Stop supporting Trump

Stop supporting Trump

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>Stop supporting Trump
Start supproting Trump

wtf I hate trump now


Cause a retaded qt in pic said so?

No. Now wash your hair you skank

°unzips dick°

Stop wearing dreads

Stop not sucking my cock

Why would she poke holes in herself?

*Eats asshole*


Now that you've attached a picture of an attractive female that is not you, your argument suddenly has so much more validity! If it is you, post nudes to confirm.

Glad you could take a break from the weed long enough to give your worthless opinion.

Eat shit and die

>all those piercings
>forced meme

It's a shame such cute girls get defiled this way.

Is that Erin F? Holy crap, I know that girl. sage, cause you prolly stole that picture.

Bernie Supporter here, after the DNC and Bernie becoming the biggest cuck ever, I found that the Alt Right has lot of good values.
Trump avoided WW3, destroyed TPP, the biggest blow to the Globalists.
Obamacare is crap, sorry.
Obama deported 2.1 million.
100,000 children deported and put in warehouses.
Wait 100,000 Islamic refugees from countries where you can get a passport even if you are a terrorist.
I don't think, Trump is worse.
ICE grew up to 60 percent in deportation task forces since Bush.
I guess Bush was better for immigrants...

OP is a faggot

To add,

Johnson > Trump > Bernie > Hillary

lol Fuck for the Forest girl.

look at those terrific features hiding behind (((their))) brainwashing. what a waste.

Whats the deal she did porn didnt she?

Never did.

I want to make this girl cry, look at those tears, just lick them while you unload.

Who hurt you qtp2t?

>sure babe

[votes for Trump anyways]...

dumb bitch doesn't know what voter privacy is.

Make me

fake. gay.

Being an edgy contrarian is part of their "look."

Why do you have that metal shit in your face?

Stop posting Varg memes without Varg.

Without piercings she would of be a 9/10.

Stop mutilating your body and wasting your genetics.

fuck off whore, your looks will fade and nobody will care about you

Stop piercing your face.




i don't
now suck my cock you whore

this, imo dreadlocks should go as well to be near 10/10

Pretty people age well, user.


bet her puss smells absolutely awful

yes, Mistress

*kisses feets*

Clean your room

Who is she she?

isnt she that "pro communist antifa porn actress" that got punched by the based Trump supporting manlet ?
I saw her puss
do not want
gonna double my shilling efforts for Trump now

>Stop supporting Trump
I have. I wish I never did. He is a fraud. Pure and simple

Okay honey, now can you please make me a sandwich?

>inb4 people who still support Trump are neo-con faggots from reddit

i wont put my dick in a spiked mouth, thank you

I know this feeling brother

Tits or gtfo

We are coming for you

No that was moldylocks


qt but you know her hair stink

1.) Feet.
2.) Saged.

Let me sex you.

I kinda feel it is funny that people ask you to stop supporting Trump when he is already voted into office, has gone through his first 100 days and accomplished more than Obamas 8 years.

stop appropiating black culture REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Not today, honey.

O-okay. B-but only if you give me a peck on the cheek.

I don't listen to sluts.


Stop tell me what to do

That's not the OP obviously

You're gonna take a dirt nap, moldycunt.


Stop being a whore.


I will slice your head off Silas Botwin.

Stop having dumb ideologies and opinions.

Actually do some research.

Go wash your hair and take all that metal out of your face.

Posting a shill image
>Le pussi grabber
>Le big ugly and orange!

Only if you stop wearing dreads and get rid of your facial piercings.

this lol

Such a pretty face wrecked by slave-tier piercings.
What a fucking waste.

hippy trash

The day I will take an advice from a girl with a septum piercing is the day I'll stop fucking my goat

Surrogate a white son for me and I will disavow donald trump

Trump Torches The Reservation in 2020

She's cute

Heydar Rashed?


Tits and Trump gets out


This. Such beauty and she is trying to ruin it. Is this the result of Jew brainwashing?

Does she have hairy porn?

cute girl

*uses magnet*


put magnet on your dick*

Drop the name already

image search it

In the time you took to type that you could have posted a name. You are the reason wars happen, man.

I am actually going to drop everything and support the God emporer twice as much now. Now submit to your savior and take a shower the patriarchy DEMANDS IT!

what a fucking retard she is

anna april

you are welcome, faggot lol.

stop supporting big business big oil big pharma and the worlds most historically big government corrupt candidate.

Literally do you have any idea what The Clintons are famous for ?