Sup Forums How would you rate the 43rd president?


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A real piece of work

> Is handed global hegemony
> This is what he did with it.

Now watch this drive.

A puppet

He will be hanging next to Obama

the worst we've ever had.


Incredible compared to the two jabronis that have been/are in office.

He seems like a great guy to hang out with honestly but shit leader

Got served a shit sandwich and had to deal with the afterwave of Reganomics and the Clinton era banking policies


Will remain in history as best shoe dodger

Destabilized the middleeast, thanks I guess.

As a candidate, better than the alternative both times. As president, lower-average, right around the bottom quartile line.

Hopefully as the pinnacle of neoconservatism that will never come back.


Total dipshit mong who fucked America in the ass for his rich buddies.


Higher than Obama, lower than AIDs

I've softened on him a little since he left office. He fucked the economy but good but he was head and shoulders above Obama in terms of foreign policy. Obama got lead around by the nose whereas Bush did a pretty decent job of having decent relations with Russia and China while keeping our allies generally in check. Also as much as it fucked the country I really do have to hand it to him he was an incredibly effective politician. He got pretty much everything he wanted. I wouldn't say he was a good president but I don't think he's nearly as bad as he gets made out to be, nor as bad as I thought he was at the time.


Worst president ever... until we elected that nigger marxist. Straight out the frying pan and into the fire.

Terrible neocon president, but easily one of the most likeable, charismatic people to ever hold the office.

He said history would realize he was correct. He initiated the refugee nigger garbage. 1/10

He did more to free slaves than any other president since Lincoln

Catastrophically awful

charismatic? the fuck, he could barely pull together two sentences

RINOs and DINOs. Same clowns different gowns. Taking the world to hell for every creed and color, especially green.

One of my least favorite Presidents. 0/10 Fed puppet.

Good cowboy buddy, would ride horses with, but warmonger oil magnate.

He did his best to run the U.S. into the ground for his globalist masters. Fortunately, he is mediocre and incompetent, so he was unable to finish the job.

he's a racist coward.

this. dumb fuck controlled by whoever his daddy was in cahoots with. probably spent his whole life wanting to be daddy as a man, but failed miserably(alcoholic, cokehead).

He knew how to deal with Putin.

Praise Kek?


W, Slick Willy, and Obongo should all be sharing a noose

>charisma is entirely based on oration
Obama could read a teleprompter like a motherfucker, but he was about as personable as a used tampon so nobody liked him. Bush was a perfectly competent speaker and his public displays of unintelligence were mostly put on, he knew that arrogant fuckwit libtards were going to make fun of his accent anyways so he might as well play with them.

look at this poor, deluded sucker. I think he knows what evil he served, and what evil he wrought upon the world. I think he genuinely did not have that psychopathic capacity to disregard human life, and spends the rest of his post-presidency 'painting', attending baseball games, he's a hollow shell now, shilling the lies when he is called upon. Maybe he even believes he 'fought for the good'.

I hate that nigger, but damn he could speak well, one of the few good qualities about him. Clinton was damn good too, so was Reagan. Don't let your political views shape objective judgement.

He was a piece of fucking shit.
Anyone who says otherwise is a history revisionist retard and bootlicking faggot.

Flooded Europe with even more ragheads
Shabbo goy of the century

8/10 domestic policies
1/10 foreign policies

>Obama could speak well

No, please, user, don't delude yourself like this. Whenever he was taken away from his dear lady Teleprompter, he fell apart into stutters and weird phrases. The man could act well with a script, but sucked at improv.

zionist fallguy/10

ok then, we can compromise, he was a good actor. could put on a good front with the teleprompter, please don't mistake me for putting the fucker on a pedestal. Bush was just a goofy fuck out of his league.

That's exactly what he wanted you to think. I'm not going to pretend he's some great mastermind though, getting libtards to write you off as an idiot is easy mode with a southern accent.

Good intentioned gentleman.

Compared to Trump the crooked carnival barker everybody looks good though.

Also he had to deal with sandniggers flying planes into buildings and regular niggers not knowing how to swim.

biggest war criminal in existence, until obama

he's right. bush was obviously pretending to be retarded just like trump is doing now. american 'democracy' lives on