Because niggers are too stupid to pass high school algebra.
Lower Algebra Standards
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I would like to laugh about the disastrous american education system, but actually we have the same issue, except that we don't talk about it, we just say that the students are less and less performant, not pointing out any social/etnic factor...
We really need to accept the fact that niggers are incompatible and fend them to some african colony.
>The culprit is Intermediate Algebra, a high-school level course of technical procedures that most college students will never use, either in college or in life
If you aren't using algebra, then your degree (probably) isn't worth the time anyway.
>About 80 percent of African Americans required to take more than one remedial class in math do not complete their math requirements within six years,
Niggers are not human.
RIP English
>Make an article about algebra
>Picture is calculus
Pic related clearly Calculus. Algebra not the strong suit of EdSource either. Oh wait, author is Basketball-American. Carry on.
>If you aren't using algebra, then your degree (probably) isn't worth the time anyway.
I wouldn't say that, but algebra is literally just following instructions. Anyone with half a brain can do algebra if they devote just a little bit of effort to it. In Korea, kids start learning it in 4th grade.
>(probably) isn't worth the time anyway.
Muh stemz mememz. World of higher level education is more complex then just stem and women studies.
We tried that. It ended in Cannibal Warlordism. No shit. Vice did a doc on it that was incredible (and I fucking hate Vice).
The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia
You are neither a Sup Forumsack nor a nigger-hater if you haven't seen this.
>unarchived VICE
Change domain to hooktube to prevent views
algebra was fucking easy
advanced calculus is the hard stuff, I remember algebra being significantly easier than calc or stats.
>In Korea, kids start learning it in 4th grade.
Further proof that Asian education is better than in the west, we don't start with algebra until we're 14. Far too late. As you say you can start it much, much earlier.
RIP mobile keyboards. Speaking of which, shouldn't you go back to the factory?
You're too fast for the world. Holy shit.
Oh shit nigga you frogot to archive the original link
Pls archive...
We already did something similar in France: lowering the level required to get a high school diploma so everyone can graduate, and making universities accessible to literally anyone who graduated (yes it's real).
Results are here, more than 80% of them graduate each year, quality of secondary education has fallen drastically, and many students drop out on their first or second year of higher education.
The remaining elitist institutions benefit from the situation and are more valuable than ever.
Dude if you can't pass algebra..... holy fuck why are you going to school to begin with..... this is insane. Unironically gas them all this is unforgivable what they're trying to turn our universities into.
thank god I'm Romanian, here we start algebra in 4th grade, our education (in 100% white areas is Koreea tier)
ps: it's the gypos and mutts that are pulling our scores down in international tests
>> "Under a pilot program authorized by CSU, some community colleges have implemented a sequence of courses known as “statistics pathways” in which the intermediate algebra requirement is waived."
Way to prepare these students for real life. I'm sure they will succeed given the easy path through school.
Yeah. I'm American and I took Algebra 1 in 7th grade. My class consisted of about 15 people because it was the most advanced class. Here, that would be 'remedial'-tier
Some of the retards I went to school with didn't finish Algebra 1 until the end of their senior year of high school (because it is a graduation requirement). It's amazing how low our standards are.
>y1 = y1 + ...
They're too stupid to even cheat enough to squeeze by?
>About 80 percent of African Americans required to take more than one remedial class in math do not complete their math requirements within six years
This should be reposted ad nauseam.
>algebra is a civil rights issue
>two variable integration
>differential equations.
I fuck.
How much money and lives did we throw away to the lie of equality ? (long term : all of it anyways)
Incredible, i think no other project in humanity was so costly.
Urgh, yeah, lower standards instead of improving educational methods.
Cheating is more difficult than learning algebra.
>In fact, popular college math courses like Statistics do not require intermediate algebra.
To not be "racist lol" french universities now recruit at random instead of with grades (and shitskin quotas).
What manner of untermensch has trouble with Algebra? Barely any thinking is necessary before Calculus.
>implying the negro can be taught
Captcha related. Wtf google
Depends on the school
I used to make a bit of money on the side smuggling test questions out and selling them to people who hadn't taken the test yet. So what if some people are dumbasses might as well make some money off their retardation
>If you aren't using algebra, then your degree (probably) isn't worth the time anyway.
Construction foreman here.
I use algebra everyday I'm in the job.
