How can we force Poland to take refugees?
How can we force Poland to take refugees?
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>force Poland
1.Military invasion
2.Soros style color revolution
Good luck!
Europe is giving them a couple of sanctions and they will fold.
Sanctions will be better than being flooded with welfare leeches.
As much as I hate the fucking poles, I wouldn't wish those leeches on anyone. Godspeed, poland.
Of course the sanctions will be tougher than the costs created by refugees.
You will also take some, you are fucking us over right now
I'm not sure that you realize how far the EU are willing to take these sanctions. Merkel & co. are ruthless against those who goes against them. Just look at the brexit situation.
You can't; west fails to realise we do not give shit about money if it means taking terrorists. They think some silly sanctions will make us change our mind, but in reality only thing that will happen is that we will probably leave EU after they do so (because what's the point staying after this).
You said force and this is only way you can do it, by military invasion... but that will kill EU and NATO so that will never happen. So west can either fuck off with their rapefugees that are "worth their weight in gold" or kick us out of EU.
Replace them with Swedes.
>all those beams to hold up the flag pole
fucking hell poland, stop making it so easy
I'm not sure you realise Poland is one of biggest strategic trading partners of Germany... if germans loose us as a partner when we leave EU or get sanctioned their economy will suffer much more than ours.
The real issue of this century is
How do we get israel to accept responsibility for their war mongering and accept the refugees cause by their destruction.
That would be the whole point of the sanctions.
In order for sanctions on an EU memberstate to pass you need the consent of all members. Hungary and Chech will certainly veto.
It's a monument.
Sanctions of course :D
You can't.
Go force one more refugge dick in your ass.
>you are fucking us over right now
my dear yurotrash friend
this is just the begging of us fuckign you over.
The cost of losing sovereignty and ethnic homogeneity lasts until the next ethnic cleansing. Native Americans are still dealing with their refugees.
>EU finally forces Poland to take refugees
>Poland brings in 10k South African boer refugees
I would clap
This, and Germany's economy is hugely dependent on exports. It'd be cutting off the nose to spite the face.
>this is just the begging of us fuckign you over.
what did he mean by this?
Thats why juncker said there will be no sanctions. They are going a different route. Like a breach of contract from polands side
We already took few thousand syrian christians.
Surprise surprise they all were gone to gibsbekrautland in a fucking month. Only to come back asking to remove them from migrant listings so they can get full gibs from merkel.
Sanctions for you too!
We don't. Poland is free and prosperous. They don't need anything but for you to leave them alone.
You could.. you know.. refuse to take them in too
Poland must prepare for their color revolution. I suggest Polacks get some legal weapons for self defense. pic related
Next time they will build container concentration camps and give them euro gibs directly.
>all these retarded scumbag western kikes ((((bantzing)))) as if they can do anything beyond this crock of shit thread to hurt us.
I cant wait till north afrika retaliates for Ghadaffi and burns western yurope down for being parasitic faggots
Pic related
>the goosestep is the right step for me
By converting them into fuel.
We already have some. In the EU they like to punish common sense or the love for your own country.
This is why I fucking hate the new flags. All this fucking larping is cancer.
By removing the money they receive from the eu
I'm a white Euromutt quarter pole US lawyer. Want to move to a V4 before the west falls. Would any of you have me? Would I be able to get a job (any job) without further schooling? Don't currently speak anything but burger, would learn.
I'd have like $100k saved within a couple years if that means anything
Poland defeated the first Muslim invasion. It can defeat the second. Poland will save Europe once more.
For 100k you can get a huuuge house in poland
We don't, kill yourself.
Id be more concerned with integrating into a nice white community than living in huge house.
Poland avoiding the plague is more analogous.
Eurobux were scheduled to last till 2020, so even if they were to do that it won't that big of a deal.
or maybe plague avoided poland?
he's drunk. Stop trying to fill his country with garbage immigrants who don't want to assimilate.
Yeah they plan to sue us. But he forgot we did not sign any suicide pact when we joined... really they do not realise they are basically making us leave EU. West think we need to be in EU at all cost, because without them we are done... nobody here thinks it. They will make us leave EU and they will be suprised it happened.
The EU is built on a German concession (The prized DM) and a French wish (A central bank open to political persuasion).
Fuck no, this time we are waiting for muzzies to kill em all, then we go to "help" them and take all their clay. They fucked us over way too many times in the past, no helping, let them drink what they brewed.
Leave Poland alone you fucking cuck
That's a good idea. Let the libtards die.
You don't or I will gas you.
how do you force refugees to stay in Poland?
Hide them in their porridge.
pretty much this
EU fuckboys will cry but it will change nothing and we will leave
It's typical. The more you force us to do something the more we resist.
Put them on trains...
Sanctions against us would be not in Germany interest considering how many companies they have here
How many refugees would go into the train after you tell them it's destination is Poland.
put a Migrant in every car at the German-Polish border.
They steal the car, they have to take the Migrant
case in point
the fuck ?
get a self loader for more firepower
After the war Helmut K must have thought "If we can't have a German Europe, then we'll have to settle for a European Germany". So the concession was made.
>Soros style color revolution
Didn't they tried that shortly after Trump won?
