Why do european women prefer foreigners?

In Germany, for example, I think it's easier to find the reason. German men are autistic and very beta.

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user this is a bad time to be postin this shit nigga
a lot of slide threads goin around

Because they are more autistic than any man can ever hope to be

fuck off retard

Women have been fighting for superiority here in the west, but haven't been able to compete with the local men. However, the women who date refugees at least get the satisfaction of feeling like the intellectual superior of the relationship.

They don't and if they do, they mostly prefer foreign white men, not niggers.

Hispanic american here

time to take a trip to Germany


Mind if I marry a German qt? I'd be happy to have glorious 85% white children Germany's women.

Don't bother. German women are even more autistic than German men.

U vermin need to stop watching degenerative porn and look around yourself instead. absolute minimum of western women lives with or even fucks foreginers and if so they are white.



Big dicks, simple as that.
This is like when you introduce a new type of animal and there is no natural predator to balance it.
That's why, many Asian countries advise against immigration, any other male is superior to them in size.

please give sauce on that. pure delusion.

They prefer mainly Muslims because they are real men who demand respect from them and impose patriarchy. It is impossible for a woman to be attracted to the modern day, metrosexual, western man.

because the european "men" are not men anymore

They do not, Akmed. Even among USA studies in Tinder/Match.cm/etc, the overwhelming majority of White women refuse to date black males. See this sourced review: 91% of White females EXCLUDE black males from the dating pool.

Nice PSYOP, see you again tomorrow.


>some antifa whore(s)
>German women
You are certainly retarded.


big dicks is a myth and meme pushed by the race-mixing zionists who seek a lowered-IQ mud-race of global idiots who are smart enough to work, yet dumb enough to not question their global Jewish masters.

Proof in pic.

They do love foreigners, as long as they're black or Arab.

>degenerates ruining the legacy of the hussars
Delete this

They actually don't. Atleast the majority anyway
the rest are result of late-stage capitalism.


>czech republic
yeah well it's pretty obvious you don't have this problem, try living in a big western european city, I see coalburners every day

western boiis are cucked af desu

Hey nigger... its because jews program them..

You niggers are jewish footsoldiers to be a distraction as they plunder.


my personal view is that virtue signalling over the years from normies to celebrities has actually been perceived by in particular the younger gen as influential and genuine. As with little girls seeing their favourite pop stars slutdrop and tweet on stage - which they now do freely - they also adopted these ultra-pro virtue signals as scripture essentially, hence why this disgusting trend is occurring.

>My dream is to be a strong independent single mom with a caramel son
I don't even feel sorry for europeans anymore

That explains a lot. God, I hate everything.

Why do I come here? I just end up seeing shit that raises my blood pressure and makes me feel disgust.

America has been influencing the youth opinions to develop a culture of self hate ever since WW 2. The results is the women fundamentally push away from German culture and probably can't explain why.

Because a part of you belongs to an archetype described by Plato as the Guardian-Warrior. Somebody intended for enlightenment and deemed to lead others from the allegorical cave and teach them the truth of Forms.

Thanks user.

I heard stories of people in the army stationed in Germany. They all say the same shit. German women are just total sluts to be used by any foreigner.

All the real men there got killed off in ww2.

don't forget to get tested ladies.

dont listen to that retard, we are just soldiers, and theres no honorable wars going on

He sounds pretty well read to me user.

Women prefer what you provide them, they like music they see on television, they dress according to this decade's trends, they use make-up as industry/ads told them, they cook how you teach them, sometimes they don't cook if you are a cuck. Once you go on a road of American freedom, that means you given capitalists the keys to telling your women how they should be. You should be doing German propaganda instead, else you will die out.

That guy in the blue hoodie is on Silicon Valley


Western women hangout with minority men until their 30s and marry a white dude after to have a family.

Penis size. It's only to do with penis size. Not even kidding was told this by a lot of my very honest female friends.

Lol no they don't, no white guy will take them after that and they are left with beta minorities or themselves after they realize how badly they fucked up.

>my sister got blacked
I actually threatened to beat the shit out of her and told her to never get in contact with me again, I actually hate her so much I refuse to accept her as part of my family anymore.

And (((who))) controls the celbrities?

coming from the same ideologues who will claim that there's no such thing as ethnicity, nation or race, its all a social construction

German men and refugee men exist, or theres no such thing ?

which one is it lefties?

That must have been very painful

That's because there isn't very much of a difference between your average German "male" and female. German men have been feminized to the point of indifference, and now wonder why their women prefer just about any kind of a foreigner, as long as they aren't German. In all honesty, one could probably compare a male chink to a German, and German women would probably moisten at the thought of it.

