
What's the deal with Romania?

I rarely hear about them.

Are they white?

Romanian is a Romance language - is this good or bad?

Gypsies? Muzzos? Poor people?

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Mix of turks and europeans

>Are they white?
Yes. We are a mix of Romans and Slavs.

>Romanian is a Romance language - is this good or bad?
I like it this way because it reflect our shared heritage with The Roman Empire. The thing is that we had lots of influence from Russia and and and now our language is more like a mix with mainly Romance and Slav words.

>Gypsies? Muzzos? Poor people?
We have a 3.3% gypsy population but at least we are not race-mixing.

What is a Muzzo?

We have a fair amount of poor people, but they are poor because they refuse to work and they just spend all their money on strong spirits and cigarettes.

You are thinking of Bulgarians.

Muzzo means mixed
Pretty much what this guy said
Din ce judet esti?

>Are they white?
>Romanian is a Romance language - is this good or bad?
>Gypsies? Muzzos? Poor people?
No. No. No.

t. NOT romanian

Eu stiam de blanda upp dar de muzzos nu am auzit in viata mea.

they are roma not roman

they are a subhuman race of slav gypsies, a rare form of genetic scum, probably even worst than niggers, their main behavior is rapings and stealing elder people
they live in trailers
they are a mix of slavs, bulgarians, gypsies etc
really one of the most disgusting worthless races on earth.
in the city of bucharest these rumenian gypsie kids eat glue as drug, they live inside sewers, entire families, they are like rats, worst then niggers, in italy are hated and hunted by everybody, many of them are killed or gunned down, they are very ashamed of theirself and alway tries to deny that they are the worst subhuman species after niggers , sandniggers, and albanians
picture related.

Inseamna ori 'mixed' de la mulatto, ori 'muslim', de la muzzy, oricum intelegi ideea.
Have a (you)

The country was named after the roman empire with Trajan, civilized this dump and enstablished there a little roman colony.

gypsies are from india, *aggot, not from romania

country of gyppos

Seeing this comment from our best neighbor brings a tear to my eye :(

Pure Latin SPQR here.

Birds are VERY important.

I remember watching a documentary about life in Bucharest. I could understand up to certain degree everything they talked about. Their women are hot.

please tell more about birds

Winter Soldiers

I was romanians a few times.
They are brown and have dark eyes, but they behave like europeans. And they drink and fight a lot, but it's ok for me.

They are very important, that's it

We're a corrupt shithole. A lot of people are stupid, lazy liars who cut corners any time they have the possibility. On the positive side, we're patriotic and we disregard life when our values are attacked.

>we're patriotic and we disregard life when our values are attacked.

That's what stupid people take pride in, they renounce their individualist drives when the hive mind is attacked, literally primitive. Values are subjective anyway.

>And they drink and fight a lot, but it's ok for me.

That's what every slavshit does, these are default lowlife pastimes in eastern Europe. They aren't all brown, have you been to the south or what? In Moldavia there are a lot of people who actually looks like hohols.

oy vey

Why is that republic called Moldova? It should be the same dispute as with northern Greeks (Macedonians) and FYROMians, but it's not unfortunately.

I would like it to be called FSROM (Former Soviet Republic of Moldova) instead of Moldova, because when I talk about heritage with a dumb burger or westerner and I say that I am Moldavian he thinks that I am from FSROM.

> best neighbour
you misspelled subhuman Slavic trash.
Ca țară trebuie să recunoaștem Kosovo.

>they renounce their individualist drives when the hive mind is attacked, literally primitive.
The external factors now demand this. The fact that any of us will put up a fight is a discouraging factor to rapeugees, thus the survival of the Romanian is more probable than that of any Western progressive cuck precisely because we are 'primitive'. The new is just the forgotten old.



more like mix of gypsies, turks, asiatic nomadic hordes, hungarians, thracians, slav who think their language has something to do with Rome and latin when they dont sound the same at all.

>shitskin tier

>subhuman Slavic trash.