That's why I'm the boss.
The teachers who spouted the you'll never use algebra meme need to be hanged.
It's for statistics, specifically.
Algebra was hard for me because i used to get constantly bored in classes. I am not that Smart but I am pretty Intelligent so it was not much of a problem, however what made it difficult is the fact that none of the problems were ever explained. I was expected to just memorize formulas. I was not told what they represented, how they worked and why they were presented in the particular form they were in. Most of the time i ended up disciplined for "back talking" because the majority of my teachers did not know how to derive anything and instead were essentially a math dictionary.
Algebra did not get easy for me until i started doing conic sections and calculus things like U substitution, etc.
>the culprit is Intermediate Algebra
thanks bro, now I'm gonna be angry all day
Stolt av å bo i samme land som deg
How did you get the questions out of the classroom?
Why the fuck do women have to write everything out? Can they not do shit in their heads? Or do they just want to 'show off' so everyone thinks they're smart, or that geek girl? I think they're retarded either way, and don't belong in STEM, or 90% of them at least.
San Jose California here.
We got basic algebra problems in elementary school, 3rd or 4th grade. I can't remember exactly because my school combined 3rd and 4th into the same classroom.
It's a long s, dumbass.
Only for statistics ? You need a basic amount of algebra for any computation you do, but many people don't realize
algebra teaches you how to rearrange equations so you can find the value in question from other information given
an incredibly useful skill.
I mean, I don't get your joke.
>mfw I fucked up my tensor calc today
Lower tensor requirements
>Why the fuck do women have to write everything out?
Because showing your working is good practice and saves time if you make a mistake?
>By the way, please expand this polynomial
a1a2x^2 + a1b2x + a2b1x + b1b2
>and solve for y
sqrt(a1a2x^2 + a1b2x + a2b1x + b1b2)
What did he mean by this?
Long s and f look almost identical.
f ſ
Algebra isn't just about actual algebra though; it's about engendering and creating a way of thinking and building problem solving capabilities. Keeping a lot of plates spinning in your head etc. Those skills are transferable to lots of other shit that doesn't involve maths.
"performant" is not a word
Most blacks probably can barely read. Algebra is a bridge too far.
You know they will win, academia is behind them.
holy shit those bantz
pls tell me you are a script or a botnet.. You can't be personally making all of these archive links in every thread. Right?
>American education
Every western university applies bonus points to entrance requirements for black students.
This is why you see so many stupid blacks in places like oxford.
It's sad but when your nations are run by feminists they prefer to be nice over being the best, so they let these mongoloids in and lower the standard across the board. The west is quickly being overtaken by other nations like India and China who reward excellence instead of skin color and genital variety.
but they wuz kangz, why can't they do math?
France has the most math-centric system in the world.
That is if you're not a nigger and you do a prepa.
Sup Forums should probably not bother with this because it is a technical matter
this isn't some random issue, it's involved in estimating how much math a student needs who is not necessarily going to pursue a career that demands or benefits from math skills.
It really is just about the most dry and technical details of education bureaucracy.
It looks political, but it isn't. It's actually more of an identity issue for the Cal State system.
I suppose if you care about the identity of the Cal State student body then this may concern you.
But you have to consider the difference between two variations on a fundamental education philosophy.
Unless you want to learn about education philosophy, this will be a very difficult issue to navigate. Just because this is a public article doesn't mean you are equipped to understand it.
Vice was good once upon the time user.
>start learning algebra at 14
No wonder so many American college students complain about calculus. In the UK we started at 10 and that was 17 years ago. I think our current system has them learning it at 7
Intelligence is racist.
African magic can send LIGHTNING:
I can't into maths for shit.
What I like is how those shiteaters tell that "huh you don't need algebra in ur life"(there's plenty of them even here) but when I've told one of them(equivalent of literature teacher) that I don't give a fuck about interpreting setbooks by the book(with those interpretations being obviously wrong, written by people who didn't saw irony in Sorrows of Young Werter etc.) because:
>I'll never need to use any of those
>I can do it myself(I like reading and I don't read genre fiction so...)
>the ministry's choice of setbooks was literally-wise laughable
they were incredibly offended by this statement.
At the end of the article, the author implies that FOILing then taking the square root is hard.
Fuck niggers.
y = sqrt(a1a2x^2 + b1a2x + b1b2 + b2a1x)
I came here to post this.
