How do we purge the Right from the "Alt-Right" cuccs? Our movement became a joke.
How do we purge the Right from the "Alt-Right" cuccs? Our movement became a joke
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holy fuck i didnt think they were that degenerate
???? What's the problem here?
We are the "man behind the curtain" now. These kids are the product of our acheivement.
We wanted a mainstream movement to influence Western Society and here it is. I dont understand how so much of Sup Forums hates what they have created.
These people are showing up and not lurking on an image board.
This kid is a chad compared to everyone here
Alt right doesn't exist retards
>young poeople get increasingly interessted into right wing ideologies turing back a long set trend of them going left
>oy vey, shut it down!!
of course user these kids are going to behave cringly, doesn't really matter in my opinon.
are you one of the guys from the photos?
You cannot.
Soon Alt-Right will be thought of as the cool new thing, and you will become filled with cringe shit until The Left is devoid of trendy faggots. Then once they become cool again they'll draw in cringe ridden kids, and the cycle will go on, and on, and on.
> implying you didn't have to fill out the Sup Forums suicide pact before being able to post here
absolutely not. I am a mere lurker. I read what's here, take it into account and apply to daily life.
These are our finest unconventional meme warfare soldiers
i think all the gender fluid bullshit will take the right over time as well, because now we already have "le based niggers, feminists and chinks"?
How do I know if I'm gay?
like what happened with the deodorant Axe, if anyone here knows about deodorant
^this pretty much.
Degenerate keppah
No, we have to thank you for taking out our trendy trash, so that us Communists could finally talk about politics, and get more active in society without the Liberal trash being carried behind us.
>now we already have "le based niggers, feminists and chinks"?
thats just american partiotism. of course the american soft right is going to act like this since america was founded on the assumption of you being free to be a degenerate (simplying things of course).
shill detected
so basically it's autistic teenagers' and manchilds' ideology. no wonder they come together in an anime site.
Funny, because the alt-right has always been full of socially awkward virgins who are so desperate for attention that they pretend to hold deluded fascistic views to be accepted by other cucks on the Internet.
I find it okay, you gotta remember kids will always be retarded right? they are learning. thats fine. But the movement will red pill them in the long run, and THAT my friend, is what we want. Would you faggots rather see these kids with lgbt flags and pussy hats being those kind of cucks? id rather see this.
Yeah you've got that about right.
>You'll never take my virginity!
good lads goin through an awkward phase, as if you never fuckin had one, and as if it ever fucking ended
>How do we purge the Right from the "Alt-Right" cuccs?
I mean, why would you want to do this? Memes are the future!
just imagine how much money (((they))) made from selling all those flags and other "trendy" shit to them.
>the alt-right is no longer punk rock
Fuck off
Who gives a shit
You know you're winning when women and young people come over, they'll bring their nonsense with them but I like to win.
It's already been pretty much purged. The people you despise so much are kekistanis and alt-lite. The current alt-right is comprised of ecelebs such as tricky dicky, red ice radio, etc. Mind you, this does not mean it's any less kiked.
>i think most of those things
Fuck i need to get off this board
why does /pol hate these kids so much? They are cancer, but at least they are our useful idiots. They are the dummies to be sent to the streets, fistfighting with antifa
You're hilarious user.
No one wants you here anyway.
>red ice radio
There's nothing wrong with red ice. It's a great program and names the Jew all day long. Tricky Dicky and Rebel and Alex Jones and that shit are Jews
Like it or not, normie traction is needed for a movement to get rolling
I like red ice radio desu, but they openly have many jewish friends.
Laughing about it all day, "anarchist" hippie fag. Go back to the 90s
What fucking movement? You people have no idea what you're talking about.
I find it extremely suspicious that the only photos shown on the "alt right" are fucking autists
What's the bet (((they))) false flagged out movement by embarrassing it with this kind of crap.
>I like red ice radio desu, but they openly have many jewish friends.
They still name the Jew and white genocide. No other alt-kike source does that.
if you call running around with frog masks and kek flags red pilling we will loose the race war.
We should be this and not frogs.
>No other alt-kike source does that.
Everyone on the alt-right does. That's what makes them alt-right.
When they act like idiots they give us a bad name and hurt the movement
They're fucking kids, dude.
We will use it to redpill on the Jew World Order.
Fuck you Alex Jones, you can't stop us! The Jews did 911!
This one
What fucking movement?
>They're fucking kids, dude.
Not an excuse even if they agree with us we can't put up with them acting like degenerates
>Hurr durr Jews hurr durr white genocide.