If they are subhuman and trash we are as well.

If you talk about recognising smol Kosova you can post a picture of yourself while you're at it, should some Albanian sculptor build you a statue.

I don't see how exactly will the western nation not survive. Maybe discrimination have brought them to this stage where brown people commit crimes without consequences. If the laws were applied correctly and there were no loopholes allowing SJWs to call "racism" loudly, there would be no problems of this kind.

Ah, and there is the welfare as well. I would have no problems with brown people or niggers if they didn't receive welfare - they would be mere cheap labour.

Thanks Hiro for adding those flags; do you think you can hide, Zoli?

Implying Italian sounds like Latin.
> Our grammar is closer to Latin than any other language.

Romanian specialists in international public law helped RM in gaining national recognition.
It's also not a problem like Macedonia vs Greek Macedonia because Romania is not constitutionally divided in regions like Greece. Our regions only have historical value, no administrative importance.

>we are as well.
Sunt din Ardeal. E mai probabil să am sânge de ungur decât de slav.

>no administrative importance

Unfortunately. As a southern Moldavian I feel bad for being mingled with counties from the Turkish vilayets. Our administrative capital is in the midst of the Turkish vilayet as well.

Hungarians aren't steppe warriors anymore, they are a mix of west Slavs, south Slavs and Austrians.

>If the laws were applied correctly
That's the problem. The people don't take a stand against the destructive policies because they're too individualistic. They don't have a community anymore, that's what allows their colonization.

I am extremely individualistic as well, but individualism means capitalism, not socialism. Capitalism means no welfare, when these migrants are actually exploited so as to get a wage and not allowed to leech off.

I am more individualistic than a SJW whore, don't soil individualism with anything SJW.

I met a few Romanians in London, they were white, I thought they were nice at first. Then the dude touched my ass, did not end well. I was 15yo skinny girl

>I was 15yo skinny girl

H-How old are you know? If over 18, can I see your penis?

>As a southern Moldavian I feel bad for being mingled with counties from the Turkish vilayets.
We're divided as we are. If you recognize regions, you'll have separatism in no time.



don't listen to him, you're our only neighbor we don't have any beef with.
He's probably upset because of the gypsies that came from your country.
We need to team up and send them all to America or something

wait. I know this one. They make a salad or some shit.

Is dominos still open?

I'm 19, and you can, if you're a girl. I think I became a lesbian because of those dudes ;)

They are the niggers of Europe.

pls be from south Dalmatia I'll turn you straight again

From a french point of view, Romania is the most similar country(equal as Italy) to France in term of ethnicity, valors, language etc..

Grammar is the same, its a latin country.

Romanians =/= Roms. Its a common missconception.

The only difference is the wealth per hab, but its due to their history during 20th century.

When everyone in the society is individualistic they are reluctant to unite and defend as a whole. Which makes each of them vulnerable if attacked by a group. That's Europe's problem, they do not have a sense of community, the state has become something above the nation that affords to impose whatever the agenda says because there is no real threat that individuals will gang up and protest against something that is 'politically correct'

Muzzo = mudslime = muslim

All the ones you see in the UK (and there are many of them) are subhuman trash. They don't work, they're rude, they loiter around wearing too much leather and smoking counterfeit cigs, jabbering loudly in their shit language because they're too dumb or too lazy to learn English. Still doesn't stop hem getting their bennies under our shit tier system.

Niggers of Europe is the best description.


Alright Radu

There's nothing happening here, we're not interesting at all, leave us alone.

It's a country full of retards and poor people.

I try not to identify myself with the deeds of my ancestors, but we have to agree that Moldavia was the one keeping the country alive before Russians arrived and took Moldavia as tribute. Moldavia was the last to fall to the Turks, Moldavia have only bowed to the Poles.


No, our taxonomy is different


Nice English Pierre, I think you meant "values". Nevermind, we culturally are different from you. Our dishes are of Balkan and Russian descent, we haven't got anything in common.