Yeah I was learning basic calculus at 14 which was helpful preparing for college. Don't let your kids follow the curriculum made for black kids. It's like teaching high school kids kindergarten stuffs.
That seems right. I just looked at intermediate algebra on virtual math lab and an example of "intermediate algebra" is graphing equations and finding intercepts.
I know we did that shit at age 10 because i got it in detention my first year of senior school lol
just because niggers have brains and some human dna doesn't mean they're equipped for mid-level math
It's not an American or French problem. It's a black problem. Wherever they go, they'll drag the education system down. Wtf are we even supposed to do? They're simply not smart enough, but it's racist to say so.
>tfw threads like these have given you a psychological complex over your pathetic math skills
S-Some people just got a late start in their studies. It doesn't mean I'm stupid.
Then take the initiative and read maths textbooks.
If I may recommend a book: Mathematics, its contents, methods and meaning, by some russian dudes. Read this and you'll have an undergraduate's foundation.
you've already done my deed
I went to working st the port straight our of high school so I never went to uni.
But it fucking blew my mind that only 37 percent of my high school passed the exit exam.
I still remember the first question.
What is -3+5
That looks like calculus rather than algeba, or rather approximating the solution to a differential equation with some iterative method rather than analytically so it's firmly in applied maths.
Civic nationalists will defend this
Mate who the fuck cares.
Are you actually studying it? Do you have any success? If yes, great, continue doing so and you'll definitely improve.
Are you not studying it? Do you need it in your life? Then you probably shouldn't worry too much.
I started somewhat late too and honestly thought I'd be too stupid to understand what I needed to understand but if you take your time most of it is perfectly doable.
I had to do the same remedial math they're complaining of, because I didn't bother to learn it in high school. So I had to learn it in college. Wound up taking two or three extra semesters of math. But I did it. That's the point. I studied and did it. And I graduated summa cum laude. I have no sympathy for them. No one waived anything for me. I had to learn it; I did learn it; and I passed.
Of course I've forgotten it all now so ultimately it was pointless, but that's another issue. Fucking pick up a book and try.
Pointing facts isn't racist
I'm working on it. I started studying at age 25 with what is basically a 5th grade level of knowledge in mathematics. Spent a couple years studying and I'm now starting to study calculus. According to people in this thread though, even calculus is middle school level material. I'm going to keep studying until I am no longer behind no matter how long it takes to catch up.
If you want to learn it you can find the mathtutordvd stuff online and its alright.
No calculus is definitely not middle school material. Well it depends if you study faggy nigger shit or real books.
I'm going to you give you the advice of a lifetime here: study computer science, it's the modern gold rush. Make your nut and retire.
Nigger, maths is possibly the healthiest exercise for your brain. If every Nigger actually pushed them to do maths, their IQ would probably increase
Bigotry of low expectations bullshit. It's a meritocracy, niggers. If you can't pass the test the first time, study harder.
y=+/-(a_1a_2 x^2+(a_1b_2+a_2b_1)x+b_1b_2)^0.5
>Can I assume, as CSU and many math professors do, that if you can’t do this, you don’t deserve a college degree and you are unfit for meaningful civic engagement?
Fucking yes, this was pre-GCSE shit.
I am not saying that it's bad, maths are great for a healthy mind and will probably help you in everyday life, but not everyone needs to understand "complex" mathematics.
Not being able to so algebra is almost as bad as being illiterate in my view. There is nothing wrong with this being a requirement to get into college.
Also, how can these people want to lower standards while at the same time complaining about how worthess their degree is
if they're not learning it well then they need to do their bloody homework
most people only need to know the basics (adding subtracting multiplying and dividing) , the problem is that low income wogs don't know even the basics
until that oppressive white man math come along
>80% of blacks fail after six years of trying
I don't think study skills are the issue. What IQ do you think is required to be able to perform algebra?
math be racist
They aren't trying, they are doing it.
It's been proven that the IQ levels of blacks (average) are much lower, just as Asians are higher (on average) so they are forcing it and lowering the bar for everyone in the process.
The sad part is that we wouldn't even know about this if not for Asians kicking a stinck about it.
The majority of blacks are never told, they just assume they are smart and they had no help.
They are basically stupid people with a superiority complex.
I think 130 was the average in math