Reminder that Pepe is cyber terrorism and hate speech

Reminder that Pepe is cyber terrorism and hate speech


not memorizing someone's pronouns is a hate crime in canada


user pls

i keep hearing that but ive never offended anyone and ive studied arts in montreal so ive met my share of disgusting faggot
is it anything than a meme

Can't ignore this senpai



Almost makes me want to buy an apple device so I can fuck with other pretentious orangutans

My god what is that

Every day I'm torn between wanting to preserve my race and wanting to gas every single fucking one of these dumb useless white twats.

What does pepe even mean to these kind of silly bitches

So how long until 'white supremacist' is non-effective term?

it's basically equivalent to a swastika to them
it's already becoming one

a fucking cartoon frog


Is there any other race that has so many grovelling sellouts and self-loathing bitches that would sell out their own kin over virtue signalling to a bunch of negroids?
Honestly, I want to gas them and get it over with. There is no hope for people who don't love their own kind.

Oh yeah? What would you have said then tough guy?

Would you be able to withstand this level of BODY SHAME?

Would you be able to stand up to this powerful black woman to defend your usage of cyber terroristic hate speech????

as a matter of fact lets give her our thanks for not bringing another of herself into this world


meant to reply to this

vicious kike

hes metaphorically you


if i buy a cheap iphone can i send apple fags nazi memes?

A man getting harassed by a woman.

You now realize that you live in times where:
>cartoon frog means hate, terrorism, and white supremacy
>religion about cutting people's heads off for pedophile warlord means religion of peace

This shit ain't make no sense dawg.


>t. People of color specialist


you only need to believe it in your heart nowadays

Gotta show this guy some love and solidarity lads. Everything's harder when you're alone, but if he knows he's loved and supported, it'll be easier and it'll be easier for others to manage having their leanings outed.

Can we find Jacob and give him our support?

One day they're going to target an actual white supremacist and get anally raped by a 6'4" albino gorilla with undiagnosed mental illness and the skrewdriver discography on vinyl.

>Makes long rants about how a cartoon frog is making her feel terrorized

How did she actually see the pepe?

She got a notification like in op

Are there any examples of Pepe being used in association with actual violent hate crimes, like nazi/Klan imagery? Or is it just hysteria and self righteousness fueling her

god dammit I want to but my autism skill isn't high enough to find him

Do we know which airport the flights left / landed at?

Deep in your heart, you know he is lurking, or even shitposting ITT. Shout out to Jacob, you are a faggot

thanks.... I am an idiot with technology, not sure how she got the image on her phone.

>People of color blow up white people with nail bombs or run them over with trucks

>White people send them pictures of frogs

Yeah, "feeling unsafe" is a spectrum, sweetie, and you're on the pleasant end right now.

Nope, it's only a meme associated with right-leaning trolls. She's only upset by Pepe because she's being told to be upset by it by the media. She's the kind of hysterical person who would deny her children a glass of milk if someone convinced her that milk is a white supremacist symbol.

Shit like this is what makes me think the general public is retarted


I like that in Renee's airport she has to go out of her way to find white terrorists who to actively be victimized by them, while white people in Brussels get their terrorism of color delivered right to their faces whether they seek it out or not.

we even know which airport shit went down at?

fucking this
bitch the only thing that exploded was your mailbox and you did that

>I had an abortion

Putting this in her bio like its an acoomplishment. Straight nigger behaviour.

>fine to curse out and harass people in person
>not ok to send pictures of a frog to them

Well, Im adopting a new flag.

WTF I love Jacob now.

Can we find her addy? Time to send some pepe in the mail.

How do you even send strangers some shit on their phone?

I wouldn't care what the fuck I was sent, I would just want the feature OFF.




I'm minding my own business, organizing the next subversive movement and pushing children to make the same regrets I have, and some bigot sends me a hate doodle.

WTF I love lefties now. They are organised and willing to fight and kill. White supremacists are so beta constantly got punched on the face like a floppy dick.

maybe her bluetooth was on?


You can send anything to anyone if they haven't disabled Airdrop. It's quite fun because it's enabled by Apple by default.

> jacob
> white


Lol what did you do user? Screenshots please

Jacob is the hero we deserve