Just the language is Latin and inasmuch as it has got some resemblances. Anyway, our Latinity is mostly artificial and many words have been hauled from French into Romanian in an attempt to make our language sound more Latin.

Violence is never the answer. Individualism is the way, and when the state doesn't pry too much or even doesn't exist at all, the brownies don't thrive because there is no welfare. Notice how they are all dwelling on welfare and committing crimes? Well, they wouldn't be able to do so anymore.

>>they renounce their individualist drives when the hive mind is attacked, literally primitive.
>The external factors now demand this. The fact that any of us will put up a fight is a discouraging factor to rapeugees, thus the survival of the Romanian is more probable than that of any Western progressive cuck precisely because we are 'primitive'. The new is just the forgotten old.
Bravo .

ahem, that would be us

I'm not a girl. But are you? If you really are a girl, I'd like to see your penis.

The population is a mix of Latins left over from the Roman Empire and Slavs which have migrated there over the millennia. They used to be an advanced country on par with Western Europe until Communism wrecked them. Their economy grows at about 15% per year though, so in a few more decades they should be a rich country. They are also obsessed with Plums.

>Their economy grows at about 15% per year though, so in a few more decades they should be a rich country.
literally fucking what
>They are also obsessed with Plums.
That'd be us in fact. We produce more plums than the USA

A bunch of vampires n sheeeeiiit

We turn the plums into țuică/rachiu, they are not to be eaten in the rough.

Romanians are good. But not the people who are called Roma (Sinti), Yeah, that traveler people. Those are the worst

She could use some meat on those bones though


So you are basically saying a few of them will be incredibly wealthy businessmen while the rest of the population is on welfare like USA.

we had several nurses from romania for our sick dad.
3/3 were disgusting camel drivers that stank like goat's ass!!!

Greater Hungary when?

Here's a (you) horvátbro

oh don't forget they be Dacians n shieet.

There are some white, blue-eyed German minority in Romania. They should come home to defend their motherland.

everyone hates the Romanians across europe, they have the worst reputation as thieving, lying bastards.

seems harsh, all the ones i've met seem like good people.

soon I hope. Those poor Hungarian souls forced to live with turkroach overlords all over again thanks to France being a faggot of a country.

>There are some white, blue-eyed German minority in Romania.
You mean half german at this point. Their parents all pretty much married random local women. And they do the same.

soon I hope. Those poor Hungarian souls forced to live with turk roach overlords all over again thanks to France being a faggot of a country.


>mix of Romans

>descendands of roman empire
why do you people even type stuff up if you don't know what happened, first of all romanians are not latins, they have a completely different haplogroup than italians, they have i1b haplogroup which is a carpatian group while italians have a completley different one, and Trajan "conquered" only 16% of dacia after getting BTFO multiple times and having to build the most expensive and longes bridge at the time to be able to provide with troops.

Romanians are dacians, not latin, not slavic

we're pretty white, gypsies are scum and should be fucking killed, they give us a bad reputation

The origin of the holy Romanians:

As the legend says, there were two brothers: Romulus and Remus. But through the history, people have forgotten the third brother Romanius.

Romulus and Remus got fed by the female wolf, but they didn't left space for Romanius. Romanius was hungry, so he found a male wolf and started to suck on it's cock. There comes the name dako-roman (dako means cue, which refers to penis). After Romulus killed Remus, to avoid death he went to Wallachia, where he met a wagon of gypsyes. He joined their family and became their leader.

Source: Gesta Romanium

>pic related, ancient warrior of the army of The Romanian Empire

We are south slavs.

>picture source is literally from Szeged, Hungary

nice source you have there mate, is that what your history teacher told you?

Like that meat you cook under the saddle?

Not true, romanians are a mix of all of those, you can't just simplify it like that. And yes, there is a strong latin ancestry as well, you can see it since a lot of people look italian/ southern french.

Our history teachers feed us lies about SPQR and Dacians only.

They have got the same hair colour and eye colour as the southern Frenchmen and Italians, but our taxonomies are different. These people actually look Balkan.