>EU sanctions against Poland
>EU kicking Poland out
>germoney losing 1/8 of their economic income (we're 8th biggest trade-partner for ger)
>Other countries (especially from V4) follow Poland
>comes to that EU is sanctioning germoney from the income
>having troubles with welfare
>shitskins cost too much for it
>germoney declares war seeing their end
>civil war in western europe
>Poland just has to hold as much as it takes
>EU gets devoured by its ideas
>Poland leads the way of the new european union
it's win-win situation, no matter what
We've already taken more than 1M Ukrainians, what's the deal bro?
Why do you just leave the EU? Hungary too.
Just cut the money lmao
than watch us unroll those red carpets for Mahmud in a hurry
>take all their clay
It is not our clay, therefore we shouldn't annex it. PiĆsudski stole Vilno from Lituanians and after war we lose it and what remained is lithuantian hatred toward us.
Kill all natives then annex it.
The EU is fucking us over, at least let there be some clean country when the day of the rope comes. Poland would be fucking us over if the accepted this EU decision.
Not everything is about the money you repulsive vermin, the safety of knowing that women can walk at night without being gropped or raped is something worth more than any EU gibs.
There's always a fucking Dutch flag with this anti-Polish rhetoric, I wonder what your ethnic origins really are.
>ethnic origins
>you are fucking us over right now
Are you trying to support our cause or disrupt it?
Because that " fucking us over " sounded positive as fuck.
Ah just fucking stop with this whole " Poland will stop invasion " -- And what if we don't ? What if we don't even want to? They fucked us over so many times, let's drain their precious gibs and give nothing back, an eye for an eye.
You do realise that , by sanctioning and then forcing us to take in refugees, nationalists and conservatives will loose their fucking shit.
>inb4 News in germany and sweden : Racist polish nazis beat muslims to death
Wont happen
>There's always a fucking Dutch flag with this anti-Polish rhetoric, I wonder what your ethnic origins really are.
I know, right? Makes you think..
Those r some nice digits Baldilocks. Too bad they won't give u ur hair back LOL
>Those r some nice digits Baldilocks
Holy fuck, now that's rare. I did not notice it!
>Too bad they won't give u ur hair back LOL
>Kill all natives
It is against:
>Sarmatian war law
>Polish constitution
>Polish tradition
sarmatian war law guarantees every human being\nation (who lost a battle\war against us) that he can join our community and if he\they will do it they will be percived equally to us (in laws and in our hearts).
polish constitution forbids any mililitary action other than defence
we are 93% catholic nation, with more than 50% of people who go to church at least one time in a week
polish tradition says that we should follow Jesus Christ, therefore we are obligated to choose greater good instead of our own well-being.
Even if Poland and the rest of the V4 do fold and take refugees, who's to say they won't simply go back to Western Europe?
fucking based poland
they could just take in some, use them as cheap workers and then send them back when the war is over, this would be profitable for the whole EU because wages and cost of living are much lower in eastern shitholes
instead they chose to larp as nazis , while taking EU gibs , not realizing the EU is the only reason they aren't basically starving , and instead of contributing and trying to make the whole of the EU better, they increase the costs dramatically
slavic economies are already really fucking terrible, without the EU, they would be even worse
hope they just leave the EU and get it over with, but they are too spineless for that
cus they rely on EU gibsmedats to stay afloat, these countries produce almost nothing worthwhile, the average wage in them is so low it's more profitable to go and do a shit job in a 1st world country than be a doctor at home most of the times
when dealing with slavs, be ready to get fucked over , so just don't deal with them in the first place , this behaviour is gonna hurt you more than help you in the long run
>the safety of knowing that women can walk at night without being gropped or raped is something worth more than any EU gibs.
but women can't walk at night without being groped or raped in Poland lol
thats the joke, famalam. Im poland you cant obtain anything newer than like 1890 unless you are a hunter or sport shooter. And even then they probably wont let you have semi auto
Then the EU will try to force us to make them stay in here. Next sanctions and shit.
I will try it to explain it to you. If there would be a single case of rape made by a refugee or a terrorist attack in Poland, no muslim can feel safe here anymore. People will start a massive lynches against any person that has got a brown skin, because everyone will want to fight (our national fetish is sacrificing yourself) for the safety of our women and children. We don't want refugees because they will not be safe here.
Me too
off yourself you filthy dutch bastard
poland is pure and should not become refugeestan
Germany knows how to deal with Poland.
Declare hot bavarian women to be refugees.
Poland might take them voluntarily.
you can't force them if they dot want to, thats rape
Wow, women are really ugly.
>, while taking EU gibs , not realizing the EU is the only reason they aren't basically starving
You .. do realise that polish economic growth was halved after joining EU ?
Also, Poland is one of the biggest food exporters in Europe so this whole
>starving - thing
.. is not an argument. Not to mention the fact that Poland exports a lot of food to Germany.
>slavic economies are already really fucking terrible, without the EU, they would be even worse
You don't even realise how heavily is polish industry limited by EU's laws on """"""environment"""""" It basically does not exist at this point
Also this :
fuck off
world war 3 will be fought by free european countries VS the refugee led EU.
one day
and the germans will lose again.
We will organize mass lynches like it's a fucking sport, after we are done, beer, grill and a nice, white Sunday.