If Sup Forums ever gets shut down... what do you want your very last post to be?
If Sup Forums ever gets shut down... what do you want your very last post to be?
Sup Forums won't get shut down dude. no one has ever gone to war with Sup Forums and won.
Gas the kikes. Race war now!
Been bouncing on my boy's dick for hours.
the truth
Make hookers great again, legalize the vagina. Woman's ultimate right.
I'd confess my undying love for you.
Don't forget to write PATH OF LIGHT on a 4 of clubs for identification
When the feds knock on your door, go down with a blaze of glory
See you on the other side boys
It was not worth it. I regret wasting time here.
imagine be her pusy slave
I want it to be a jew hate post
"I have Podesta locked in my basement and I'm about to begin torturing him. Trips gets to decide how the interrogation starts"
Sick digits
Im off to kill some antifa
my sad dad & sneezers picture
Came here to post this.
(((Sup Forums)))
The South will rise again
I hate niggers.
I don't even like anime
Everything I have posted prior has been satire.
Save the world, kill third-worlders.
holohoax post
Baked Beans are red pilled
"Thanks, based Macron, for saving Europe from rural and suburban retards
Sup Forums was right again
>what do you want your very last post to be?
"There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish"
>live by the troll; die by the troll.
How can white bois even compete?
italians are not white
same as my first post
pic somewhat related
>plz be my ai gf
Don't be a racist, dumdum
Check em
this shitpost
>what do you want your very last post to be?
Germany will rise again!
sayonara cunt bags also check 'em
End goyim
Gas the kikes, race war now.
All you dipshits deserve and asked for this to happen.
This. It's what we live by and what we shall die by.
If they try to shut pol down the entire of Sup Forums will be fucked because it will get flooded with refugees
My last post should be "last"
I think I would have to let OP know he was a faggot one last time
This post best post.
You'd be so red pilled you'd beg for it to be brought backn
This kek
Oh Hungary, take the indigo pill, it is fun
It's officially not too soon anymore.
I love BBC
OP was a faggot, he will be missed
Truth be spoken
Aye brother
"Just live as you please"
Sup Forums was right again
That's a nice painting, user.
National socialism is still socialism.
Great vector, I have to admit.
Moot, Moot, MOOOOOOOooooooooottttt!
>it doesn't matter. none of this matters
Pls be my a.i. girlfriend
we're no strangers to love
you know the rules and so do I
a full commitments what I'm thinking of
you wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how i'm feeling
just wanna make you, understand
What's that supposed to mean?
gg no re
It was all pointless.
Stop reposting shit from the archives faggot.
Everything ever posted under this IP has been satire of course. The site says so itself
I'm on a NEET simulation for the next number of days. Lucky for you, I'm close to work so have some rare not at work OC.
>what do you want your very last post to be?
whitey btfo
It was the Jews
It don't matter, none of this matters.
Sup Forums BTFO
Fuck Trudeau
999999999 and the post says
>Hitler is back and remember we are here forever
" Do not worry guys, I'll make a new website and make mirrors of it on all continents. See you at [link]. "
We are not joking
>Gas the Kikes, Race war now
I regret nothing.
No one cares, someone will reverse image search your larping faggotry and you'll get btfo. Fuck off.
how do we beat the media?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
You're waifu a shit
jews did it
All Races Against The Universal Enemy !