Other urls found in this thread:
WAPO : Special counsel is investigating Trump for obstruction of justice
Russia Today : Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction of justice. Impeachment is possible
USATODAY : Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction, reports confirmed
FOXNEWS:Mueller probe now includes investigation of Trump for obstruction of justice
Jim Acosta broke the news about Jeff Sessions testifying. You weaboos are a bunch of snowflakes
it's not in his timeline.
what obstruction retarded cuck
fucktard he also said Trump didn't visit Scalise. He's a lying douchebag
Hes been on the case for exactly a month. This faggot has less than Comey, and Comey had jack shit.
Literally nothing.
fake news, nothing on twitter. OP's 6th thread on this in last hour. check 'em and go to bed.
Get the jumpers, faggots are being uppity.
That's good though - if he's testifying this early the odds are good it's gonna be a quick, straightforward "he didn't do jack shit, let's move on". At which point the Dems will have LITERALLY nothing left as now the former director of the FBI, the Attorney General, and the special investigator will have all cleared Trump of any wrongdoing.
Quick summary:
>No we don't have evidence of Trump unlawfully colluding with Russia
>No we don't have evidence of Trump's officials unlawfully colluding with Russia
>But we're going to try for obstruction
>Because he fired Comey, who was tasked with finding evidence of Russian collusion
bad karma
they're trying to muddy the waters because sessions so obviously laid the groundwork for donnie casino to do his thing in front of everybody. this spectacle will bite them in the ass majorly
Reeeeeeee! Trump said "hope" and fired the lanky pussy!! Impeachment imminent!!
They actually do this.
Every witness says "Wtf are you talking about?"
There's no evidence.
Kamala starts popping her booty because she got muted by mod.
Trump fires Mueller from the non investigation.
Lockherup happens.
Trump 2020.
How can he give public testimony on a private investigation? Maybe it's a good thing, maybe it will put this whole thing to rest. I have a feeling he's going to give comey-like answers the whole time, though, and let the media use his imprecise answers as a way to spin an anti-Trump narrative for the next 4 months.
Mueller can investigate Loretta Lynch and her pressure on Comey
They found the smoking gun awfully fast. Then again Trump is blatant and bad at hiding his crimes. He's not crafty like Tricky Dick or Slick Willy.
You think the left is through burning down their party yet? Nope, the media has the Democratic party on life support and it's fight or die. They've placated to the lunatic fringe of their party for so long that it's become the voice of the left. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
Who is mueller? Wtf is going on?
I wonder what the fuck all the feel good idiots will do when the deep realization that Pence is the actual boogeyman they all chirped that Trump is. They'll have already burned up all their "russian" credit and now they have a more calmer republican that speaks to christfags in middle america AND not be as polarizing to the right as Trump.
inb4 suicide
lawl drumpf btfo taken out faster than nixon!
The Special Investigator sent by the Justice Department to find evidence that Trump committed crimes. He is known to be one of the toughest investigators in America. And he already has the evidence on Trump. If Mueller says Trump is guilty, Congress will believe him over Trump in an instant. His reputation is as pure as they come. Trump might actually be finished this time because there's no escaping Mueller when he's on a case. Which is why it was reported that Trump was looking to fire Mueller, which Trump's people advised against because it would be essentially an admission of guilt to fire Comey then Mueller back to back for investigating him.
Mueller: Comey told me that trump said he hoped he would leave Flynn alone.
The law: Can anyone corroborate this story?
Mueller: No but but but
The law: Case closed
You donrealise it doesn't matter what the committee believes its what the can prove, this isn't he said she said school yard shit.
>And he already has the evidence on Trump
[Citation needed]
I bet he has the tapes. Why else would he testify so quickly? You don't testify this soon unless you've found something significant to warrant major and immediate action.
>no investigation on trump
>comey is fired
>suddenly, new evidence will come out of nowhere
the president can fire the director at any time. the special counsel will find that there is still no proof, and no obstruction of justice.
why is the left stupid
Nominated by Bush exactly one week before 9/11 happened. Yeah, this guy is dirty as a bag of shit.
What logic looks like when your blinded by the result you want.
fake tweet
but I'm looking forward to more liberal "watch parties" having their hopes crushed by another fat juicy nothingburger
I think he cant mention anything from the investigation. It is as secret as Comeys was when he was "investigating"
Maybe CNN paid the senate for some ratings.
Coats (DNI) and Rogers (NSA) refused to answer the Senate Intel Committee whether or not Trump asked them to drop the Flynn/Russia investigation, citing some kind of executive privilege, which can be waived in case of criminal investigations (e.g. Nixon tapes). So if he asks them for an answer they will legally be compelled to answer
Yeah because those two things are related somehow.
You're retarded and should kill yourself.
You have a Precident you want to get impeached but you don't have nothing on him? No worries, just accuse him about contacting aliens from Mars and do it without evidence so long that he will lose his shit for not being able to do his job and fires somebody at intelligence. Now you have a Precident preventing "an investigation". IMPEACH!
I cannot possible imagine a Muller hearing reality show before he has completed the investigation.
Can Trump undo the investigation because of the leaks, making it impossible for Muller to take this case without prejudice, and the narrative is already that Trump is guilty? Trump is innocent until proven guilty, but selective leaks combined with non-neutral opinions being forced on the masses, means that investigators and liberal media is colluding to overthrow a government. Shut it down. Shut it all down.
