Would Sup Forums have an issue with taking in immigrants of any race who had an IQ >100 and no criminal record?

Would Sup Forums have an issue with taking in immigrants of any race who had an IQ >100 and no criminal record?

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What race are they?

No, unless they're muslim.

Yes. What would happen if most muslims were actually smart?

Of course. They just want to live a better life, who are we to stop them if they do it legally.

No, if they are of genetic stock that would be preferable to assimilate into ours.


So its about skin colour?

As long as not Muslim and not on welfare and not working for cheaper wage or w other disadvantages like h1b

Wouldn't be Muslim if so

As far as race goes, differences aren't just in the IQ. Even smart nigs are nigs aside from very special cases. Innate empathy and morality levels seem to be different across races and IQs.

What's your opinion on this picture?

Nah just causes a brain drain from whatever country they're coming from

You make the false assumption their spawn would also have this trait which we know just isn't true

And we get to execute them cheaply if they get out of line.

Yes. Even if our immigrant were japanese that integrate well i would not want millions of them in my country. I like it (liked more precisely) the way it is.

>no criminal record
How can they have criminal record when they come from a country that doesn't even have a legal system?


absolutely fucking not. the point is to have an ethnostate where everyone is the same; white, because thats what's best.

it is best because well i dunno how to describe it so here goes:

do you treat your family with respect? more so than outsiders?
its not because others are bad people and deserve it, or because you are racist, its because its best for your family relationships, it builds trust, etc
now image everyone in the country were treated like family (which can only happen in an ethnostate).
people would have less reason to steal, because they would be stealing from family
politicians would have less reason to lie, because they would be lying to family
freedom wouldnt need to be taken away by big government, because people treat their family with respect and restrictive laws arent needed

does this sound like a country you want to live it? I do.



If even 1/25th of these immigrants actually had higher iq their countries of origin might not be such dilapidated shit holes to begin with and they wouldn't need to immigrate anywhere.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

Yes, I would still fight white genocide if the people replacing us were Chinese anyone that wouldn't because they have high IQ's is a fucking retard.

The most Canadian shitpost I've seen all week. Thanks, Chong.

Look at the chest, hands, feet, and adonis belt. Dats a man.

Why does the exact nature of my issue with them matter?
I'm the indigenous population, I should be the one to decide if I want immigrants or not, and I don't owe anybody an explanation.

> niggers or mudslimes with an IQ above 50

Nah. Too rare to justify letting all the others chimp the place up.

And lack of fat in thighs even being thin. 100% cartoon male twink larping as female human larping as catkin.

Preferably with an IQ over 115. Something clearly better than our own. If we're gonna let people in, lets make sure we'll forever be better off for it.

i have no problem with Immigrants,
but refugees.

learn the language, adapt to local culture, know the law, or get kicked the fuck out.


Yes, because intelligence regression toward the mean and further ethnic and racial strife (just less violent, and only for the short term).

They're only in if they're white. The US is too close to a white non-majority for any other answer.

>They just want to live a better life

Man, I hate this excuse liberals throw around
>"They just want a better life, don't Republicans know this?"
If Republicans didn't know this then they're fucking idiots. Ofcourse they want better lives, it's how they go about it that's a problem, and a logical fallacy to think that denying someone a better life their way means you want them to suffer.

"Hey Mr Neurosurgeon, you have such a fancy mansion with multiple rooms you never use, don't you wish I also had a better life like you do"
"Ofcourse I do"
"Well then let me live in your mansion and also fuck one of your daughters, I'll definately have a better life then"
"Waa, waaa, he doesn't care about me at all"

Human garbage like liberals, zionists and all around those of inferior genetic stock make the world shitty and people selfish as fuck, because anytime someone shows a little compassion and selflessness they exploit it like the opportunistic inferior fucks they are.

No. But I just want to make sure we're clear on this:

>any race
>IQ > 100

There's only two races who consistently meet this humble criterion: white and Asians.

As for criminal record, it's important to examine what crimes people have committed. For instance, there are laws against blasphemy in certain countries. I don't violating this law should preclude someone from entering the US, particularly if they are intelligent, well educated and have something to offer the private sector, especially in STEM.

