Quick survey on how much your father's parenting affected you
Father: Fat neckbeard who plays videogames all day
Me: Fat neckbeard who plays videogames all day
Quick survey on how much your father's parenting affected you
Father: Fat neckbeard who plays videogames all day
Me: Fat neckbeard who plays videogames all day
dad: chad who partied and played football and did tons of drugs
me: neet who does tons of drugs and the government pays for all of my living expenses due to a workplace injury
Father: Quiet introverted metalhead who is now in law and is professional in his public life and acts like a teenager in his private life.
Me: Quiet introverted metalhead who dresses preppy because fuck it but is lazy and a NEET in his early 20s.
Why could your father get laid despite being a fat neckbeard and you can't?
>(grabs dick)
>(smacks lips)
>(shuffles feet)
>(receives welfare check)
dad: abused by father, left as soon as he could, stumbled luckily from one lucrative job into another because of knowing the right people and being in the right place at the right time, now makes nearly 100k a year with no college education managing HVAC shit for one of the largest college campuses in my state. found out I had a high IQ when i was young, threw me into every single thing he could think of then would browbeat me and pull me out of it the moment I failed. Molested me once after him and my mom got divorced because he was a crazy controlling abusive husband just like his own dad was
me: fat neet who's only now starting to get over anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. enjoys vidya and music
Pretty much the same
Hard working adult till life got fucked and turned into a fat bearded gamer
Mostly hard worker then life got mildly fucked and turned into a fat bearded gamer
Interesting question
Fireman, also did a trade
Always enstilled good values indirectly by doing
Smart, doer.. built houses and invented stuff
Fat useless IT retard who's lazy and not very smart.
I thought I could blame my mum but she's really nice and smart.
I seriously put my lame life down to them not having tertiary education, knowing the benefits of the correct degree and leading me through education.. because that's what they lacked.
My kids.. I'll try and deliver the same as they did with an emphasis on education but they'll see I'm a fat lazy IT retard and who knows how it'll go. Hopefully a camping trip every 2 years will do it
He got a job for starters. Married the first woman to talk to him.
Always tried to teach me how to flirt, but always fumbled on his lies because literally cannot talk to girls
Dad: overweight (skinny fat), funny extroverted dude that partied a lot
Me: extroverted weightlifter that is slightly autistic because of not wanting to succumb to partying degeneracy
father: used to drink a lot, smokes, didn't achieve much, no noteworthy achievements
me: don't drink, don't smoke, lift, practice muay thai, took interest in programming since 14 years old, working professionally as a programmer since 20yo (currently 23yo) despite not going to uni/college
wait why did he molest you?
I would assume that after being molested yourself you wouldn't want to inflict that shit on your kid
>All I want is my own full house in Washington and vidya gaems.
Molestered is an ambiguous term.what did he do? Did you talk to him about it? Mr Garrison dot jaypeg
I've always found that shit very illogical
I mean wanting to provide a good life for your kid should be an instinctual thing right?
How the fuck do you become that sick in the head?
>died when I was 3
>became a NEET
Father: hard-working christian man who runs his own business (steel coating, tough job), family focussed who tries to avoid conflict but isn't afraid to confront reality, a tad irrational.
Me: christian guy who understands the value of community, studying tax laws at university. I try to be rational, more than my dad, but I love that man. He's very virtuous and a real example
What shit? I didn't get fingered.. I'm just asking
Additionally I don't think instincts breaches the boundaries of providing food and warmth to investment and tertiary education.. there's instinct and instinct my dude.
Agreed though.. not fingering your son is like.. totally something you should be born with not to do.. but if your dad did it to you.. maybe those synapses get wired like that.. brains are fluid as shit with their wiring
Dad: Electrician for 45 years, retired.
Me: NEET never worked a day in my life (Age : 30)
I watched my father destroy his body to end up old and bitter.
I wasn't intelligent enough for university (real university degree, not meme degree) and I didn't want to end up like my father working a trade for 40+ years to ruin my body.
So I choose the NEET life.
Underrated post
i didn't get molested you tard
i was asking the dude why he got molested
>father: naval engineer with wife and 3 kids
>me: naval engineer with wife and three kids
Father: Would never steal or let other people influence his decisions for money high moral standars, love history
Me: High moral standars love history
Dad: beta nerdy fuck who did well in school, mum was his first girlfriend at 23
Me: beta nerdy fuck who did well in school, no gf at 20
how much money do you get to live off in Aus if you are NEET? how do you get by?
Father: Died
Me: No direction in life
Im not on any neet bux, my mum still works and earns 6 figures, plus they dont have a mortgage or anything, so bills are a joke.
My psychologist said I should apply for autism bux but I can't be bothered.
>another frog thread
Cirno is the strongest!
Dad: Drunk, but taught me how to hunt, fish and survive in the wild with pretty much nothing
Me: Smokes all the weed, but run my own shop and has started an autonomous lifestyle at the age of 28.
