antifa are now targeting republican dog owners. wtf is wrong with these ppl?
Antifa are now targeting republican dog owners. wtf is wrong with these ppl?
nope nope nope
these fuckers are gonna get their shit rekt now
Nice bait
I can't find that group on faceberg how did you get that pic
That's a very clever false flag.
Now THIS is crossing a line
you could do years in prison for that, people love their pets
>antifa for islam
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is you larping about.
The moment this happens to my dog, full purge mode.
Your shit is already wrecked if you believe this.
Even this will push Normie's to extermination levels of extreme, nice let's spread it.
We need names
The pic gives it away. Otherwise, Poe's law.
Obvious false flag, but normies will probably believe it
my first thought exactly
Sup Forums really does love spazzing out at a moment's notice without first sniffing for bullshit. Good work to whoever made this though; I could easily see cuckservative facebook groups sharing this around.
>hurting animals to get back at republicans
That is weak, they can't go up to republicans face to face but yet they'll be happy to target an innocent dog
I can't find this face book to report it to the police.
You are actually fucking retarded
you cant hide that leaf from us, Canada
>June 21
Sloppy bait is sloppy
June 21st, huh?
What the fuck!? These people aren't human!
>be anti-fag
>be vegan
>feed thumb-tacks to innocent animals
purge the commies when?
they're scum
Even Antifags love dogs.
link (archive pls)?
smells like bullshit, antifa are often vegan squatters with dogs
>If we kill their dogs they will surely see the light
More and more I want to destroy the evil that is AntiFa. And yes, they are evil - they are so certain in the righteousness of their beliefs they are willing to kill to spread them.
I will fucking murder anyone trying to hurt my dogs.
Good point, anons. I was about to pull out my revolver.
Fuck off, OP.
Fake and gay, just look at the name.
If there was ever a way to get me to give up on my job, my debt, my social responsibilities, and my sense of human compassion, it would be if I found out my dog was poisoned for political purposes.
We are the good guys and you aret he bad guys. Nothing that we antifa do is bad, because we are the good guys trying to fight fascism and fascism is evil. We can do whatever we want because we're the good guys.
i live near there. antifa has no power outside of austin
This is the point that they should be legal to kill
Somebody from the area to report every single person that liked this to the police? That's going too far that's like attacking children.
Why is harming an innocent animal an acceptable way of expressing your anger.
Doesn't this prove that they are sociopaths and should be treated as dangers to society?
Whats stopping them from escalating and harming children next?
link pls obv
And if I ever doubted I was on the side of the good guys... my God. We need to find out who these people are. Photographs, names, addresses. I will do my part.
>no group or post on facebook with that name
>no article like that on
>image used from news article ages ago
>date from either june last year, or the future
cool false flag bait, dipshit. try harder next time.
This is a sockpuppet. There's absofuckinglutely no way they'd willingly tie themselves to the one thing that inspires enough hate to unite their enemies against them.
Uh, no dude. Antifa are the good guys. Haven't you seen Star Wars. You guys are like the Empire and the Dark Side and antifa are the rebels and the Jedis
Same dude.
I agree it must be a bait. Nobody is that retarded.
Same. Attacking my dog is like attacking my wife or kids.
>oh look, somebody left dog food on the ground
>better step on it with bare feet
Yeah, this is not gonna work
No, we are the Republic. Antifa is like the useless droid army being manipulated by an old evil Sith Lord (Soros) to bring about the ACTUAL Empire.
But I know you're just playin ;)
The idea is your dog will eat it and die.
This can't be real.
Too outlandish.
Had me for a clean seven - maybe ten - seconds, though.
yea but I can also see liberals taking the bait
some snot nosed little twerp? oh fucking yes.
What's the point? It's not the dog who's gonna grab a gun and go berzerk on antifa rally
Do this to my dog and I will kill you as brutally as my fascist mind can come up with. Don't even care about jail sentence
Yeah they should try to give those treats to this guy's dog. That'd solve the antifa problem.
The picture of that ""article"" he links was taken from a incident in fucking buenos Aires, kek. Its been a facebook hoax since then.
I thought pol was better than using facebook as a news source, or even trusting anything from screencaps withou checking it. Thats fucking Normie Tier
I'd happily kill someone if I caught them doing this. Laugh all the way to jail. Greet the headsman with a smile.
Antifa doesn't understand a lot of things that they're doing.
Even though it seems like this was fake.
Implying if it happened to my dog and I was aware of these tactics I wouldn't hunt these recessed chinned fucks and kill them bare handed.
Antifa did turn out to protest in favour of shariah (and, in Manchester, terrorism) a few days ago.
I didn't know people came this retarded
>said the user who just fell for facebook-level bait
post link fgt
There was an antifa cunt in PA who stabbed a police horse with a nail-capped flagpole. The line's already been crossed.
Controlled opposition.
>Kill dogs of moderates and centrists because "muh natsee alt right"
>Turn said moderates and centrists more and more extreme in the "enemies" direction
>Wonder why the Democrats will probably lose in 4 years
Protip: It'll be because a majority of their voter base is going to get fucking lynched because they decided to kill John Smith's dog because they thought he was Heinrich Himmler
They are just animals, who gives a fuck? Back home we boiled them for food
Stupid westerners. Dogs just shit around, these guys are doing a favor
I miss trolling Sup Forums with that article... nice times back in 2011.
Newfags now browse these lands... I miss old Sup Forums the cancer back then wasn't so obviously baited.
lol I trol u
Only complete moron would believe that.
Lefties love dogs and completely agree with PETA kike SJWs and dirty Greenpeace hippies.
If that post was about "rescuing" poor puppies from alt-right owners, who are obviously abusive evil people and do not deserve pets, then it would be lot more believable. And almost as rage-inducing.
Antifa are truly scum
i come to your house and kick your capitalist dog
i sleep
antifa in this thread
fake and gay. op die of aids
OP why do you want to start a civil war?
Links pls
Isn't what Antifa does literally terrorism?
Shitty false flag
False flag?
Yes, Antifa are literally domestic terrorists but everyone is too cucked to call them what they are.
Just how retarded are these people?