Thoughts on Rand Paul?

Thoughts on Rand Paul?

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Shitty haircut

Not as good as his father.

Rides the wave. Can't blame him. A positive influence none the less.

Why is everyone I want to vote for an asshole or a creationist; The politician


Seems like a bad ass with how he handled almost getting assassinated

better than 99% of washington

Just ignore his creationist views and focus on the lesser evil against the loony left.

Washington insider. Therefore, cuck.

Paul 2024 is a real possibility if the Democratic Party collapses

Oh c'mon man, he must be at least woke.

Sometimes he seems like he's bought and paid for, he flips sides constantly.

I know most Democrats carry guns, despite being Anti-gun, Surprised Rand wasn't carrying desu.

He and his father are the only sane americans when it comes to foreign policy

He has jew hair. Never trust anyone with jew hair

you don't have to be Christian, but atheism is incredibly ignorant. You have to be a moron to be an an atheist.

Jew hair may not necessarily represent Jewish mentality.


Hes about as tall as your thumbnail

>flips sides constantly

Where has he flip-flopped? And if he has, surely he has to rank among the most principled politicians in DC, relatively-speaking.

gas the curlies, hair war now


Hopefully someday we will call him President Paul.

The Paul family are the real soldiers who fight for our freedom and liberty every single day.

Small target, couldn't hit him.

>Surprised Rand wasn't carrying desu

He was on the field playing baseball



This is certainly not the time to throw war on hair when we are at war against the liberals.

For some reason he's interested in both auditing the fed, which ends it. And simultaneously balancing a budget with fed $$.

I don't understand being fiscally prudent if the monetary system is crooked.

>believing that a sand nigger who may or may have not existed is the son of god.
Wew lad.

Not a fan of nepotism in general. That said, he's a definite force for good in Washington. Less kooky than his father but also less principled.

Ironically, I voted for him in my state. Only because he's consistent and I respect that.

>may or may not have existed
I haven't even met an atheist who contested Jesus Christ's existence. You fedora fucking shits ruin everything.

surprising perspective. lad

He certainly has evolved but he's not like his Father.

And here's the archive

Good Senator but he's a Manlet.

>June 13
>pic related

>June 14
>nearly gets assassinated

Really makes you think

>Implying you don't carry where ever you go.

His hair looks like pubes

Aren't all of our pubes are like that?? Real shit tho.

not as good as ron and closer to a neocon stooge than ron could ever dream of being, but last cycle was running on the platform the closest to the founding fathers' vision for america.

what position does rand play on the baseball team
I heard 3rd base short stop and 2nd base were in the line of fire
I think the guy who got hit was playing 2nd base

>I haven't even met an atheist who contested Jesus Christ's existence.

Big day for you huh? What proof is there that Jesus Christ existed, beside the Bible. Which we know was a collection of stories passed down orally for hundreds of years.

Surely if you find the stories of a man, born to a virgin, who can walk on water, and multiply fish through magic to be utter the least rampant exaggerations. Surely a man named Jesus Christ could have been created as a hero character to perform all these magic tricks.

MUCH better than most. If you compare ANYONE to his dad, they'll come off second best...

He's the most woke christian that we can respect.

CTR? Is that really you???