>civic nationalists

So whites and east asians?

link to video??

It would be better tham it is now, byt regression to the mean would cause low iq children, I also think theres more to the problems of diversity than just iq differences, i think behavior is independantly linked to racial genetics and causes further problems culturally

If you want to sustain growth it can be very hard to do so (at least for the foreseeable future) without a growing population. Standards of living will inevitably decline if your working population begins to shrink relative to the retired since you have fewer resources to use over a greater population.

You do have to justify why the benefits of protecting an indigenous population are greater than the loss from lower standards of living of said population.

My BLM flag is a joke, by the way. I realize there are people who need this pointed out to them. In fact, fuck it. I'm going back to Kekistan.

>refugee with high iq and zero murders

Ofcourse they are welcome! Now find me at least one.

Yes, because they're more valuable in their home country.

would bang

>hello pol, am i le based black man?

reddit is down the hall and to the left

I have no issue with this. One of my best friends is mixed race with a Nigerian father and white Australian mother and he's the smartest dude I've met. It used to give me cognitive dissonance because I thought all black people couldn't properly embrace white western Australian culture, it didn't make sense to me that he was black because he didn't
>act black

His Dad is hard working and came here to escape the hell that is Africa.

I don't respect immigrants who come here to take advantage of welfare. I respect hard working, intelligent immigrants who come, adapt to the culture and contribute. Having a strong family is most important, but they have to be willing to adapt.


I don't trust the chinese to tell the truth. Their country is full of human filth. They are probably only allowing top tier people to take the tests, and then fudge up the answers even more.


I just read this.
Scottish university tells international students that it's NOT ok to defecate in the bushes and trash cans.
Now, I am an Immigrant with Italian background, we have culture, science and arts.
We never crap on the streets.
Muslims, sure they do.

regression to the mean says no

MX looks light green but there is no green? Is it implied that means a number between 85 and 90?

But how is that anyone else's business?
You're aruing for immigration on an economical basis, I'm just saying I don't want it.
Or what, do you think the IMF should have the power to force countries to accept migrants?

Yes. Immigrants with high IQs should focus on improving their home country in whatever way they can. If America continues to import high IQ individuals then other countries remain shitholea and rely on others for help and support. People of the same ethnicity should help their fellow brethren.

Yes, they are going to make half breeds if you let them in.

God damn giving women the vote was a terrible idea. White women didn't do too bad this election if I'm being completely honest though.


Why is saying 'international students' more acceptable than 'Muslim students'?
Both of them are a broad generalization. In both cases, you're going to lump together well-groomed people with street shitters.

I don't want to sustain growth, I'm fine with a declining total GDP if living standards can be raised to pre-immigration levels

Not if their women were hot.

And im being serious

IQ is for retards. Immigration laws already favor people with desirable professional experience. For example, if you are an MD you can easily get into the US. We don't need more burger flippers or welfare fags, but we can always use more professionals and skilled workers and they already have a reasonably easy time getting a visa and eventually citizenship.

No because you'd get fucked over.

Everybody is ethno-centric except western cucks.


i love how east Asians are completely forgotten in this fuckery of race mixing and debauchery


That leads to a brain drain in their country of origin, which makes things shittier there. The West simply doesn't have the resources to help even a percent of those living in poverty by allowing their migration. Closed migratory borders between economically disparate nations is the only effective and compassionate solution to poverty on a global scale.

>But how is that anyone else's business?
You need people to help your economy grow and people overseas need jobs

>You're aruing for immigration on an economical basis, I'm just saying I don't want it.
You do have to look at it from all angles. I can't just insist on looking at how good abolishing agriculture would be from the perspective of a cow I have to look at all its impacts.

Think about it in terms of standards of living though. Your GDP per capita will slowly sink and all kinds of technological and scientific progress will slow down.

Honestly, I wish we could send the people with 100 would be acceptable insofar as it's better than nothing.

