Alot of you took the opportunity to laugh and make fun of the situation with the tower block fire yesterday as it...

Alot of you took the opportunity to laugh and make fun of the situation with the tower block fire yesterday as it happened.

If you did, you arent human...your simply just anothe irrational animal who has no feelings on human life. Babies, children, disabled and old people died burnt alive yesterday...if you think because they were from another religion or race from yours that it doesnt matter, then it says alot about you...and that you have serious mental issues.

Disgusting people

>Babies, children, disabled and old people

did you pray for their souls at all? if not then stop shitposting about your feelings.

true true true but don't expect these soulless cogs to understand

>If you did, you arent human...your simply just anothe irrational animal who has no feelings on human life. Babies, children, disabled and old people died burnt alive yesterday...if you think because they were from another religion or race from yours that it doesnt matter, then it says alot about you...and that you have serious mental issues.

I'd care more if they weren't flooding into Western countries and subverting the culture and character of those nations.

i did not laugh or make fun of it, but I have zero sympathy for muslims after they've killed like 200 kids at Beslan elementary school here, fuck them.

Nice spooks faggot

Is she about to drop a pineapple from a high rise? Where are the safety squads when you need them

>stop degrading human life
>you aren't human

If Sup Forums was around during 9/11 you can bet your ass we'd have the same reactions. Get used to it faggot.

They aren't real; you aren't real, so who cares?

Last i heard
>no one died

The best part is the fire only got that bad because of the shell they put up to make the building look more palatable to the rich folks nearby who could see it.


So you admit shitskins aren't human? Because they do not have the capacity for empathy like we do

Some people use comedy to cope with all the continuing shit going on in the world, while the narcisitic morally superior like you use any event to virtue signal for self serving reasons, you are the real sicko, you're are just to blind to see it, now fuck off away from pol, narcisist are not welcome here.

Nah man, it's a planter box on the side of the rail.
Bitch grows flowers or something

>if you think because they were from another religion or race from yours that it doesnt matter

No, it doesn't do anything to me. Non Whites are mostly inferior, under 100 IQ, breed with our women, we are a minority already - good riddance and I hope a lot of muslims died

Our society is dying and gallows humor is all we have left. It is typical of the left that you only have empathy for your own in-group and you show such indifference to your out-group, you don't just 'not understand' our motivations you are incapable of understanding them.

>Be me
>walk into pub
>pity party crying over dead ///people/// they don't even know
>state I give zero fucks
>barwhore calls me a cunt
>told to drink outside
>go outside
>angry fatman follows me out
>wants me to recant
>fat man threatens violence
>not intimated
>tell fat man he is an animal and a savage who can't control his emotion
>fat man attacks
>fighting but people interfere
>manage to to get three solid shots in fatmans face
>he scratches like a bitch
>even though I have been assaulted I'm still the bad man
>have to leave or fight entire pub

Wat do? And why are normies such caring tryhard emo faggots?

Lefties are brain damaged, they are just imitating actual humans who can feel emotions

It's pretty clear they feel nothing genuine

>irrational animal who has no feelings
Does not compute.

We're rational, which is precisely why we stay away from feelings.

Why didn't you just drop a sandwich and get rid of him?

>tower block fire yesterday
oh my fucking führer

This. I honestly do feel bad about my lack of emotions. However they want war on civilians. I honestly hope they died praying to god before fire torched their lungs. They finally understood their own medicine.



kill yourself

I agree. Shitskin or not, innocent people dont deserve to die and its very sad. But this LARP trolling as an SJW with some fag flag is really boring and gay desu.

Shitskins should be killed.

I know skynews kept playing a clip about a woman saying she had to save her baby while trapped on the top floor, I fully hope she had to watch her baby die by fire before she died herself. I beg kek anyone who condoned the attacks on Manchester watches their own babies die seven times worse.

KEK is out laughing savoir. loving and wise. this is why we shall never glorify the darker things lurk in the pond of kek. We shall offer silent thanks for knowing we are protected.

>If you did, you arent human...your simply just anothe irrational animal who has no feelings on human life.
You see I get laughed at when I tell people this. So I keep it to myself. We know we aren't like most people.

name some humans that aren't animals
for science

woah shit really I havent heard of that. So when is Russian going to join the purge?

As a black man that's faced discrimination on an almost daily basis o find it highly offensive that you say I'm not human, please check your privilege before you start insulting others so quickly.

they already are. Russia does not need to make a big show of things. They just fuck shit up in their own special way and kill 39 of the 7 reported terrorists.


TOP KEK (((OP)))

Brother. Don't ever think I disagree. However these innocents cheer when ours die. They are not innocent if they refuse to speak against the plague within themselves. Silence on this matter is unspoken support.

Humans are systematically irrational, moron. Go read a book.

damn kek is strong, Please forgive me kek, I wish not ill. I only wish to speak the truth.

You fucking shill. Beslan was one of the worst hostage rescue fiascos in human history. Stupid fucks fired incendiary rockets into the school, nevermind the HE anti-personal rounds from tanks (yeah there was tanks and bmt's firing into tge school). They started the fire that killed so many. If you ever get taken hostage in Russia make your peace. If the terrorist doesnt kill you the government will shoot/burn/gas you to death. Remember the Moscow theatre crisis?

> They just fuck shit up in their own special way and kill 39 of the 7 reported terrorists.

Fuck Islam!

Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums?

bretty much, the terrorists are less of a threat than the 'rescue' team.