Because girls love these german men, not that "german" (((men))) you think you are

>be woman
>be good homemaker
>husbands are strong
>get right to vote
>decide to throw shit in their face
>exponentially increase the size of the gouvernment
>severely increase taxes so welfare programmes can be paid for

>few decades later
>be too occupied with the sexual revolution to care about dropping the gold standard
>go into education system
>ruin the atmosphere
>kick out all the male teachers
>ruin the quality of education
>go into job market
>ruin that too
>create massive institutions that promote your cause at the expense of everyone else

>few decades later
>men grow up educated by shitty female teachers
>men are raised by single mothers and the state
>men are scorned left right and centre just for not being a girl
>men start hating women
>would like to fix this but it's a difficult problem
>look across the border
>bunch of foreign men who haven't been manipulated yet
>start importing them
>treat them as the saviour
>even though women voted for higher taxes
>even though women voted for new crippling institutions
>even though women voted for the equality that discriminates against men
>even though women are responsible for it all

>tfw women get away with it because they're women and even the most redpilled men wouldn't even so much as dare to change their rights

I don't care anymore because she's not family anymore, she's just another whore laying with a beast, the bible says if you lay with a beast you should be put to death

Foreigner (European but still...) who married a German woman here - I'd rather be tortured and murdered than marry a German again. Sure, a big part of German men are video playing anime watching betas but even the regular German guys dont want these retarded lazy roasties, so they have to go for whatever is available. Many obese germwhales import husbands from africa, its a common sight here. The pretty ones may have the looks sorted out but personality wise they are rotten and retarded. Maybe its just women in general, no idea...

How do we fix this?

Surely there are conservative German women out there though. Aren't there any catholic schools or anything to recruit future waifu's out of within Germany?

Fucking kek! I'm starting to think these women who date non-whites are mentally ill.

>How do we fix this?

Acid in the face.

Muslim women don't act this way for a reason.

German women are trash and really not worth the effort, you should go for a qt russian Girl.

German women are unbearable, they are very very arrogant, they always tell me I'm retarded for not using metric, how we should ban guns and how racist and backwards we are, and how we should be more like Europe (I'm Canadian) literally every conversation I ever had is like that, like I'll say "hey what's up" they'll say "just reading the news you Americans need to ban guns" I hate Germans so much I've never had a good conversation with a German

I have friends/associates who've studied/worked in Germany who've commented on this phenomenon and these people aren't political at all which is why I believe them. I've been told similar things about the Netherlands and Sweden too.

It's hard to decide who's worse, pathetic aissyfied western "men" or abominable western "women". Either way mother nature is going to punish the decadent westerners accordingly.

As an American, I can't stand my own women either, especially from California.

Notice how countries with the prettier girls also have the most mentally-fucked ones as well. The Jews sure picked their targets wisely.

>gets to live in Germany
>doesn't find a wife and can't redpill
>niggers impregnate
You failed your race user. Confederates were always Jew owned, I guess.

I feel the same and Im german.

I think it's because German men are pussies honestly and cucked. Based off of posts from Germans. They have forgotten what it is like to be a man. Why else would women find them boring. Females like honesty and men who are themselves.

Germans seem to have this superiority complex where they like to believe they are smart and that makes them look tough. But it does not make you a man saying what you feel does.

As much as I hate niggers that is why Germans are suffering. Black people only have one positive trait and that is being themselves and not hiding their feelings. In some situations females crave that because it shows strength and can feel at ease. Because it does not feel like an alterior motive or what you see is what you get.

Too many redpills at once, off to kill myself

Can confirm, the international students you spread all over europe and send out can't score and are incredibly laughable + get too drunk and outspokenly cringy + pathetic

Dont say you are not impressed by this.

t. ivan living off gibsmedats and driving his bmw through dortmund.

They need men not castrated betas

Everyone should stop talking about cucks. It is annoying. Also just fuck whoever you want and shut the fuck up about it. Or don't and also shut the fuck up about it.

Sure, my ex visited a catholic school. I wouldn't go for a roastie, she was a virgin, right wing etc. so I thought I hit the jackpot. Couldnt have been more wrong - they just aren't brought up to be real women here. Lazy, all of a sudden she has mental conditions...didnt work, and while I had to put bread on the table alone she didnt have the courtesy to cook a single fucking dinner or do the housework. I dont know if you can find a proper white woman anywhere nowadays, slavs are golddiggers, western ones are a leftie lazy mess...