Father: Businessman and selfmade millionaire
Me: Manchild with autism
so you are 30 and get allowance from your Mum?
don't you want to buy your own sneakers and maccie D's without having to ask for your pocket money?
each to their own and that, i suppose i never liked asking my parents for money.
Dumb fucking ice fairy off by 1 again
Not an allowance. If I want something she'll get it.
Like new phone, gym membership, car, new vidya. I don't have any expensive hobbies/interests, and I don't do drugs or drink or smoke...soo I'm pretty cheap to keep around.
Plus my parents are wogs and have that autistic obsession about wanting their kids to live with them forever. (My other siblings left years ago tho)
Just get him to give you a will and then slip him some rat poison
Father: overbearing asshole who is always angry and never stops talking
Me: neurotic asshole who is always angry and never talks
Dad: Hard working country boy, destroyed his body through sport and physical profession. Loves to work, is a bit of a pisshead. University drop out
Me: Love sport, terrified of being unemployed, into gay porn, struggled with substance abuse. University drop out
>father: succesful self made man who lived a luxurious life until the crisis of 2008
>me: high IQ lazy underachiever. also metalhead
Too risky. Murder don't inherit. He is over 60 years old and his time will come sooner or later anyway.
so pretty much the same
Dad: wild biker druggie turned angry ass construction worker when he had kids
Me: wild train hopping druggy turned therapy-attending but still mean construction worker when I had a kid
Issa circle
3 more years m8
Avg. life expectancy is around 80
You will be so old when he dies
Father: Black
Me: Half-black
>Dad: child of a single mother after his dad died when he was 4, worked up from doing menial work to a six figure salary as a consultant. Completely distant to me growing up and now still after not having a dad and not knowing what to do and being work obsessed while I was growing up.
>Me: Dedicated dad who's a failure at work after attempting a ton of different jobs after graduating university and knocking up my longtime gf, but I made my own bullshit online marketing agency after months of unemployment. Now raking it in and trading crypto and hopefully retiring from my own business by 28 if crypto pans out. Hopefully by 35-40 if not. Goal is to get business big enough to be bought out and fuck off to Spain.
My father is a hippie fucknut who works at a pizza shop to support his 5 other children yet I am the polar opposite
dad: a sociopath who nobody likes, apart from people who are too wrapped up in their own words to ever think about someone else, also extremely clingy. Also values money above anything.
me: person who understands the value of life, and understands you can't put a price on the pursuit of happiness. Also understands happiness doesn't come from any material possession.
Side note : parents divorced when I was young.
He got health problems. I don't think he will live another 10 years. And I'm in my mid 20s. Could be worse.
Actually if he dies I'm fucked. I can't handle things on my own. I wasn't joking when I said I'm a manchild.
my father is legit as fuck Sup Forumslocks would love him... a white national libertarian.. think alex jones with nigger hate and no shilling.... hard-worker, smart funny, raised me right
never even met him
Dad: kinda autistic but managed to land chicks. Personable when required. Likes sports
Me: kinda autistic but managed to land chicks. Personable when required. Likes anime
> but muh capitalism and meritocracy!!!
what is wrong with just blaming yourself you piece of shit? Why do people need to point the finger at someone? I understand the idea of being a product of your environment but at some at some point your life becomes your own fault. If you fail in adulthood then you are a failure. I think people who blame their parents and need to blame someone for their failings in life are on the same level as feminists.
Father: Near-anorexic, self taught classical linguist, biblical scholar, techno-phobic penny pinching bastard
Me: Fat neckbeard, mathematician and electrician
Your single mom brainwashed you pretty bad
well to honest... "a man is not a man until his father dies" Craig Ferguson... just step up and become the man your father would want you to be
Father: alcoholic douchebag
Me: just a douchebag
Dad : Ex biker weed dealer turned upper factory management race realist centrist.
Me : Drug avoiding fork lift driving ancap meme shitposter.
Dad: Small business owner
Me: Fat lazy manbaby with autism
This, visit your father and talk with him. There is always two sides to a story.
Is the idea that all men are really the good guys? My dad is a piece of shit, my mum remarried and he was a violent piece of shit. I can't say I have a high standard of women but my mum is a good woman.
Maybe she is bitchy and annoying
Father: Absent depressed unemployed Iranian drug addict and alcoholic who made my mother cut his toenails
Me: 25 year old half-breed student who has struggled with depression and lacking a sense of self, now having gained enough experience of life to form an identity around, wracked with regret over all the pussy I could have scored and the qt gfs I could have gotten had I simply had more confidence and fixed my unibrow earlier
Father: alcholic pill popping pretentious depressed responsiblility shirker race mixing dead beat
Me: Depressed Nazi obessesed with self-improvement and against degeneracy.
I did get his shyness to an extent.
he Didier his best for you
I live with my father right now in New Zealand, I am from UK.
My dad is a bad person. What is wrong with you people that you honestly believe all women must be bad and men and fathers are really good people? I am also 28 so not a child, I came back to New Zealand to get my mum who had her money stolen from my dad in a house buy. Long story short he bought a house with her and his money and only put it in her name, thus she had no legal standing of her money. I came back to New Zealand to get her her money back. My dad is a piece of shit, and a coward.