Maybe you are, you turk rapebaby.

Italians are an etruscan, sabin, celtic, german, greek and Latium was a tiny county that got #rekt hundreds of years till they started conquering

Romanians don't look like italians at all tho.
t. my family works and lives in Italy, I work there too

Gypsies. They only know how to steal things, drink and do shit. Look at the romania people in France, Italy, spain... It's the only thing the know to do, steal, drug dealing and shit

There is literaly nothing wrong with eating horses

lmao, there is no strong latin ancestry dude, there is some latin ancestry but not as much as people tell you, the 16% part of dacia that was "conquered" was under roman rule for only 160 years, and yet romanians speak the same language all over the country, in italy the northern and southern dialects are so different it seems a completley different language, and in palestine and britain they don't speak latin at all, even tho they were occupied by the romans a lot more.
those history teachers should be shot in the back of their heads for not teaching children to be proud of their origins and teach them that nationalism and patriotism is a good thing, i remember we used to sing the romanian anthem back in middle school and pray before and after the religion class, i wonder if they still do that.

do we wanna talk about your gipises giuseppe? or about your neets? are you still living with your mother?

>Romanians don't look like italians at all tho.
Bullshit, romanians look like all kinds of people, if I showed you a picture you couldn't really tell what ethnicity the person is.

> the 16% part of dacia that was "conquered" was under roman rule for only 160 years
That means nothing, England was occupied for hundreads of years and there is much less latin ancestry.
> and yet romanians speak the same language all over the country
Wich supports what i said, if latin ancestry was so small, then why don't romanians speak a slavic language, they conquered us bu we assimilated them.
>, in italy the northern and southern dialects are so different it seems a completley different language,

I'm not from Italy as you can see now. No, I'm not living with my mom, I live in a nice rent house with a nice job and about 70% of romanians I know expend their time drinking, smoking, drug dealing and all that things in their ghettos. They came here only to shit with us, I mean, there are people that works but a great percentage of them are shit. Some of them tried to steal my grandpa house and they fled with some broken bones...

Nationalism is not a good thing. Pointlessly taking pride in subjective values and worshipping ideas of "clay" is not good. You should allow those kids hone their own sets of values and choose their own paths rather than indoctrinating them.

We pray before and after the religion class too, didn't expect this to be done in Italy, I didn't know you are that religious as you are a western country.

>rarely hear about them
>1 post by this ID
God damn it you attention whoring proxygypsy, WE HAVE A FUCKING ROMANIA THREAD EVERY DAY.

Kids want to be led, if it's not parents or institutions, it'll be their local drug dealer.

>>Romanians don't look like italians at all tho.
>Bullshit, romanians look like all kinds of people
Balkans with dark features for the most part. It's a small fraction that could pass as legit slavs with light features. I am one of them, and I take note about this kind of shit walking down the street sometimes.
By small fraction I mean less than third. And I live in north west, that percentage is significantly smaller in the south or east.
As a whole, pretty similar to italians I'd say. A lot more than actual slavs anyway imho. No idea about southern France since I haven't visited.

self hating romanians are just the worst senpai

>Wich supports what i said, if latin ancestry was so small, then why don't romanians speak a slavic language, they conquered us bu we assimilated them.

you really believe that we assimilated their language user?
i am not trying to say all the romanians are good hard working people, if that is what came from what i said i apologize, i was showing ancestry facts, the important thing is that you don't confuse gipsies with romanians, usually is the gipsies that steal and shit, romanians usually do drug and prostiution related stuff, you rarely see them robbing people on the street, those are the gipsies, and the drinking stuff i can't defend it because it's true, romanians like to drink a lot, shitty habit that sadly will not change

Anti nationalist and anti-religion. What a surprise.

You betrayed your fuck buddy in both world wars.Go eat dirt,Mario.

>You should allow those kids hone their own sets of values and choose their own paths rather than indoctrinating them.
>He thinks people have freedom of choice