>Is now a Nazi despite being a leftist at heart.
>Am I one of you guys now?
>every 12 year old Sup Forums autist.
you mean the peruvian tapestry knitting board movement? they are from reddit anyway. better if news are directed at them
>we will loose the race war.
The race war wont be won by using 1990s fucking staged protests like Black Lives Matter you moron. That shit ended up on Jerry Springer more than it was used to redpill people. We need to let the normies know the Jews did 911 and the Holohoax was faked.
Then the whole house of cards comes tumbling fucking down!
>Everyone on the alt-right does. That's what makes them alt-right.
None of them do. ZERO. They say "liberals and sjws, the holocaust was totally real!" and are pro zionism. Stop lying.
>What movement
Are you retarded? The "alt right" or whatever the media is calling it. Far right / Facist .
The worst part about this is that I used to like the whole praise kek meme until it started to be used by these faggots.
>kicking the next generation out of your movement because your movement is so virile that it attracts hormone cess pools
he will learn what's what in the alt right, leave him alone
What are you a kike? I told you that it's divided in three sections: kekistanis, alt-lite and alt-right. The JQ is what sets the alt-right apart from the other three.
It is an excuse actually. Kids are kids, you can't get all uptight and start marching around like you're a pretend drill sergant in a race war.
This war isn't a war of bullets, it's a spiritual war of ideas. The white man wakes up, the white man instantly wins.
Go join the closet Leftist "Oath Keepers" if you want to do that. In the mean time the rest of us will be using the KeK meme to expose the Jew World Order
Don't get too attached to memes they will be stolen and bastardized. That sargon of a cuck started the kekistani bullshit
thats the endless cycle of Sup Forums memes. First fags here meme it, then normies find it and water it down to be normie friendly, then Sup Forums disawows it and moves on
Not feeling comfortable with the majority of that police force been black like in South Africa...
>our movement
where the fuck do these chicks come from? I see new hot rightwing chicks posted on here all the time, but it seems impossible to find in real life.
Don't say church, that aint fuckin true. I go to church, the chicks there would cry if you tried to redpill them on race.
There's no movement you idiot. You and the rest of the kekistanis were tricked by memesters and government psyop agents during the campaign, and now you think you have something to win or lose.
young people being red pilled is a bad thing?
>but huur teenage cringe
You fucking idiot. More than half the US knows the joos tore the towers. We need to take matters in our own hands and start killing niggers on the streets. America is already half blacked, the only way we are surviving is terrorising black and spic communities and not making gay redditors wear frog capes.
"Alt-right" is a catch-all slur word used by the media to describe anything right-wing that isn't neocon boomerism. If you're talking about r/The_Donald faggots, just call them what they are.
fuck off leftypol!
Jesus Christ, all of you shills should be banned!
STFU. Don't tell me your fucking definitions. You have a low IQ for propaganda, fall the fuck in line. Go shoot targets or something.
The Alt-Right was always run by kikes. So we use it. KeK was invented on 8ch when it wasn't a total honeypot run by a Pedo-Mason and a Turkish shitskin Christian.
KeK is a "hate symbol". So we use it to teach them to fucking hate those who hate the race.
Attack the Alt-Right at every turn, make Lauren Southern cry, get Dicky Spencer exposed. Let the kids know how the Jew uses mind control
those are from Ukraine, a kike regime governing slav subhumans.
>tfw when you claim that Jews control the world despite having no evidence
>tfw when you claim that the SJWs don't exist
>tfw when you claim that people give a shit about the Israel-Palestine conflict.
>tfw when you claim that the alt-right doesn't have attention-seeking leftists claiming to be fascists.
Go out and get some sunshine. Your attention seeking behaviour has got out of hand.
>It is an excuse actually. Kids are kids, you can't get all uptight and start marching around like you're a pretend drill sergant in a race war.
>This war isn't a war of bullets, it's a spiritual war of ideas. The white man wakes up, the white man instantly wins.
>Go join the closet Leftist "Oath Keepers" if you want to do that. In the mean time the rest of us will be using the KeK meme to expose the Jew World Order
Your fucking retarded kek meme to stop the Jew world order sorry idiot memes aren't going to do or change shit until we go to the streets and fight not make retarded internet memes blood needs to be spilled for real change to happen that has always been the case.
It's just a misdirection thread to make Sup Forums waste its time attacking useful idiots of the right.