>long proud germanic history
>rise of hitler
>oh no germans are so strong what do we do
>(((allies))) rise up against him eventhough he's simply standing up for his own people and attack germany from all sides.
>50 years of shaming and degrading and negative stereotypes whilst promoting all kinds of degeneracy
>lol germans you are just so very beta mate.. it's always been that way

That one is fake though

>Posts picture of autistic roastie from interpals
Fuck off krautist

>Women have been fighting for superiority here in the west, but haven't been able to compete with the local men. However, the women who date refugees at least get the satisfaction of feeling like the intellectual superior of the relationship.
Women are masters of cognitive dissonance. You need to be smarter than her while simultaneously making her feel smart. Basically, when it matters, you have to be the smart one, but for useless shit, let her think she's right.

>Independent journalist in New York
>Black guy named John from Ghana

Wow German girls are way beyond autistic. Because those two things would never happen. Because New York has the highest cost of living and she would be forced to move to another area and let's be honest John would fuck all other females he sees.

I mean, the genocide was unnecessary. Deportation would've worked.

I don't live in Germany I would sooner kill myself than live in krautland

Acid attacks are way up in the UK

They are blaming HBO series Game Of Thrones


Reminder that the average German woman is 50 years old.

>summer is here already
Eat shit and die nigger

Let's reduce the range from 18 to 30, then also substract the non-ethnic Germans. You are left with something like 2% of the population (?) Good luck finding a German woman, lmao.

this..thanks ragnar

I see no foreginer on the picture. Only an ape.
Also saged.

>Acid attacks are way up in the UK
>They are blaming HBO series Game Of Thrones
These fucking idiots, it's the same desperate attempt to not mention the general behaviour every damn time they try to skirt around the issue.

If they just looked at cases in pakistan where throwing acid in face or burning women for refusing to marry them is not exactly rare they would quickly discover why the reason this is increasing in the UK in the same period where they are importing lots of muslim immigrants.

tl;dr has nothing to do with game of thrones but the intolerant behaviour and abuse towards rampant in muslim countries like pakistan.

Stop lying, there's a fuckton of 30YO+ beta whites who become providers for these decadent women. Also the """minorities""" in Europe are a lot of things but beta isn't one of them.

to 18-30*.. Let's substract the % that are in relationships..
Anyway, you get the gist. Actual German women that aren't way past their expiration date and single are extremely rare.

What do you think Hitler did?

Black user here.
Went to Germany some time ago. Spent some time getting to know and hang out with many locals. Germans pride themselves on equality. The women are as cold as ice to their men. They consider it disrespectful if you aggressively pursue them (German men only) because they are equals. Obviously, they go outside of their cucked men and flirt with the (dangerous) immigrants. This is what women do. They are weaker than men. So, the only way for them to be strengthened is to weaken men. The are not men so they don't know what it is to have gone to far. So, after they weaken you, they kick you while you're down and try to destroy you. They then seek out a stronger men. They are naturally wired to be shit-testing and destructive. It's the way they assess things. If they can destroy it, then it is weaker to them and they lose respect. They are hard wired to this behavior. There is no such thing as a strong woman, only one that seeks to undermine a man.

It's too late for german men. They've already made this a cornerstone of their culture... FFS, they have a childless hag (merkel) leading them. Need one say more?


>be murrican in germany
>see atleast 2 or 3 coal burners per day on the streets
>inevitably young (16 to 19)
>inevitably surrounded by 3 to 5 muslims who are older than they are
>always got that young dumb naive girl thing going

Theyre the same dumb roasties who would be knocked up and discarded by some white trash loser 8 years older than she is 5 years ago. Only difference now the muslims have replaced that demographic as the sexually agressive badboy type to piss daddy off with.

Are you the Canadian version of me. I live in the US and I swear it's almost the same shit I see from a lot of German posters how the US is wrong to not include other cultures and that we have a superiority problem because we are raised that way. How we are selfish and not cultured.

A lot of them make me laugh though because they always are hypocritical and act smug.


Europeans are the worst, I hate Europeans so much. Even the red pilled ones here
>HAHAHAHA why don't you use globalist standards instead of your own traditional units of measurement :^)

Oh and I was told that the women are cold to their children too. They have them and just move on with life. Few German women are deeply attached to their kids or their family unit. (((They))) really did a number on them pre/post war. Now they're bringing in hordes of unruly men to destroy what's left of the genetic pool. The women fought for equality and the birth rates plummeted. They cucked their men.. Turned them into betas and created a stagnant/cold/sterile society. Now they're importing fresh blood/culture to reinvigorate the country/economy.

This is what happens when you let women dominate things.. They literally suck the life out of everything and, when they're done, crawl under something new.

>"even the most redpilled men wouldn't dare change their rights"

The Muslims will.

Simple, thanks to their whorish behavior they can no longer get decent men. Only niggers will touch 2498th hand used goods.