You know, I'm a lifelong liberal, but I have to admit when I'm wrong. Guns ARE the tool of the oppressed masses to be used against tyranical government. You're were right.
You know, I'm a lifelong liberal, but I have to admit when I'm wrong...
who that getting taken off the field?
>tyranical government
They were playing baseball.
And the brits were just shipping tea.
s a X g e
good, now buy a gun and use it! just remember the conservatives have a lot more training with guns and will pop your melon
All this did was ensure that more people at baseball games will be strapped.
He was not oppressed at all and there's no tyranny either but yes, guns are for that, in case of
>I'm a lifelong liberal
>You're were right.
Why don't the usefull idiots shoot up the federal reserve. Too lazy and fat, Amerishits
the conservatives are the pussies though, they get upset about everything and generally seem to be terrified.
the left is the angry and belligerent side.
Its easy to spot shills now with this flag thing
Democrat here. Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think progressives aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on. I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off. And there's nothing special or exceptional about me. You're a fool if you don't think progressives are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy liberal I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires. I don't presume that the alt right is not formidable. I grew up surrounded by the tea party before they became the tea party. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them. But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars. The south loses. Every time they flex. Progressives are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers.. Don't fuck with us. The south will rise again? Fine. We'll put em down again.
>He was not oppressed
>Mentally ill homeless man
>Mental hospitals gutten by Regan
>Shelters de-fundedn by conservatives for decades
>Conservatives trying to take what remains of his healthcare
>Not oppressed
Sorry m8 but conservatives are better trained then the retarded left. Most are either in law enforcment or military. The left are mostely shit kickers who can barely afford to feed themselves. Your the exception not the rule.
are you SURE you want a war liberal? we'de happily give it to you
and yet, once your comfortable lives resume, you'll vote to abolish and ban guns once again.
Question to all gunfags:
What exactly do you think your gun is going to do against a government who's military is so fucking advanced it can launch a drone strike at your house from Washington?
Oh hurr durr i got my m16 semi automatic and my cousin Jasper has a dresser full of handguns and a mk 46 we fuck around with when we go hunting, we can totally take down the government whenever we want.
Why hasn't anyone tried since times have been shitty? Because you can't.
The whole "well-armed militia" is a myth to keep dumb conservatives feeling like a badass and that they are "safe".
When shit inevitably goes down, you don't stand a chance against the government.
Gunfags BTFO.
Well pick one up and start shooting at police then.
Just what I'm talking about right here. Progressives make up more than half of the country, don't believe me?? Look at the poplular vote. Who the hell do you think the govt is going to side with/arm if conservatives get uppity again? Us. All we gotta do is train our comrades and get them up to speed and then you'll be facing a blue wave
You can't bomb your own infrastructure to hell, you retard.
>Implying the us would nuke and bomb its own cities.
> Implying the defect rate wouldn't be on upwards of 70% if the militarily was ordered to attack its own civilians
> Implying guerilla tactics cant bog down a superior military into a costly stale mate.
I think you should read some history you retard.
John Brown Gun Club here. We trained this guy to the highest of standards and you can see the training paid off. We have at least 3 more people who are almost as good of marksmen. You've been warned Nazis.
Fucking LARPing faggots up in here
Nice pasta
Do you even history? Look at what the union did to the south...the govt will do anything to stay alive, and if that means taking out a bunch of hillbillies and burning down dollar generals then so be it. You thought reconstruction was bad? You haven't seen anything yet boy
Are you actually comparing shit kicking retards on the left to the union amy? Wow thats a stretch.
he got his nuts shot off lol
i guess you could say he's a post-op tranny.
You don't need bombs. Most people aren't even armed and you don't even necessarily have to kill them. Just control them.
Again, not talking about bombs, let alone nukes.
> Implying the defect rate wouldn't be on upwards of 70% if the militarily was ordered to attack its own civilians
Well, that's an assumption, but you're saying they won't attack civvies but they'll attack their masters/COs if they feel they're being mistreated? Right-o, Aussie. Spot on.
> Implying guerilla tactics cant bog down a superior military into a costly stale mate.
Implying it can to the US military.
I think you should read about how powerful their army really is.
Thank you. I'm not American so I space on some huge parts of history, but the proof is in the pudding.
Some dumb rednecks tried to leave the country and say "you ain't taking my nigger". The lost the war, their country, AND got left with all the niggers.
lmao.. gunfags = BTFO.
This guy gets it. Trump put out a bunch of fake news about almost 2/3 of the military and veterans voting him to convince the rural and suburban retards that the millitary, which recruits disproportionately from the south, would have their back. The minute we give them the word, those Cleetuses are going to start killing their own brothers because real soldiers love trannies and black dick.
