Okay anons, had a crazy dream or epiphany, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. I got a feeling something big is gonna happen in the US. not gonna be just a normal shooting like we usually have. talkin explosions n shit. idk when maybe within the next month or so. just got this strange feeling
Okay anons, had a crazy dream or epiphany, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it...
take that flag down right know
Which one? Also, where is the HWNDU flag?
eat my ass you ass eater
lel kek speaketh, praise god emperor trump and grant based black guys safe passage through these trying times.
I had an epiphany too.
I feel there will be a minor non-happening sometime in the next decade.
Tune in ur tvs.
And Nostradamus predicted this thread back in 1544.
Good thing the entire universe restructured its atoms to create the feelings / dreams of some autistic Sup Forums poster so he can warn everyone.
mark my words ass eater! mark my words...
the American flag is supposed to fly higher than any other flag, baka
really don't have room for that, also get annoyed at stuff that isn't aligned right. i know the rule but it's not for public view
Your American flag is displayed incorrectly. Glass yourself faggot
Something big will happen to cover up whatever pic related is
You're right, soon you're going to wake up in a different room and realize that reality has just become too distorted for you to understand.
Why do you have the cuckistani flag when pic related is the only flag you need?
If gets its a nuke
can kek confirm explosions in the us in the next month?
big things happen everyday just go to your local walmart
God you're cringe
Big store, big people.
haha yes! may the autism prophecies become truth! he he ho ho
you dont even know how to hang an american flag, please kill yourself
I hqd an epiphany too. Fbi showed up in front your door.
also IRON YOUR GOD DAMN FLAGS, jesus some of you are really cringe worthy
u r just mad because u r angry
delet dis
It's not worth it OP, just turn yourself into the FBI, or dispose of your home made explosive devices safely and non-explosiony.
i'm not the one doing the booms!
you are all fucking faggots and the reason that this board is shittier than ever.
he he he ho ho ho