Just asking this reveals you as a newfag. There is no alt right, we are right-wing. The media created the alt right label in order to control perception of grassroots conservative voters and you are falling for the propaganda.
you're as cringeworthy as the kekistanis
literally kys yourself
>he said, contented that he had asserted himself as the alpha male of the chatroom
>happy that yet another day had passed in which he single handedly saved the whtie race, user felt a tingling sensation as he scrolled through the website for autistic people and saw a naked female
>'I can masturbate just one last time and still now be a degenerate' he thought to himself, attempting to unzip his sweat pants before quickly realizing that he'd been wearing these sweat pants for 5 days now, he should be used to the lack of zipper by now, but alas, the jews had classically conditioned him to jack off so often that it was essentially mechanical by now
>We need to let the normies know the Jews did 911 and the Holohoax was faked.
Normies are aware of the 9/11 conspiracies but they blame it on Bush instead but only a minority of normies will blame the jews
Besides that, 9/11 was years ago and there is more than just 9/11 to redpill normies on the Jews
Some chick in booty shorts signalling to local cock that she's, like, totally rightwing is not at any risk of satisfying your conservative wife dreams
>actually identifies as alt right
fuck off faggot, you have no right to be called a white supremacists if u never knifed a nigger in your life.
By the way, people can just check twitter or their youtube pages to see the truth you fucking cripplekike.
>blood needs to be spilled for real change to happen
Honestly I believed this all the way up until this moment, and then I realized that the left took hold of the west without bloodshed
This is kinda true tbqh. They're cringey as fuck, but at least they're politically active irl.
Yeah, because they're too much of a pussy to identify as a fascist, or they're just leftists craving attention.
Kekistanis wtf are you talking about I'm talking about a political ideology which many Americans and Europeans are starting to become apart of again so it is very much a movement has nothing to do with trump or the campaign he is just another Jew controlled puppet
>agrees with me
I'm a simple man, this is enough for me
>Our movement
That's where you're going wrong. Stop trying to make this into a movement. Improve yourself, read, lift, socialise, have a family. Trying to foster a movement on the arse end of the internet will only attract the kind of idiots in your pic. Sorry to disappoint the NatSoc larpers but your wet dream of jackbooted men marching the streets again isn't happening anytime soon and fantasising about it on this basket weaving forum is no good for anyone. Start where you can, with yourself.
I now see why the pendulum swings.
t. 34 year old
You're all the same
I agree, but an ideology is not a movement. The Trump campaign was a movement, what you have now is the spread of an ideology, not a movement. You will not have a movement again until a political leader arises.
>tfw you think cutting your dick off makes you an anarchist
Took hold of the west without blood shed what are you talking about the left doesn't controll look Trump is in office he won Jews took control of America not leftist and right or left means nothing to them as long as we pay up and do there biding Trump does there biding and so did Obama
Yeah, it's sad to face this reality because it's nice to have inside jokes and some sort of enjoyable running joke but when it gets lapped up too much it gets destroyed.
let them grow. a subculture of alt-right is better than the status quo. while its fully of young cringelords, in time they will become the vanguard of the far right. i suspect most of u were this cringey when u were all younger as well. lets the kids have fun, this is the start of the revolution
And here you are with them. :^)
>More than half the US knows the joos tore the towers.
Where do you get those imaginary figures retard? Youtube comments? The average person thinks it was the "terrorists" still.
>America is already half blacked
More dramatic retard opinions
>the only way we are surviving is terrorising black and spic communities and not making gay redditors wear frog capes.
Now I know you're larping. Go terrorize the hood, I dare you. Go march around like an asshole through LA.
Stop giving me your low IQ opinions, god damn it. Fall in line and do what you're told, you don't have the mind for this kind of stuff.
>Your fucking retarded kek meme to stop the Jew world order sorry idiot memes aren't going to do or change shit until we go to the streets and fight
Go fight in the street then fantasy boy. I dare you. WTF are you fighting like a nigger for when the Jews are in their tower laughing at you?
Seriously, shut your fucking mouth and listen to smarter people than you. Unless you're a shill, you better start listening. This isn't a street fight war. It's a war for the mind. You just keep shitposting the Jews did 911 to normies and the Holocaust is fake and racism is good until the overtone shits far enough. That's your orders. If you refuse them, so you can play army man, then you're useless
>By the way, people can just check twitter or their youtube pages to see the truth you fucking cripplekike.
No one is doing that. That would take hours and research. They'd rather just listen and be told how to think... That's the point of KeK and the meme war.
Church is for mind control victims. People who want to be lied to. I doubt women like this are in church outside of Eastern Europe.