Why do you oppose the legal union of two consenting adults in love, Sup Forums?

Why do you oppose the legal union of two consenting adults in love, Sup Forums?

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I don't. I oppose the political agenda behind divisive politics.

Why do they NEED a legal union?

When did legal unions involve love? I thought it was about creating more human beans and having someone support you?

What's next, BDSM marriages? There's no reason to cater to people with degenerate sexual fetishes

Because they spread AIDS and fuck kids.

Because the government shouldn't be involved in marriage with draconian contracts.

Cause fags cant give birth, so no need for them to be in a union that was made solely for child raising.

The benefit of a legally recognized relationship, such as for tax purposes, name changes, inheritances, job benefits, insurance beneficiaries, etc.

I don't. I oppose gay marriage, but unions are acceptable. As long as the left's push for homosexuality in all forms of life and media stops, however.

So for money, right?

marriage is a religious institution. Why do so many libfags care about being apart of something they dont believe in the first place.

I don't. I was initially very against them having the right to marry too. I thought it'd be the end of the world. Six years later I can admit that I was wrong.

Everybody spreads aids and fucks kids, your points invalid.

Cause it's gay. It's a very simple concept, user. Nature abhors faggotry.

Actually it's straight men who fuck kids.

It's both. You do see a significantly higher incidence of pederasty in the homosexual community, though. Plenty of accounts of homosexual men having their first homosexual experiences in their childhood/early teens with older men.

Fuck i always want to bash all you faggots but then i remember NPH and get sad :(

Why can't you all be proper homosexuals like him? Fucking faggots.

Also, there already was registered relationship. Only faggots want to get 'married' because they are fucking sick in their mind.

Mudslimes and priests are especially bad

Most of the time we could give less of a shit, but if you guys want to keep waving the rainbow flag and bragging how gay you are into our faces... well were gonna say fuck you and fuck off

because I dont like faggots

Because in Finland legally married people are allowed to adopt.
I don't mind homosexuals registering themselves as degenerates but that shouldn't come with the right to adopt a child.

Homosexuality is a perversion.

We get tits and heteros shoved in our face everyday but we don't cry like babies and tell them to fuck off.

>such as for tax purposes,
>job benefits

this should not be included. Why should it be included?

>We get tits and heteros shoved in our face everyday
>97% of the population is hetero
What an injustice!

Because it's state promotion of perverted behavior. It also accelerates the break down of the family unit. If you want to see what that leads to, take a look at any area with a high population of niggers.

Because widespread homosexuality lowers birth rates, raises STD rates, encourages men to act like weak effeminate sissies who cant defend their country and is also tied to higher rates of mental illness, domestic violence, promiscuity, child abuse and general degeneracy.

In other words its just plain old bad for society so why encourage and reward it? I want to encourage and reward white nuclear families. Not men licking whipped cream out of each others arseholes in a club.

>97% of the population is hetero
Who are you kidding?

It doesn't matter what Sup Forumstards think, it's already a reality, just get over it.

the libfags as a whole just wanted to spray salt into the wound of christians

your point is very true for the individuals who actually believe it though. Total sheep.

Yes? Because it doesn't really affect you when the homosexual population is in actuality very small?

It's not natural.

Sorry, 1.7% in leafland, according to national statistics.

I don't. I oppose pride marches and gay's adopting children though.


Why do you oppose the legal union of third consenting adults in love, Sup Forums?

Spot on with this.

Modern marriage is a legal document between you, your spouse, and the government.

Marriage is between you, the adult consenting, and your God/Family

I am against all forms of marriage which is mostly a change in your tax filing status

While you're wasting your time on Sup Forums, Islam just slaughtered 29 gays in the Middle East. Legally.

Because marriage is a legal institution. It was originally and it still is. The ceremony was co-opted by the church, but you still have to file at the courthouse. Likewise, to get a divorce you have to go through a legal proceeding and not a "religious" one. Get a clue.