No criminal record would be nice too, though perhaps exceptions could be made for certain crimes. Like if that person did something that was considered illegal in their country that's perfectly legal in the country they're emigrating too. Though I suppose the argument could exist that it shows that they're more likley to be deviant and break laws in the future, so that's something that would have to be up for debate.

I would also say that it should be a requirement that they either can speak the native language fluently or that they are signed up for mandatory classes so that they learn to speak the language as quickly as possible.

Finally, it would be best if they had valuable skills. You can be reasonably intelligent, speak the language, and have no criminal record, but if you're just going to come and take some entry level position from someone who's already here, then what's the benefit of even allowing you to come?

Are they leaving behind a low iq population that can't maintain the infrastructure which will eventually cause the low iq population to migrate?

But if, let's say, a country has a referendum and it shows that the overwhelming majority of people are against accepting migrants, shouldn't that be respected?
Just answer me this, please.

Yeah, mainly because if you started to let in migrants the population would lose their shit (given the consensus was overwhelming enough).

>Dork against pork
I lost my shit reading that.

I'm a 23 y.o lawyer, do I fit in? Also planning to get a PhD and maybe get another degree like politics or eng

>"Well then let me live in your mansion and also fuck one of your daughters, I'll definately have a better life then"

This assumption is not in align with OP's. More accurate one would be:

"Well then let me live in your mansion and I graduated from XXX University currently working as a GP (lower than Neurosurgeon but still a doctor) without any criminal record can speak fluent English love corrupted western consumerism culture. And of course I'm going to FUCK one of your daughters but only under her consent"

Three reasons why I would be opposed:
1 - Regression to the mean.
2 - I find whites the most aesthetic of all races and want to preserve it like I want to preserve panda bears.
3 - Even if every non-white coming in has an equal or greater IQ than the native whites, I would still be opposed because diverse groups of people trying to occupy the same space ALWAYS causes conflict. Look at Tibet being flooded out by Han Chinese.

Whites only, keep the White race pure as possible

In numbers small enough that they cant significantly fuck with the current demographics? sure.

Human bonds are formed over shared blood, soil and experience civcuck. ALL three of those.
Even blood.
The behavior of the darker races is a secondary concern to the unity of our nation.

yes, we're full and don't need more shits to blame crimes on


I would guess that we have a surplus of lawyers, but an engineer with professional experience could probably get a visa pretty easily. I know there are a fuck-ton of indians here for tech jobs, and I'm pretty sure they're almost all legal immigrants with work visas.

>being a civic """""nationalist"""""

This ().

Regression to the mean is real.

because their notion of a better life is basically a life outside of their current environment/country

so what's wrong with their current environment? corruption, pollution, overpopulation, crime, unemployment?

sounds like the result of unsustainable human activity caused by...themselves

so why should we import the very problem these people are seeking to run away from?

travel abroad and youll see what I mean ,its no wonder western inhabitants are selfish and territorially defensive, we look after our societies....these people dont

Pol is already taking a issue on it

>highly educated middle easterns

1) They come from different cultures, so they will clash. Sometimes those clashes get violent. Most people will put up with cultural clashing for visitors. However that tolerance does not extend to people who want to live here long term.

2) No criminal record means very little. Highly corrupt countries, like Saudi Arabia, often will clear any wrong doing with a well placed bribe or threat. Then there are other countries were records are scarce at best, like Somalia.

3) Countries have limited resources. Every migrant that comes in needs a certain share of resources. That share must come from someone's share. Our shares are supposed to be for our kids. Why should we hand it over because someone from India wants to live here?

4) Migrants pull money out of the economy. They send some of their money to their family back in their home countries. They also like to eat familiar imported food. As a result the average migrant takes a lot more money out of the local economy than locals do. Their contributions have to be a lot larger than they currently are to even come close to the drainage.

5) If they are too smart they cheat the system. Why work when the government will pay for you to have as much as you need? Why bother trying to integrate when bleeding heart liberals will push for your cause? They know they got society around their little fucking fingers and they know how to abuse it. At least the stupid ones get caught when they try to cheat everyone around them.

Yes, it's always pussy hungry men that move in. I don't want more men competing for my women. doesn't matter what race they are.
