I am sure deep down inside all you nigger haters are madly attracted to black women. I am white as fuck. I think black women are superior to the females of all other ethnicities in womanly beauty. Sure there are a few uglies. But how can you explain all the mad curves and huge breasts black females have. Nigger chicks are the hottest. Few white women can compete with the massive curves black women have. There faces are so beautiful too. How can you deny? Robert deniro had a black wife. I think he actually had a couple of them... Hes white as fuck as well, he knows their beautiful as fuck. The only reason more white guys dont date hot nigger chicks is because they are intimidated by their black beautifulness. They are intimidated by what there black family members and their own white side of the family will think of the relationship. They are worried the big buff black brothers, uncles, and father will kick their ass if they piss her off...
Anyways... How do you racists explain the black woman's amazingly pronounced feminine features, ive heard some racists say black women are higher in testosterone, but i dont think thats true, they must have higher estrogen because they have such pronounced feminine features. Its undeniable.
Racists, you deep down inside agree, be honest
Not into people dumber than monkeys
>I don't want my kids to look like niglets
I've fucked a few. Jewesses are still my fetish tho
Would I fuck a black chick? Yes.
Would I have children with her? Not a chance.
>amazingly pronounced feminine features
Jewesses?? None can compare to black women. Best is sarah silverman of the jewesses but even she is only half the beauty of a beautiful niggress
Nigger hate thread? Nigger hate thread
Appearance isn't all that big a deal in the long run. It's whats in your head that counts the most.
Back in the day my great great grand daddy had lots of black women. Never once had buyers remorse. Back then they where bred to suck white dick, just like today. I have some distant cousins that are octoroons, they think they're white.
Middle eastern women are better. Traditional, know their place, thicc as fuck and prettier. Also they don't look or act like retarded apes
>only half the beauty of a beautiful niggress
99% of black girls are ugly as hell, at least in my experience also
Oh pshaw.... you found one super ugly deformed fucked up black chick.
Those are what most nigger females look like mixerfag
I've fucked plenty of black women. I've plowed at least 20 asians. Several Indians, hispanics, Persians, and white women. Not all that affected by pussy anymore user
>argument over
Look at the data
im not a permavirgin larper bbc masturbator so no, I don't find nonwhites attractive because I have a supply of rl white pussy (except asians sometimes but would never breed one)
No. I find them repulsive in every way.
It is an assault on my senses when I see blacks (especially women).
>Why aren't you fucking sheboons user, they're better then white women in every way
Now leave nigger lover.
I don't mind dark colors, but the fact that black women produce more testoterone makes them more manly thus less wanted by men, if i want a dark skinned woman i would take an Indian woman
>i love black chicks
>nigger chicks
>black women
this bait is so bad you troll yourself
Bullshit, you cant post a pic of a hot nigress pissing in public and say most nigresses look like the fucked up deformed freak above.
pick one faggot, pic related average "black woman"
A recent bumble match I didn't even make time to fuck. Yeah, I'm real torn up over black chicks
Ivy League = money pussy on the coasts gentlemen
>I am white as fuck
Liar. You are a shitskin, and it kills you inside that nogs are now and always will be the least desirable of all humans.
>Would I fuck a black chick? Yes.
Of course you would spaghetti nigger retard. Go jump off the highest building.
Im not attracted to black women and i never was.Probably never will be.
And no im not racist.
I just can't get a boner from black women, be it in porn or otherwise.
...Like i am "supposed" to be attracted to them ?
And im not attracted to brown females either. (maybe if i meet some of them, probably on an emotional level).
I like Japanese women though.
Despite having no eyebrows would fuck anyways.
Pick one and only one
Indian?? WTF? cant compete with black. ANd no the black women dont have more test.
OP is a lying fuck
No one really likes black women. Studies prove it. Look at the results that show who is messaged the most on online dating websites. Look at who is messaged the least. Look at who messaged people the most. You'll find black women message more people than anyone else while being messaged the least out of everyone.
You should look up Tommy Sotomayor on YouTube if you want proof for how the black woman really acts. She's a gross uppity ape that her own race doesn't want. They expect to be treated like queens as they treat you like shit. And if you date one then be prepared to spend your money on her fake hair.
I've seen one hot black model in my whole life and she was ruined by being completely ghetto.
>Can't compete with black
You are like one of them feet-folk, fail to understand that you having a weird fetish doesn't make it "truth deep down".
If you're claiming that in your country female niggers are more sought after (which is about as good for objectivity as you can get with attraction), then it's simply untrue, check out dating sites stats, nigger female is probably only tailed by nigger male in attractiveness.
Also, serious question, how did you find orcs in LotR? We're they life-like enough to activate your fetish? I was always unsure on how that works.
You dont like real women. Japanese women have no boobs, no curves, no nothing. Just little stick figure with a triangle for the lower half to indicate "female" which is how bathroom symbols work.
Every time someone makes a post like this, they show Black chicks with 80% European DNA.
Same goes for the posts about Mexican chicks.
That attractive features people are seeing, are European.
gay thread, shit bait, dumb burger
>real women
Permanent virginosis confirmed
Deep down inside white guys love the nigresses. If you didnt respond to the hot nigress that mesaged you on a dating site its because you are too intimidated.
