Sup Forums can NEVER recover from this

History will look back at this and realize that this was when Sup Forums got completely BTFO for good.

Then the only solution is to stop all immigration

Who /christian/ here.

>Extreme vetting
I think its pretty easy to just ask the local mosque if person x attends regularly.

The ban was about nationality though not Muslims, so that wouldn't work.

Only the Left thinks it's a Muslim ban, while the Right wishes it was.

>Christians have to be liberal socialists because I said so

Kill yourself.

thats why it is not a muslim ban. it is a country ban. try to pretend you are from another country XD
USA doesnt seem to be as stupid as Germany who takes everyone who "lost" his "passport"


This title is so obvious. Just sage and slide this shit. Anyone bumping this should lurk for a year before posting again.

Thread reminder:
The holocaust never happened and Hitler was the good guy

>itt: newbs who didn't filter BTFO
>tfw I'm a newb

Good thing the ban applies to Yemeni Christians too.

Jews added numbers to the holocaust death toll so it would get more recognition among goyim.

A jewish elite controls media and entertainment.

Jews are behind communism and basically genocided millions of christians. Hitler was protecting Europeans from the biggest genocide ever.

For all boomer cucks thinking the allies were the good guys.

>I'm not religious, but you religious people aren't practicing your religion right

National Socialism is not hostile towards other ethnictites. It is actually one of the friendliest ideologies.

*hands you a bowl full of sausage*
You have to eat all of it before you're allowed to leave

>not against other races
>rounding up kikes into ghettos and taking their property
I get why it was done, but it's disingenuous to claim that Nazi racial views were solely introspective. If you truly believe your own race is superior, sooner or later you will find a reason to negatively interact with other races.

That person's not wrong -- they could do that. But it's not a Muslim ban because it bans every non-american from those 7 countries

Nah, but when history looks back at democrats reaction to losing this