Literally fake news. If liberals were smart, they would say that the obstruction accusation proves that Trump actually colluded but had it covered up.
Nice "evidence" you have there.
Madam president 2016 say it with me
>guys look drumpf's going down again!
>we're sure this time!
I've got $10 grand that literally nothing will come of this. You can rant and rave about having this or investigating that but in the end it either isn't relevant (maddow and tax returns), doesn't turn to your favor (comey), or everyone ignores it after a week (warren). When you fucks can get actual proof instead of sensational headlines, I'll give you the attention you so desperately cry for.
you have to be retarded to not realize that trump is the one holding on to tapes if they exist
sessions left all the blanks for donnie to fill in his own words.
don't forget that the president can declassify whatever he wants.
Well Trump is the biggest zionist/saudi shill in the history of the american presidents so if they impeach im it might mean that jewish control over the USA is weakening somewhat.
Fake tweet. Everyone can stop LARPibg now.
Like over 60% of americans want him impeached and there is a lot implicating evidence against him already.
Its over.
Trump is finished and will get impeached within the month.
Its been nice posting with all of you on this ride.
Leak: dems got sessions to purger himself, this hearing will prove this
>you have to be retarded to not realize that trump is the one holding on to tapes if they exist
USA isn't a full dictatorship and president isn't above the law even in presidential system.
anyone feel they are turning this into a TV show to get ratings
No where in that article says Mueller will testify next week. Try harder fag.
what evidence?
Reminder that ultra liberal jew law professor agrees trump cannot obstruct justice in this case.
Trumpucks will probably say the same when he gets removed from office and then argue that he's actually still the president because of the reddit chess meme.
>Was reported that Trump was looking to fire Mueller
Why do you losers depend on outright lies to push your bullshit? Trump was not looking to fire him, some reporter twisted what Sekulow said to get clicks. The left is using this to convince fellow lemmings that Trump will surely be impeached any day now.
What is your source for that?
He's going to take down Trump just like Comey and Sessions did.
>I bet he has tapes
This is like explaining something to my 12 year old brother. You don't even know what you don't know.
Seriously though, Trump was a fucking idiot for allowing for this special investigation thing to happen. People warned him that it would be a bad political movie regardless of the outcome.
The guy was the main force behind covering up 9/11 to make Bush's invasion of Iraq possible. Anyone familiar with what he did knows he's just a tool for (((them))). What comes of this special counsil will be whatever the deep state wishes it to be, their only worry is probably that Trump has filled his cabinet with military, and how Trump will respond if they try to take him out with manufactured 'evidence'. I don't think they have the balls to risk it.
>thinking you know more about what's really going on than trump
Yes goy keep reading CNN
He's right you know
why are david brock shills excited? you do realize that he's going to clear trump, right?
otherwise he wouldn't testify, he would just bring up charges
Lmao his conflict of interest is even bigger than Trump's dailycaller.com
The fact Dershowitz shills for trump is either bannon playing 18D chess or proof Trump is Israel first.
Fire Mueller
Trump can't fire Muller, the AG can and in this case that's the deputy AG Rosenstein. If Trump wants to fire Muller he has to fire them all down to a subordinate that wants to fire Muller, and then Nixon's Watergate is revived.
Based on all of COmey's hearing, they really have nothing substantial for obstruction of justice, even if some new FBI memos were to show up it means Comey perjured himself because he repeated that that's the only time Trump or anyone of his administration approached him on the Flynn situation and he fibbed between it being an "order" and it not being. Muller has to decide if it was and if, "I hope you can see things through" coupled with Comey's firing is considered obstruction without investigating Lynch and Obama, then justice is dead.
>He is known to be one of the toughest investigators in America
yeah, i've heard he and comey have been investigating each others asses pretty tough
Fire Mueller.
So he can finally fire Mueller after he testifies and perjures himself multiple times like Comey did. This is good.
[This post cannot be viewed in an open hearing]
Fuck Drumpf, I hope this orange dorito crashes and burns in his 2 scoops of Russian piss.
Saudi, Jew, shill, Russian, call Trump whatever you want.
But don't forget this.
When they come for Trump, they come for you, White Man.
explain to me why this is an important thing and what the potential consequences are
Fire his ass.
Would rather be a cumskin than a shitskin. Women want cum. They don't want shit. Cum helps create life. Its job is to produce. Shit is worthless human waste of no productive value.
Special Mueller is an office toad bureucrap who hired leftover Clinton minions to go after trump. It ain't gonna work out for dems, the Clinton star has set.
If you use this stupid ass normie word then please kys. It's abundance of cringe triggers me.
So much testimony, so little said.
Why is the Mueller team now leaking?
More likely he's getting out in front of the whole thing by taking the position outlined in the law. That way when every screaming liberal in the country goes down in flames, he can paint himself as reasonable
the funny thing is if trump had lost, the republicans would continue like nothing happened.
dems lost even with all the rigging and billions and the world is ending (and they're starting to actually act like it too).
We can only hope that Pence was a deep cover agent for the globalists, but over time Trump redpilled him and turned him into a double agent
There isn't any. If they had evidence they would have brought it forward already. They will literally be talking about the 2016 election during the 2020 trump re-election.
>The guy who is investigating shit at the request of Congress will talk to Congress
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