LOL this bait
>free smells
>edgy basement dwelling perma virgins wont fugg black womens because 'lol niggas'
not surprising in the least
im sure most of them would also reject a partner that has been with other people, regardless of race
Anyone from Africa would consider that girl white; no joke.
some people engage in sex with animals, like isis, same shit. I bet baboons look noice to you too ey?
>I like this thing so everyone that doesn't like it must just be lying to themselves because if I like it then everyone must like it because I'm an idiotic child who cannot comprehend opinions other than my own
Ftfy, you fucking cunt.
Just imagine that smell. Just think about it dude. And suckle it.
Baboons are ugly as fuck. Nigresses are hot as fuck. So nigresses are animals huh? Well they are the sexiest animals on this planet earth then.
Fck you too ya stuk up lil englishman. What attracts 99.9 percent of men to women. Curves, breasts, child bearing traits. Same shit works for all other creatures.
Deep down all man like eating shit, if you wouldn't lavish yourself on a turd you find it's because you are too intimidated.
Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound? Most of them look like apes and no, unless i was blind drunk i wouldn't a nigger. Luckily i don't have to, i quite enjoy the human version of a woman.
Rofl yeah you show a fucking mixed chick. Look at real black women such as Leslie Jones. You wanna suck her ass?
Baboons and Nigresses are the same thing
African Americans are fucking disgusting. African women are alright though. Some are really sexy, and they don't speak in Ebonics.
There's something wrong with you if you're only attracted to a particular race outside your own sexually. It's called jungle fever. It isn't something to be proud of.
You honestly cant be really black. What sort of cuck are you to shill your women.
Truth is all the good looking black women get white boyfriends asap. So who are you kidding?
Doesn't mean you should have niglets with them. Unless you want to have a little Nigger child.
Babboons have fucked up rainbow colored hairy asses. Nigresses have smooth, nice, curvy, sexy hairless black asses.
>What attracts 99.9 percent of men to women
I dunno lad, do you? And if you do know, how do you know? Have you surveyed all the men alive? Have you even surveyed all the men you know? Or are you literally transposing your own opinion onto billions of people to make yourself feel less alone and more socially accepted?
End yourself or grow up.
There's a shit ton of air brush on that black ass.
Do Not Want.
You're not doing this right you silly nigger. You're supposed to continuously post images when you're doing nigress bait threads. You get more (you)s.
Yes they do, the reason why they are so muscular and look like transgenders
A swing and a miss.
Its simple biology. Men are programmed like computers to be sexually attracted to the feminine child rearing traits which black chicks possess the highest quality of. Once the human brain is reversed engineered it will be an objective truth.
No shareblue I dont find black chicks attractive. There're exceptions of course in terms of children and pagaent contenders for "conventional beauty" or moreso for kids cuteness. But finding any black female sexually attractive is a no.
Since I have an xboxhueg fingernail fetish, I find the left Negress attractive.
However, my blonde blue-eyed Aryan wife is still better.
Source on Octoroon?
I don't see color. Tell me, are those people Irish?
they have saggy ass tits m8
>waah waah it doesnt count!
im sure if a guy with the same skin colour robbed an old lady and killed her dog you would be shouting for a lynch, fucking edgy losers
That chick injected testosterone, along with other crazy ass androgens that dont naturally exist in the human body, she does not count because shes all fucked up with drugs.
nice try, nigger.
no you got it wrong, deep down inside I fucking hate them.
Even the fucking KKK is fapping to these hot as fuck black chicks being posted in this thread. Win for all nigresses
That bitch looks like Mike Tyson in drag.
You're fucking retarded
If that's your best true darkie to post then you failed. That's disgusting and her ass looks like it's recently taken a shit.
I don't speak Ebonics. Should I be offended Tyvonius?
racism is normal
every creature is racist, only deluded people think there is such thing as non racist. its like you are in a cult or a religion to believe things are out of the ordinary or unjust when it comes to nature of creatures
rabbits hate wolfs and because that is racist a left would be more than happy to kill the rabbit for being racist toward the wolf. and the wolf would just like to get his fangs on dat sweet rabbit ass
Niggers are still freaks, And I'm from Pennsylvania and even most of the people living here think they're ugly.
Ya know its the truth, and it hurts. =P
Yep they're fapping to the pic I posted for sure. No one can resist the thiccness.
What about williems sisters or any black women athlete? Accept it black women are more manly than any other race on average, cause black men are more manly on average sure there a couple of good women but most of them look like shaq wore a wig
>Ya know it's the truth
The only truth is that most sheboons are ugly as dogshit.
>I am sure deep down inside all you nigger haters are madly attracted to black women.
Im gay though
Fuck yea racism is normal. But it dont mean white men arent madly secually attracted to black chicks.
So you fuck regular niggers instead? Also don't adopt children because you faggots will most likely abuse them.
I rarely see 3/10 black females, most are even more ugly. Don't like em at all
Ah shit well theres a huge complication there....
>Its undeniable
I fucking deny it. 100%
Only white and asian cock for me.
And no way im adopting a kid. They are gross and horrible.