The north was republican though
fuck off retard
>fixing the failing obama healthcare
Pick one
Party values swapped in the 60s, do you're research, republicant
This user is right again, you rural retard.
Lincoln would've been a democrat today. FDR would be far right. Common sense dummy.
Children of police force and military don't own military style weapons
If you think the military would Total War (tm) America itself when we wouldn't even do it to Iraq or Afghanistan then you're retarded. But this is bait anyway so it's ok
>Home inspector.
>inspects homes for a living.
>Literally a "technical supervisor."
>Literally a "supervising technician."
>Holds up construction and development so he can "inspect" your "home."
>Takes bribes from hardworking homeowners so they can just get their renovations done.
>Literally a goddamned government stooge.
Do these two circle jerking shills actually think they are fooling anyone with their flags lmao.
so what you're saying is... an estimated 50 rounds or so were fired off and no one was killed on the field? and you're all trained this well? super proud of that huh? pussy.
>When shit inevitably goes down, you don't stand a chance against the government.
Man, that middle east thing sure wrapped up nicely and concluded real well.
Second amendment was brilliant.
>implying American citizens have any sense of unity.
They'll just pit you morons against each other. It's already working.
Why the fuck would a listen to what a Jap has to say about American culture anyway?
Drones were specifically referred to, and we use those to bomb people.
The point is, guns make you equal to the poor sack of shit that has to kick your door in.
yo, yo duh LARPerz in da HOUSA
Sup Forums was right again
>Taking away the free ride on tax payers dollars.
> Oppressed
So its opression if tax payers don't pick up the bill? Lol retard
The last time you guys won a war against the right it was with men born and raised on ideals you'd consider brutal fascist rightwing authoritarian.
Because that is where strong men come from. Where are your strong men now? You intentionally destroyed them.
Lol like your failing at now? Shills like you stand out like dogs balls in every single thread.
Oh go suck your dogs dick, faggot.
Brutal and right wing? How is shedding blood to free slaves right wing? Enlighten me.
>train our comrades and get them up to speed
Remember that sideways shooting is always more accurate. Also hanging your pants down and exposing your underwear makes you move faster. Naw mean? Naw sayen?
>The point is, guns make you equal to the poor sack of shit that has to kick your door in.
No they don't.
The average American has absolutely 0 gun training and hasn't served in any military or policing.
People really think it's gonna be some Red Dawn type shit, huh?
"Gonna call up all my buddies, get us all armed up and we're gonna be the resistance."
No you wont. Do you even know your neighbours? How do you know they wouldn't be against you?
Again like I said up there this whole militia bullshit relies on such unity within the people that doesn't exist.
Furthermore, I really don't think the government/military would have any problem killing their own citizens if it was necessary.
I've seen videos of people beating, killing, raping and mutilating middle eastern women and children? Why are Americans lives suddenly so valuable? I've seen videos of army vets beating the shit out of their fellow man -- it's not like they have some undying respect for another American citizen. They're just on the side of whoever's on their side. No cultural unity or identity. And the lack of that is what your government prays on.
Union literally burned private property in civil war because they wanted to demoralize the civilians...even when the weren't involved.
The Feds don't give a fuck
Those who don't understand gorilla warfare are not allowed to have an opinion on gun legislation.
"Everyone who posts thing i don't like is a shill"
fucking normie tier term kys summerfag
Retards, I swear. If a revolution happens then those places arent under govt control anymore. Theyre not US infrastructure ergo roads can be bombed
True, US will bomb rebel positions.
>But Civilian casualties!
US has one of the best rules of engagement
>troops will not fight against US citizens
Yes they will. Do you think New Yorker gives a fuck about Minnesota or its people? Army will just rotate troops based on their ethinicy. Also after rebels fire on them or kill one squaddie the opinions will change
>But guerilla tactics worked in Vietnam!
US cosmopolitas are fragile as fuck. You only need to be starved a little to get the majority of population to voice their opinions against rebels, forcing them to surrender when they lack popular support and logistic it creates.
>50 shots fired
>shooter is only one dead
You guys are shit
Wow Americans are like a live action movie happening right before my eyes. That's so impressive I almost forgot most of them are fat retards that watch tv and sit in front of a computer all day.
You know these men overwhelmingly still believed blacks were inferior to whites? Many fought primarily because they were sold on the notion of shipping the lot back to Africa.
I'm talking about the whole shebang bud. These men believed women belonged in the home, submitting to their man as his property. They believed men should be armed, dangerous, violent as a facet of masculinity.
Last I checked you guys were getting up in arms about how ethnostates and patriarchy are evil and oppressive no?
