Why does the Left hate Maggy Thatcher so much?

Red pill me on Margaret Thatcher.I'm no Brit so I know jack-shit about her. Why does the Left hate her so much instead of celebrating her as UK's first female PM?

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Because she fucked up the working class.

>destroyed trade unionist faggots
>hated feminism
>destroyed commie irish fags
>got rid of free milk

she was in hocus pocus and halloween is debil
also star wars sucks and her daughter was in it

She fucked their healthcare.

She fucked up the very, very powerful Trade Unions.

She personally ordered the sinking of Ara General Belgrano when it was 1) outside the exclusion zone 2) sailing Away from the zone and 3) no threat because it had no exocets on board

Ie, thatcher = war criminal

Yeah, because 8" cannons aren't a threat.

To an aircraft carrier? Outside the combat zone? Going in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION No they aren't.

Because she shut down the mines in the north of England and Wales. Britain couldn't continue as an exporter of raw materials, we are a tiny country with tiny shitty mines. They would have gone out of business anyway but Thatcher accelerated the process. The left/working class hate her because they believe those men deserved to keep their jobs on the government's dime

The prototypical neoconservative that led the way for reagan and other neo conservative beliefs through the last 40 years

this is why

She understood we had to cease being an industrial country and instead move to services.

Pretty sure it was trying to provide fire control, making it an active combatant.

Pretty sure this is bullshit so

she fucked the north ans manufacturing and made London the only relevant place in the UK thanks to (((banking))) services

She killed the right. She also fucked over the working man.

We're living in Thatcher's cuckservative paradise, right now.

From "The Battle for the Falklands": "The Argentinians admit that she was providing aircraft direction for their air force".

The same air force that was lobbing exocets at the British task force.

That was like 40 years ago, strange bait

That makes no sense since Belgrano was outside the exclusion zone. Still a war crime

because she was a anti-Keynesian.

The exclusion zone was for neutral flagged vessels. It's not a war crime to sink a belligerent flagged vessel during hostilities, let alone a battle.

She was the alien queen of neoliberalism, completely fucking over workers and greatly weakening the middle class for the sole benefit of the elites. She and Reagan deregulated the banking and financial sectors so much that they're holding the entire global economy hostage to this day.

>what is radar

Why am I still replying? Take off that flag so I can see if you're an argie or a leaf.

>Dismantled trade unions
>Dismantled socialist policies
>Dismantled a bunch of island niggers

>globalist neocon warhawk
>destroyed British industry
>turned Britain into a colony of china
>destroyed British manufacturing, now everything is Chinese imports
>now Britain has no industrial base like Germany and Japan and they make all their living through (((banking))) which is extremely volatile and reliable on foreign markets

It's why Britain is getting fucked now by the EU.

They are only pro-vag when it suits them.

It was a threat in any case the UK's exclusion zone were UK's own rules, they did not have to draw them up, they did not break any international law. The fact is it stopped the Argies from putting their pathetic naval fleet to use ever again in the rest of the war.

>right wing globalist

Just as bad as lefty globalists, maybe worse. Fuck her and Reagan, neither deserves to be called a Conservative.

This user speaks the truth. Years before Thatcher, anybody with half a brain knew that coal mining in the UK was dying. All Thatcher did was shut of the life support system and put it out of it's misery.

Many of my family were Geordie coal miners. Thatcher ended up gifting most of them the title in their council houses and they all became quite comfortable in their retirements.

Thatcher hate is a lefty meme like what they are now seeking to do with Trump.

This is a waste of an argument considering not even the Argentinians see the sinking as a war crime.

Because she brought Globalism and neo-liberal "economics" to the UK

No you don't retard, Britain should still have factories. Unless London gets its fog back you're a bunch of fags

She destroyed most of the UK's industrious future, she loved outsourcing and she shilled for the EU.
She later admitted she hated the UK and favoured the US or some kind of globalism.

Politicians on the left and right love her because of her hatred of the working class and gay haricut.

In short she destroyed Coal, Mining, Gas, Oil, and other industries and left rural Britain looking like a rotting corpse.

Dont start something you cant finish.

something quite funny about there being only 2 female prime ministers in history, yet neither have been treated as feminist landmarks by the lefty camp because they belonged to the wrong party.


