one of those threads will be up when the big one hits

Happening threads aren't about responding to an event. They're about paying attention to try and be watching it when it actually happens.

It's the difference between seeing a shooting star out of the corner of your eye but it passing before you can turn and look, and keeping up with meteor showers and space weather and going out on nights with high chances of fireballs and watching the area of the sky they're most likely to come out of while talking with other people who are interested in meteors.

Normal people go to the news and see photos someone else took of a happening. We post out and are there to take those photos.

There's no way they'd tell us if it was a dirty bomb. This is a coverup, they're probably bringing something super sensitive in or sending something super secret out.

Freak Out and cause chaos.
That's why even if it is real, they will probably just say it is a fake alert.

My game is I commented on the very first thread asking for evidence.

>there was none

Now watching the non-happening blow into a huge mega non-happening and watching so many cucks get duped into it

>and still no evidence

It's a jaded life

Literally deep state the senator so it's probably going to happen. This is the test run though. The next time will be the real thing.

Yep, this is why they braodcast "Extreme Preppers" on the learning channel or whatever, it would be bedlam if people woke up in the middle of the night and ordered to find a fallout shelter.

Welp. I'm going to bed.
Will be sure to rip in my sleep

In California there is a policy on the books that if a university or other scientific group actual has sufficient evidence to predict an imminent earthquake, they go to a specific liason in the government and tell no one else. They don't want mass panic, haphazard evacuations of millions, and widespread looting. It would be less expensive to just let the quake hit and have emergency crews positions ahead of time then it would be to give the ants time to clog the roads and start fighting their way out.

>you need to go back
Sup Forums was made for happenings.

Should pretty much decide if this happens or not

Media is going to spin this as an argument for YouTubers like George Webb or Alex Jones being shut down on the grounds that they are 'fake news' that cause mass hysteria.

Wasnt there an user who said the ship only contained the materials for an actual nuclear bomb destined to New York?

Ugh i hope in my next life im in some starwars like universe




Honestly, it's probably not a bad way to go, pretty quick i would think.

This is the real happeing. False flag!

Ancaps are insufferable. Adding ancaps to the list of who I murder on the day of the rope.

>Shills get in here



Holy shit it's full of radioactive poo

>implying I'm not simply larping

no radioactivity was found

night lads
first thing in the morning I'm checking to see how this ends

did you just come here last week? Sup Forums fucking lives off of happenings and potential happenings and always has

Dirty bombs can't fucking do anything, holy shit guys calm down

>implying that we aren't simply just LARPing with the feds
Wake up.

Dude there are no "materials for nuclear bomb". You know how difficult it is to build one? Having uranium is just a first step. There are fucktons of actual countries that have the radioactive materials but are years from building an actual bomb. Either you ship a whole thing in or you build a dirty bomb.

Which means larper just saw the movie and started to hardcore troll you idiots

Was just thinking this.

Wasn't there also some infowars rumour about Obama planning to false-flag nuke a southern city? Was that Charleston too?

Kek is hungry!
Kek needs sacrifices.

Actually all you need is enough fissile material to reach critical mass.
Everything else is fluff unless you plan on creating a legit nuke missile, ICBM, tomahawk, etc.

Sup Forums can still be about happenings without it being about stupid obviously-fake happenings.

Have some intellectual standards, Christ sake.


Um, no.

There's plenty of things left out of diagrams for a reason.


Why? Why not just put it on a C-130 or whatever they have nowadays. Or, just put it in a container and not make a big deal about it.

this man found exiting the Maesrk-Memphis minutes before authorities arrived

It's proven to be nothing idiots fucking stop talking about it

>LARPing as an intellectual


Authorities have identified him as Samwell Hyedi and he is currently a person of interest in the ongoing investigation

Reports of a sniper on the roo...

To be fair, the process is simple

Use HE to propel fissile material into another lot of fissile material that's also propelled by HE

The mechanics and design can have a million different ways to set this up, but the actual process of fission isn't all that hard.

If you can get the fissile material, you can make the bomb for it; the former is far harder.


Daily reminder that """Kekistani""" and Confederate flags are shills.


I hope he keeps getting away with it.