About the closest those men'd get to agreeing with a damn thing you believe in is existing after the classical liberal revolution. They'd spit in your face if they saw what you'd done to their country.
This also implies the US military isn't trained in gorilla warfare and all of it's civilian citizens are.
I think you need to read up a bit more before posting again.
You're an obvious city fag. Please give yourself a bleach enema.
Most people know this shit only started when shilling firms sprung up. Anyone observant can pick up your repetitive tactics, also your arguments are trash.
The south honestly did better than expected, considering how disadvantaged they were.
I figured a force of that caliber would only last a year at best, but 4 is not bad. The south could have never won due to a lack of resources, but still...4 years wtf.
Feds require intact infrastructure just function.
guns will be most useful over the next couple decades as they're used to cull shitlibs. looking forward to it.
>the south could never have won
They were winning until Gettysburg, if they won that battle they could have walked all the way to Washington and demanded peace.
They had a chance in a short war but not in a long one.
Fucking idiot. You don't need to look like Schwartzenegger to shoot a gun or deploy a bomb. Also the military is humans too, those drone operators could be on anyone's side.
No it doesn't imply that you retard. The point with gorilla warfare is that you can do massive damage to a better equipped opponent. You can't ''train'' for surprise.
It would make sense for most of the left to be military or police, since both of those jobs are about someone else thinking for you and we know they can't think for themselves.
It's not a couple of rednecks, it's more like 175 million rednecks.
You mean the most populous areas? The ones where only degenerate niggers have guns? Face it, the numbers are just not in your favour in any situation.
I don't see what makes it so obvious, I'm not a city fag I'm from the sticks
bro i've been here since i was 13 and i'm pushing 30 now. my arguments are fine. yours are trash because they're focused solely on me being a shill and taking shit to extreme.
One last thing, you immense faggots. This is all about the part of the population that legally own fire arms. They know how to operate them well enough.
Also, quit acting as if they would not have outside help. A civil war in the current day USA is a clusterfuck for any federal forces.
It wasn't about culture dipshit. Actually read what he wrote
You think all the niggers are progressives and not just identifying that the democrats are giving them other peoples money? It is true that the average leftists cannot into the near future which explains why they're always broke faggots but to honestly believe that niggers are going to see you as allies is laughable. I can tell you've never lived as a White minority in a black majority neighborhood and didn't have to realize the few blacks you thought were your friends were just waiting to drive the knife in you.
I guess they all have their local meetup spots planned out, right?
I just love the confidence you gunfags have. All this unity, all this training and perserverence against the government. Yet America is in the social disarray that it is today. Impressive. I guess they're just waiting for Act V to break out the big guns and really WOW the rest of the world.
God, I honestly wish this shit would happen so a) America can finally seal it's borders and be an NK dictatorship. or b) The dumbshits actually manage to overthrow the government and the entire country collapses because the entire infrastructure of the US is based around complete government control.
Really, it's a win/win for every other country involved. Except maybe Israel.
Obama leaf
A gun is just a gun.
They still did it, Sherman's march to the sea.
>tyranical government
You don't even know what that means.
Fair point, but I just can't conceive a nation winning on that little of resources.
Gettysburg really was a mistake.
waaah i no longer am forced to purchase insurance, i'm so oppressed
Sure thing 'bro'
This. I think USA needs an actual dictatorship for atleast 10 years to make them understand
>Furthermore, I really don't think the government/military would have any problem killing their own citizens if it was necessary.
Nah, they screen the military every couple of years with a questionaire asking how they would react if asked to kill American citizens in a rebellion scenario. So far, the answer from the average enlisted man is pure disgust and extreme distrust in the government for even asking such a question. Though, if that response ever changes, you can bet your ass they government wouldnt waste a minute.
Ha ha I knew you'd come around! Now eat hot lead for being such an oppressive tyrant! I don't have to think the same as you assholes!
>there's nothing special or exceptional about me
You got that right. Any lefty who includes slaughtering squirrel in potato field as some mark of pedigree is a fucking joke. A literal joke. Your kind is weak and it is plain to see. Don't forget your pic related for the fields of war.
pic related:
Realistically, chimping out on some tea wasn't the most logical protest.
i'm actually a little happy that lefties are beginning to realize this.
liberalism is a big fucking joke and will always evolve into cultural marxism
liberalism is doom
Aww, can't strawman any more responses because you can't refute any good points faggot?
this is pasta
The useful idiots don't even know what the federal reserve IS.
Have you seen the mess that wars in the middle East have turned into? Imagine that, only the military has massive defection rates and their supply lines shot to hell.
Orwell told you this, you commie cuck