Feminists claim to care about women but they don't, they're just Marxists with vaginas.

> Woman
> Not a libtard

Come on user. You can figure this shit out on your own.


To understand Thatcher, you have to understand what Britain was like in the 1970s. To understand what Britain was like in the 1970s, you really just need to know one thing: our nickname was 'The Sick Man of Europe'. A large proportion of our economy was public industry that had been nationalised back in WW2. The Unions were so strong they could basically shut down the country whenever they wanted. Rubbish piled up in the street, electricity was switched off three days a week, you might as well not bother having a car because you wouldn't be able to get fuel for it. The unions did this pretty regularly to protect the right of their workers to be lazy, incompetent and inefficient. They also blocked any efforts to modernise these industries. The coal mines, the steel mills, the shipyards - all of them were haemorrhaging money.

So eventually the general public decided it wasn't putting up with this shit any more and elected thatcher. Who started closing down or selling off the state industries. And when the unions went on strike, for the first time the government actually stood up to them. It came down almost to pitched battles between strikers and police in some areas. But since Thatcher actually had a backbone, unlike her predecessors, she didn't cave. Thatcher sold off most of the industries that formed the base of union power, and hence with fewer members the power of the unions was severely diminished. Without the dead weight of the public industries dragging on the economy, and with reduced obstruction from the unions, private enterprise was finally able to take off.

So if you want to know why the left loathes Margaret Thatcher, it's because a bully always hates it when someone finally stands up to them.

Lefties hate Maggie because she proved socialism is cancer.


Hi Diego


"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

Fucking beautiful. Screen capped and saved.

49yo here. I loved the lady.

Pretty sure her predecessor took care of killing the middle class, long before she was elected. Everyone forgets about him, because she took the blame for his fuck ups, and had to make hard choices because his decisions put her up against the wall. And he just made what Wilson did worse. England was in a shit economy for most of the 70's, caused by Labour party rule, and their fuck ups. Wilson fucked up so bad he quit suddenly and bolted. Callaghan was a even bigger fuck up.

For someone so horrible, she was elected by a majority, and let quite a run for Conservatives in the UK, and pulled the UK out of the hole - and she gets no credit for it at all. Everyone forgets the "Winter of Discontent" under Callaghan - and his programs and bullshit with the trade unions led to the constant strikes all over the UK, shutting the country down. Callaghan's poor leadership and shit decisions created punk rock, for fuck's sake. The Pistols were pissed off at Callaghan - Thatcher didn't get elected until after they'd broken up.

Thatcher is like Reagan - she gets blamed for everything, and young people who weren't alive or were babies when she was in office have been spoon fed hate for her, with no questioning of it. Her policies led to prosperity in the UK, and you fuckface's spit on her for it.
She also saw the EU coming, and was dead set against it. She knew what would happen. She saw how many immigrants were flooding in. And knee jerk liberals have never forgiven her for being pro-British.

Good explanation.

Because she forced then to live within reality. A reality in which their own ideology fucked then over.

They also conveniently look past the shithole Wilson and Callaghan created in the UK with their shit policies. The unions were only as powerful as they were, because the Labour party bent over willingly to them. If the Wilson/Callaghan policies had continued, the UK would have been bankrupt by 1990.

I hope Trump does this.


The same people who hate Maggie Thatcher also hate Ronald Reagan.

That's rich coming from a shart

She and Reagan broke the back of communism.


The UK is an advanced economy that doesn't have particularly great national resources. We can use our wealth to import coal from third world shitholes but the miners believe they have a right to do the same job but get paid 5 times as much.

Thatcher understood economics. Get pajeet to mine the coal for pennies and put the educated UK workforce to use doing something that justifies the investment in their education.

Automation will bring manufacturing back to the west to some extent anyway, so don't get your breeches in a twist.

What the fuck? I want nu-Sup Forums to get the fuck off my board.

According to my parents she was their Reagan.

So super popular and successful and therefore villified in the media for saving civilization an' sheit.

My dad was just explaining how bad it was with the unions and how Maggie stood up to them the other day and my mum overheard and got triggered.