You must be so young, or you have never been through anything.
You sound like an idiot.
Father: Ran away from home at 14 and started to sell random shit until he eventually started getting into construction and real estate, Has 2 other kids from different families
Me: Neet fuck with a worthless accounting degree who sells crypto currencies
I am almost nothing like my father
I remember the time I got to spent with him when I was 14 and he basically realized I'm a shit kid
didnt know the circumstances my man
His dad was physically and mentally abusive, like the beat the shit out of your kid because he didn't get the paper for you fast enough sort. Dude wouldn't let anyone else in the house have dinner till after he finished, ffs.
Anyway, I have no idea why he molested me, because I'd dug through his porn before and after it and never found any kiddy diddling stuff or the like. Maybe it was some fucked way of trying to show he cared about me or some shit, but either way it fucked my views on sexual contact with other people for a long time. I've basically cut off all contact with him at this point, because hilariously enough he's now a huge right wing gubernment gonna take muh gunz bluehelmets false flag dipshit who's convinced everyone but him is responsible for having driven away everyone who ever cared about him in his life.
No, but the man is always held in a negative light and we're just now getting facts from studies that show precisely how damaging single mothers are. They consistently demonize elsewise normal hard working men and either cucked them or tried to abscond with their money and children.
It doesn't mean your dad wasn't or isn't a piece of shit, but don't mix up 'what mommy told me' and reality if you weren't old enough to witness it yourself.
dad: 404 not found
me: literally nobody
checks out
>dad: served in the Air Force and did tons of shit around the world for 20 years, had ambition and is level headed; always on deployments absent for most of my life
>me: directionless retard
I'm a failure
Distant, reserved, skilled tradesman.
Veteran, adventurer of sorts back in his younger days.
quiet, reserved, take pride in honest work. Longing for adventure, thinking about joining the military.
just join the fucking air force you noob
Take each case at it comes. If you assume that all women are the same in your 'new found studies' then you are tainting progression.
Also you are isolating men, like myself, who agree with the fact that women are manipulative, but also come from a background of a strong women and weak man.
I feel ya, my dad is pretty much the same except it left me with a really dark personality.
You guys have no idea what actual sociopaths are like if you believe shit like this
Very distant, very introverted, when I was in middle/high school he was only concerned about my grades and I hated him for it. Now that I go to a good college he is incredibly friendly and tries to amend for the past.
Anyone know this feel?
PS: white, not asian.
Father: Charismatic teacher, alpha, body-builder, cyclist.
Me: Depressed beta, lanklet, no gf
Maybe get the whole story before making your judgement, it makes your ideas and also any movement you are in look terrible and ill informed.
eyy, i said maybe
why does having rich daddies make us useless pieces of shit?
fucking disgusting m8
violence in the family breeds more violence
i hope you don't let it continue with your kids
Oh yeah defiantly have the dark personality.
shut the fuck up you silly little cunt.
You better make the most of it, some peoples dads were barely around when they were young, and he won't live forever.
Dad is incredibly hard working and outgoing. Everyone loves his company and he has this uncanny ability to stay engaged with anyone until time itself stops, unless that person is his son. Also was abusive.
Fak u dad
I know, but he has a very shitty personality. It's hard to describe. Up until I went to a good college, I was a piece of shit to him. But then, I became a hero.
I need to point out that I'm the first one in the family to go to a good (think: elite) college. I think he lives vicariously through me. Because my Dad comes from a very poor family.
And I understand where he comes from, and how it shaped his personality. But I can't relate with him. And now that he tries to be all chummy it's weird.
Dad was a fireman for 28 years, held down 2 jobs and was the hardest worker I knew
I joined the fire brigade last year and I'm still studying civil engineering at my uni
I personally had never any reason to fight for something in life.
As a only child with rich parents you don't have to grow up. I always knew one day I will inherit their fortune. Why should I even try to make something on my own. This made me weak and autstic.
I can't, got into a car accident a while ago that fucked my legs.
> Father: World traveler obsessed with history, geography, and determination.
> Me: World traveler obsessed with history, geography, and determined to become a permanent figure in history someday.
> Grandfather: World traveler, saved his family from muslim oppression in Egypt and moved us all to America. Obsessed with history, massively aesthetic to the point where his home could be confused with the Kremlin, dressed well and was a classic man. I'm gonna do my best to aspire to that.
Pic somewhat related, grandfather and I unironically resemble the man
>commie sandnigger
Color me shocked
you know what to do
probably this, I'm getting a degree but not motivated at all, it's almost as if it's just an excuse so my father doesn't think I'm a useless cunt waiting to inherit. "See dad, I could've made it on my own if I had to..." anyway, we're no where as rich as we used to but there's a few millions waiting when he dies, which will be never because he's healthy af
the variety of father personalities gives me hope that maybe i can be a father too no matter how messed up i am
I'm probably not going to have kids. I can barely take care of my own life, let alone a child's. Would be irresponsible as hell.
my sides