Thoughts on Nathan Damigo?
Thoughts on Nathan Damigo?
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Still waiting for shirtless pics of him desu
Real American hero.
Check out the likes to dislikes ratio on that video and it's on the young turks channel. He has a presence.
Is that the Turkroach channel? Are you trying to trick me?
It is. I only linked it because he was able to handle himself very well and even on their channel he was able to garner respect in the comments while also talking about white nationalism.
Bump why isn't he talked about here? (beyond the punch)
Awesome dude.
Agreed. (Based on what I have seen and read so far.) He certainly has the charm and speaking ability and composure. He is smart enough to be able to talk about white nationalism without mentioning nazis and such.
federal agent, look into his criminal record
IE is a honeypot
noooooooooo, can't we have anyone who isn't accused of being a shill?
No everyone is a cia shill everyone
no we should just take everyone at face value and never be suspicious
>tfw met him and shook his hand a couple times
>tfw got a personal invitation from him
Literal pussy slayer
I am suspicious which is why I made this thread. I will not be joining any groups or anything with my name. I will look into the arrests. (I already knew about that and know what it could imply.) But I'm still hopeful.
A manlet that has done more for the White race than you have.
It doesn't matter if he's a manlet really. He's got the perfect German looking face. Look at his profile.
Based Manlet
he's /ourguy/
Real human being
At a rally?
He appeared on The Daily Shoah recently
He was a Marine. That clearly makes manlet status irrelevant.
sharia blue pls go
he is a divide and conquer shill
I'll bite. What has he done to "divide and conquer"?
intentionally trying to alienate minority trump supporters and drive them to the left
So you don't like ethnonationalism I get it. That doesn't make him a shill.
and how is he doing that, exactly?
He did 5 years in prison. The minimum was 3. How is this proof he is a fed?
He is way better than Spencer, yet his is still a manlet.
>Also, also he runs a WN group in which Europeans can't join...
What's up with that? Everyone knows (((Americans))) are pretty much black anyway.
Europeans can't join? Hm, perhaps he's focusing on America. Everyone I've talked to likes him over Spencer.
You aren't far off, goyim.
Did you think the Rabbis over at MKUltra labs would just abandon the vast discoveries like whole dick niggers??
Yeah you're right, we should instead just accuse anyone who has been in jail before and is literally on our side a federal agent because muh tinfoil basement flowcharts.
Fucking moron.
good vid , the like/dislike ratio is interesting.
>You're a democunt, wannabe child rapist
>Damigo is the hero we all need but don't deserve
>Anyone that's popular but doesn't suck the toes of Niggers is "divide and conquer"
>Most people on this board were off the orange Nigger Jew train of Dramfle when he kiked Assad, which he has continued to do
Behave, because the Gorilla dick Nigga is hungry and if you don't blow me right I might kill ya
He is fine I guess but too short to lead a meaningful movement. Sad but true.
Most of the comments are white nationalist too. This timeline is going in interesting directions.
Yes that was what intrigued me. If you read the comments you can see many people saying they don't agree with him but they respect what he has to say. And these are liberals watching the young turks. Imagine if there was some stormfront guy talking. It would never have that many likes. It's just a good indicator.
>thoughts on some random guido
He's not white so I don't care
Also the problem with your Damigo/Spencer types is that they spend too much time countersignaling the right, vs spend time spreading their message. If there was a younger version of Jared Taylor that would turn into something 10x bigger than what these stooges are doing currently.
Yeah he is focusing on America but it still makes little sense to me why I can't join. I don't even think there are fees, there was a university postering campaign a while back but I'm guessing they're a "non profit" so I still can't see any real reason why Brits or any Euros can't join.
He's got blonde hair and blue eyes and Germanic facial structure.
It feels to me as if the movement is holding back right now at least with him.
Oy gevalt! Does Damigo scare you my little Hebrew friend?
>no dues
balding manlet with a euro fetish.
>Richard Spencer = controlled opposition
>Nathan Damigo = manlet
It's like you want white interests to remain fringe...
If only Damigo had Spencer's height. But seriously he's handsome enough that it shouldn't matter if we are really talking about looks.
I'm just bantzing him desu. I work with IE pretty regularly. Have yet to meet the manlet himself though.
He's do a lot more good if he didn't constantly reveal his full power level. The moment you start shouting Nazi shit at a protest, no one takes the protest seriously anymore.
