What did Trump mean by this?

What did Trump mean by this?

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He means that people who have given up looking for work are not included in the commonly cited "U3" unemployment metrics.

You're only unemployed if you're not on welfare
Think about it you're getting paid to sit at home by tax payers
It's a government job with a lot of benefits duh

>What did Trump mean by this?
Sound pretty simple to me. Are you retarded user? what didn't you understand

If you've been unemployed for 4+ months you drop off the statistic and are no longer labelled "unemployed." You just don't exist as part of the statistic. This is how "unemployment went down under Obama." So many people couldn't find jobs for so long that they just dropped off the unemployment tracking chart.

Dumb system desu.

>What did Trump mean by this?

What it says. Statistically you are only counted as unemployed if you are actively looking for work.

It's not dumb. It's malevolent.

Sup Forums ridiculed Obama for years for saying something almost identical, but now that Trump is saying it, it'll get a free ride.

It blows my mind how you lot are so blinded by the identity of the person doing something that you can't ever evaluate the actual merits of the act/speech.

you mean manipulative

He's not wrong, though. Under the current Obama-era system, people who have given up looking for a job are no longer considered "unemployed". The actual unemployment % is probably higher than reported because of it, unfortunately.

I meant what I said.

This jew is right

>Sup Forums ridiculed Obama for years for saying something almost identical
obama specifically changed the definition of unemployed and unemployment to such a narrow specific definition for strictly political reasons. Hes never shown any signs of changing that definition and encouraged it to enhance his image, he's never said anything like this. Id like to see a source holier-than-thou faggot

That's because it was the Obama administration who implemented the system in order to make his economic policies look better than they were.

They deserved the ridicule. Trump's clearly making an effort to change it.



I've always heard this, but whenever i search for it: I only find right-wing nutjobs.

I want to believe it, I just can't find it in writing anywhere.


Hidden unemployment
Hidden, or covered, unemployment is the unemployment of potential workers that is not reflected in official unemployment statistics, due to the way the statistics are collected. In many countries only those who have no work but are actively looking for work (and/or qualifying for social security benefits) are counted as unemployed. Those who have given up looking for work (and sometimes those who are on Government "retraining" programs) are not officially counted among the unemployed, even though they are not employed.

The statistic also does not count the "underemployed"–those working fewer hours than they would prefer or in a job that doesn't make good use of their capabilities. In addition, those who are of working age but are currently in full-time education are usually not considered unemployed in government statistics. Traditional unemployed native societies who survive by gathering, hunting, herding, and farming in wilderness areas, may or may not be counted in unemployment statistics. Official statistics often underestimate unemployment rates because of hidden unemployment.


He was addressing the difference between U3, the official employment number, and U6, which considers underemployed and people who have stopped looking for work. If people stop looking for work they are no longer counted under U3 but are still counted in U6.

Hes right all western cuntries do this to hide real unemployment.
Unemplyment is over 1/4th of the population.

>this post
Its literally explained at universities.

>This is how lazy and dumb Americans are

dude they literally spell it out on the FRED site. It's not a meme, it's just how they rank certain types of unemployment.

Check U3-U6 unemployment graphs

Or wait for obamaleaf threads they'll get posted there along with food stamp statistics and pictures of bill lying about the debt being paid off

Any economics textbook, did economics back in school, there's some pretty retarded terms like that used a lot. Also they try to make simple things sound really complicated.

if a quarter of the population is unemployed and half the workforce is government employed, that means 37.5% of the population is paying for the wages/salaries/welfare of the other 62.5%

Kids don't have jobs, 90 year olds don't have jobs, happily staying at home mothers don't have jobs, but they aren't considered unemployed.

not an argument

lol? it's common in Finland too, where I'm from. It's not even a secret. You might just want to read the policies itself and find out how it works.

This is taught in first year econ classes. Not exactly right wing nut job institutions, mate.

Its called labor force participation rate

When im saying 1/4th thats the minimum its most likely to be the truth is more terrifying especially in a recession.
Theres a reason why its fudged to hide it from people.

Take the figures that are 25%+ with a grain of salt

They'll include children and senior citizens

Like that "US has 47% unemployment rate" or w/e ridiculous number it was. Those people do not work and never will, every societies working population since the dawn of civilisation has had to support both children and the elderly.

But yes the real unemployment rate + underemployment rate would be like ~20% in even "good" Western countries.

Also consider that society should function without even all working age people working. Working is an end, in an ideal world less people working would be a good thing. For most of Western society, only 25-35% of women worked. After the feminist movement that number has risen to 60-70%.

wrong, they counted part time as employment when really a part time job isnt and at the same time didnt count those who arent looking anymore.

What he's saying is that people who are not actively seeking work are not considered "unemployed". Thus there are millions upon millions of people in America who are out of work, but are not "unemployed".

The real story is told by the workforce participation rate, which is hovering near all time lows

You can take it with a grain of salt all you like but when you look at the numbers following the real unemployment it usually hits big percentages.

And u6 dropped just like u3? I don't understand the rage

There has been no recovery.
But that's a pretty old meme.


It is workforce participation rate, you are not considered unemployed if you are retired, underage, or a discouraged worker. This isn't right wing nutjob shit.

>More parasites is a good thing

It's a sad state of affairs that work is seen as the only form in which someone can contribute to society

More people are working today than ever before. Were there more leeches in the past? Are women who have families leeches?