For the sake of equality and equity. Check out this court case, for example: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Windsor


I've never been against gay marriage BUT what happens in your bedroom should stay in your bedroom, there is no straight pride crap, there is no straight flag, there is no nothing there are strip clubs but keep in mind they do gay shit too... all I'm saying is keep it to yourself's, nobody wants to see you lick a dildo in public (P.S the last time a straight guy bragged to me about how straight he was... he turned out to be in the closet)

Marriage is an institution made specifically for hetero couples. All the benefits created for couples to make having children easier. They can't have children. Why should they keep the benefits?

>pro gay marriage thread
Why am I not surprised

tell him to stop making a fool out of himself

See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Windsor The ruling addressed the issue head-on.

>For the sake of equality and equity. Check out this court case, for example: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Windsor

If they are actually a couple and don't get any rights, they're worse off than they usually would.

If it's 2 men and they get THE SAME benefits as what was traditionally a housewive and a man, it's more than they usually would.

Yeah, yeah, DINK faggots are also a problem. But they didn't need to change the law to cater to them.

because it's gay

Most countries already consider gay couples (or anyone living together in an intimate relationship for more than a year) commonlaws, which is just about the same as being legally married.

Yes finland, because there's masses of straight white men that are lining up to take the gay pill if homomarriage is legalized.

>just about the same
Is not the same.

Your argument is not clearly stated. I have no idea what you're even trying to say.

The actual percentage of gays will be higher than that. Like 7-8%.

>Your argument is not clearly stated. I have no idea what you're even trying to say.

Why do you pay less taxes when you're married?

B-but I want to marry my qt bf.
We love eachother so much, is it so bad that we get married?

Nice digits

oh no, frowny face ginger whore found somebody to judge.

Why do you NEED the right to own firearms?

because conservative gays want to adopt and live basically conservative lives.

because I'm not a faggot


>being a sodomite

Hell is for ever!

and that has been debunked. "plenty of accounts" is about as credible as CNN at this point.

gay men have brain changes that make them less likely to hurt children. there are tons of studies on this.

>conservative gays
>conservative life

being gay is a built in evolutionary adaptation. it allows clan units to save orphaned children and to increase the productivity of the clan.

go gas yourself.


sodomy is a sin, sodomites don't love they lust

stop sinning

The right to own firearms is not a positive right. In order for it to be upheld, nobody has to lift a finger. The "right" to receive government benefits and privileges as a married couple, homosexual or otherwise, requires the government to create these benefits and privileges, and others to pay for the government to do so.

>increase the productivity of the clan.

by fucking around.


Go die. liberal-fag ideology has done nothing but kill off most gays. It spread disease and stupidity.

There are plenty of gays going back to the church and to monogamous relationships.

M8 I don't oppose it because in my country two transexuals can adopt a child and fuck it all day long. They skipped the wall on the slippery slope that was marriage.

Protestants: "marriage is instituted by God and the gays are trying to take it away from us!" *As they took the sacrament of marriage from the Catholics who took it from the Jews who took it from basically every single religious and non religious civilization before them*

to help you have children that will ensure your country will go on, something these degenerates can't do

If I only had things I strictly need, I wouldn't have many things that I like.
Why are Americans so much for freedom in all aspects of life EXCEPT when it's not about loving whoever you love because Pastor John told them they go to hell if they do it.

You're not going to hell if I marry my boyfriend, I am. So quit your bitching and let me love and marry whoever I want.


marriage can't be redefined

No there isn't you retard. Most people that are gay were fucked up by an adult when they were a child.

Sorry, I didn't realize you had shit genes and can't understand math or evolution.

I was never molested you inbred neet.


Marriage isn't about love. Marriage is an insurance policy for a woman's children to prevent them going without in case their biological father leaves.

And if two people love each other, why would they need a legal union?

Don't use that flag you degenerate. What's next? Are you going to complain about us wanting to execute drug dealers because some of them go to church? Burn in hell fag.

but I don't oppose it.

So a corporation then?

Go kill yourself. You live in a trailor and have only your sperm to contribute to society.

Society deserves the most efficient social structures, and its clear form evolution that gay people are apart of that.

Go buy some scissors and do the right thing.

Well if you look at the most lgbt tolerant places in the world such as the Netherlands and Brazil the percentage of gay people tends to be around that number. With the world becoming more accepting of homosexuality there has been a steady increase of people identifying themselves as as gay or bisexual as well, especially amongst the millenials and gen z.