He robbed a taxi
Degenerate ape
when did he shout nazi stuff?
Unlike Dickless Dickie Spencer, Damigo FIGHTS BACK. Also he's a better speaker by far
Isn't he a racist?
Yes. Every syllable out of his mouth is like a micro-Shoah. It's awful.
>camera happens to be rolling at the exact moment he punches ANTIFA girl
>becomes instant eceleb
double trips palindrome get
There's a difference between taking everyone at face value and accusing literally every single person who does anything at all in the real world of being a federal agent
He would be god-tier if he wasn't a manlet.
>perfect hair
>perfect jaw aesthetic
>better speaker for white nationalism than Richard Spencer
>gives no fucks about slapping a bitch
Bretty good
There were cameras everywhere in that protest, numbnuts
Getting blindsided while giving an interview is the same as fighting during a riot now?
I don't like Spencer that much, but he is still doing a good job. Only an anti-white would oppose him.
I knew about him before that though. Also I'd like to know more about his armed robbery charge. Did it occur in Iraq? He said that he was dealing with ptsd and he thought the guy was iraqi.
>richard spencer gets punched multiple times..cameras rolling to capture each one
>nathan hits antifa cunt multiple rolling to capture each one
>lauren southern gets piss thrown on her..cameras rolling
>all become ecelebs
you're all being swindled by kikes
look at his tweet history. before the CIA got him he used to talk about white genocide constantly. but since about a year ago, not a word. I wonder why?
>every single person in this day and age has a video camera in their pocket and uses it to film the enemy side
>it's somehow suspicious that a punch gets caught on camera
>no charges filed by antifa cunt despite knowing who it was
i wonder why...
The video I just linked is him talking about white nationalism, buddy. I think he started getting attention and didn't want to ruin it by saying stupid stuff. But he is not pussing out in my opinion in that video at all. He's just talking about it in an eloquent way.
Okay I can see you are a shill now. She had no leg to stand up legally as she attacked him first so she could not file charges.
Wait. Are you the same Mongoloid that shills for (((Lauren)))? Also why would I be afraid of that faggot? I'm more afraid of his FBI handlers than of him
Because it's a clear cut case of self defense? You can't just say "I want to file charges", that's up to the cops
Damigo is his step father's name. His last name is Lodge. He's 100% white.
No because kike shills call everyone shills.
Damigo is legit.
the people arent retarded. well, the majority at least. You dont punch a woman at a protest and have no charges filed against you by either the woman or the police themselves. this shit is all staged. fuck you, fuck your altright CIA leaders and fuck zionism.
theyd both catch a misdemeanor you dumb cunt.
>woman attacks man
>man hits woman
>yet despite heavy police presence, no investigation.
seems legit.
not to mention richard spencers attacker was never caught because no one even tried to follow him to find out who is was. makes no sense.
why did nathan suddenly stop talking about white genocide once he got wrapped up with Richard Dickenhorse? pure COHENcidence
>you're all being swindled by kikes
More accurately, kikes are trying to swindle us. Like you right now.
why didnt the police investigate the assault and punch by nathan despite a heavy police presence and despite it being recorded? is that the norm?
Why did you call him a guido without knowing anything about his ancestry? Quite Jewish of you.
I just looked at his twitter and it's full of race related tweets.
Damigo is alright. He works closely with Spencer as well.
Nathan is an ex-felon who punched a woman, according to him, in self-defense..and it was recorded...AND its all over the Internet. Yet no police investigation? Bullshit.
Nigga hairline FUCKED up. Nigga look like a 3 year old lined him up.
>theyd both catch a misdemeanor you dumb cunt.
No they wouldn't. He literally dindu nuffin wrong. You are allowed to punch people in self defense. The only person who could have been charged with a crime was a woman. Gee I wonder why the (((Berkeley))) cops didn't charge her? Hmm
why hasnt nathan talked about white genocide since he got wrapped up with richard?
>everyone is CIA, don't trust anyone, stay in your domicile and just keep posting in your obscure little groups
Whatever you say Mr. Schlomo. Thank you for showing me the way.
how do you know it was self-defense if there was no police investigation or even a report? even if it was slf-defense you cant decide that: police do. so why no investigation? why not even a single report :)
>haha facts arent real goys!
He's a manlet
Top kek
go back to 8, no one here is as paranoid as you to bite such shitty bait, schizo