America gets blamed for mass shootings

>america gets blamed for mass shootings
>mass stabbings are a common occurrence in China
>stabbers tend to target children and kill 20 at once
>these stories never make it to the news

Really activates the almonds

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state run media and internet

Sad ain't it? The lack of humanity.

I know but it's kind of annoying. america is a very safe place yet the (((media))) makes it look like south africa or some crazy shit

>>these stories never make it to the news
then how did you know about em you shitter


name 6

Pretty much this

serpentza, an expat who lives in china

OP's post was way better.

Implicating China is jucier, because Sup Forums doesn't quite realize how they're related to jews.

>america is a very safe place
for comparison iraq is 8
and we have a fucking civil war

yes i'm sure it's very safe to just walk around in iraq

take that with a grain of salt so big you'd have a heart attack from high blood pressure

no it's not
neither are the list you replied to

i was being sarcastic

btw why is your capital Uganda tier
you'd think the seat of government would be safest

americans murder at a higher rate than even china lmao

>america gets blamed for mass shootings

And? Since when the fuck do the opinions of subhuman coloreds from non-American countries matter?

Niggers in the US do, absolutely. Maybe even spics. Whites? Nope.

>ameriniggers kill more than iranians

they are still americans ;&)

That's because people who do that sort of thing in China are genuinely crazy and not agents of enemies of the nation. Non-story outside China.

Frankly I don't care if shitskins kill each other as long as they're far away from me.

Hows that ass feelin' boy?

America is a shithole of a country and quite frankly, I blame the Americans themselves for not taking matters into their own hands and solve their own problems. Their fucking retards, plan and simple.

Think about Germany you dope; they stood up to the strongest most degenerate for of (((power))).

America is just the scum of Europe that wasn't smart enough to make it there.

any place without blacks and latinos will be largely safe, but (((they))) don't want to report that

Have you ever been to those places? They are safe to walk around in. It just so happens that if you deal drugs and enroach on somebody else's turf, you're going to get shot. And a very specific group of people fall into that category.

>>mass stabbings are a common occurrence in China

religion of peace or just nutty chinks?

Why is that cat so intrigued?