>there's masses of straight white men that are lining up to take the gay pill if homomarriage is legalized

You're not seeing the long-term effects as usual, canacuck. It's not directly tied to increase in homosexuality, but it is a causal effect. Ever since homosexuality became less of a taboo, the amount of homofags increased in 1900's.
>society becomes more accepting of homosexuality so much so that parents have to explain that "some married people are the same sex"
>this normalizes homosexual behavior
>homosexuals feel at ease walking outside hand in hand
>children who grow with the influence of their surroundings will see homosexuality as a choice
>massive increase in youth homosexuality

>why are people gay
>let's make up a constellation where it might have been useful

I swear, the gay faggots are cheeky cunts

Get aids and die you but blasted deviant.

What most of you leftist homosexual-worshipping faggots don't understand is that the meaning of marriage has changed, it's not the same it was millennia ago. In ancient times there was no overpopulation problem, rather the issue was underpopulation. Virtually every single civilization, hence, promoted the union between a man and a woman, two people who can BIOLOGICALLY produce offspring together. This was the main reason marriage was invented in the first place. Now times have changed, and so has the meaning of marriage and its socioeconomic implications. Should gays be able to engage in what today is considered "marriage"? As for me, I don't mind. But you must understand that the reason gay marriage never existed until recently is not because people were "bigots" back then: as I said, times were different. As an example, homosexuality was widely practiced and reasonably tolerated among the ancient Greeks and Romans, yet in over one millennium they never legalized something like gay marriage. Marriage between two people who can't have children simply made no sense to them.

>Why do so many libfags care about being apart of something they dont believe in the first place.

Because liberals love to ridicule traditional conservative morality. Liberals are trolling them. Or they want to play pretend, play house. Homosexuals in general are incredibly vain (pride parades) and obsessed with social status. A marriage is a way to show off social status, and be the center of attention.

The fact is that the majority of homosexual men are not monogamous. 43% of gay men have had over 500 partners. 1/4 gay men in America have had over 1,000 sex partners.

As for lesbians, lesbians are twice as likely as straight women to be stalked or physically abused by their partners. And married lesbians are 2-3 times more likely to divorce than straight couples.

Monogamy doesn't cause aids. Don't hold your breath.

Because gay men were targeted by Bolsheviks. Younger gays that have been raised to think of themselves as normal are throwing this crap away and they are returning to traditional values.

If you're marrying your boyfriend, my children will have to look at you degenerates, and I'm not having that, and any healthy society shouldn't.

You need legal benefits to love your gay friend? No. No one tells you who to love, you can love anything you want. But don't come and demand money which is for the couples that contribute to a society by having children. You want the free money without contributing. Fuck off.

>Why can't you all be proper homosexuals like him?

He's not. NPH and his buttbuddy David are both cucks. The children they have, they don't know who is the father of who. And they're raising a woman's child (who sold her child to those two faggots).

See you degenerate freak

But we want to adopt a white child and raise it with 1488 values.

Too many cucks adopt nigger kids, now it's our chance to do our part and adopt a white kid.

>As an example, homosexuality was widely practiced and reasonably tolerated among the ancient Greeks and Romans


Plato even demanded the death sentence for sodomites.

Marriage has always been between a man and a woman, united before God.

Your children aren't harmed by men in monogamous relationships. Grow the fuck up and stop teaching your children to be triggered.


>We get tits and heteros shoved in our face everyday

Just further proof that homosexual men are all women-hating misogynists who think girls are "icky."

>1Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That's why homosexuality is wrong. But I see no reason why they shouldn't get married if they want to. It's still sin either way.

>Homosexual relationships
>In any way traditional

Gays in the Left aren't any worse than Straights in the Left. THey are all degenerate.

Conservative gays act differently.


we need to start putting the dunce caps back in school so people like you know your place.

>look at these degenerate places, they must surely represent the demographics of every nation!

>it's already a reality, just get over it.

Gay marriage is make believe. In 1,000 years the "union" means nothing, it has no impact at all.