Why haven't you watched Wonder Woman in theatres yet Sup Forums?

Why haven't you watched Wonder Woman in theatres yet Sup Forums?

heard it was a good movie
haven't been to a theater in years though
not giving my money to the lost cause of hollywood

>things that never happened but have been made up to gain likes

Likes and upvotes are like the currency of liberals

I might watch it on netflix but it's just more hero movies and im burnt out

>watching capeshit

"so thats what representation feels like"
Then she cried
face it OP, the Dude has no GF
no normal Person has this Problem
he is LARPing and virtue signaling to the max

>then we cried

No shit.

>it was real in my mind
>i had no idea i was missing that role model from my life
thats because your boyfriend cries over wonder woman

with the autists on Sup Forums you really dont know if they take this shit seriously

Is this a lesbian couple? Or a German couple?


Cuck subscribes to netflix.

because it's bourgeois feminist trash.

It is actually a well put together movie, except for the last fight. It stuck to a formula and it executed it pretty well.

And there's even a point made in the movie that killing one guy in charge does not change the hearts of everyone else.

I don't know what's more cringe inducing and pathetic - That some faggot invented that scenario or that it actually occurred.

We're reaching levels of juvenile regression that shouldn't even be possible.

You know what, it is weird that it took us humans so long to make a film with females in it. You would think films before that would also feature women, but no

kek so wonder women is their role model now? i guess we gonna see a lot of hero women trying to fight back when mugged on the street etc. last time it happened it was some german tourist in USA, she fought back, made nigger mad and BTFO her and on top of that instead of just robbing her he also raped her. worth. gonna be fun when reality hits these cunts who thinks "strong as men we are". lmao

>we cried

Saw it the other day with my girlfriend. We both though it was decent but nothing great. Still suffered from a lot of the things that have made the other recent DC movies trash though.

It was alright, just like all the other capeshit

that's what guns are for!

In liberal numale and feminist relationships does the numale wear the lingerie?

>Be adult burger
>Reads (((super hero))) cartoons
>Watches (((super hero))) movies
Quite sad tbqh, we do that as kids, then we hand down our toys, movies, cartoons etc down to younger siblings or cousins.
Don't even eat whale!
>pic not related
seriously "super hero", hiding in plain sight.... all jewish fantasies. Grow up

I considered it, but then I spent my money on this cool jules verne collection instead. I think I made the right choice.

things that never happened

lol bollocks

That's so fucking fake even ebay wouldn't auction it off.

Sounds like it's something you would know you commie faggot

I don't like spending money when superhero movies are trash.

There have been female characters like this before people starting writing. How is a woman in a shitty superhero movie any better than those figures?

Go nibble on your fermented shark fin (delicious Scandanavian cuisine!) in your cuckshed while a pack of Somalian migrants take turns on your wife, Soren.

Americans will keep running the world and producing all of its culture.

i dunno man
those karate chink chicks are pretty effective

It's not a superhero movie
It's a superheroine movie get it right

How long have you had that in the chamber?

no thanks, liberals disgust me.

I just thought of it on the sperm of the moment.

It's been there for a long time. Just different type of emotional woman today.

Also probably the most badass

It's satire and it's funny. Relax guys.

Is his girlfriend also his 5 year old daughter?

Cuck pays for his internet


I actually have, it's a good capeshit movie but that's all it is. People reading political significance into it are stupid.

The day is also in large part saved by a male soldier who sacrifices himself to destroy a bioweapon about to kill millions of people. It isn't one of "those" movies.

Superhero films are for LITERAL Larpers.
Grow the fuck up Sup Forums
SuperDuper Spandex ManWoman will not save you from your Mundane existence.

I pay for Netflix.

>Actress served in Israeli Army
>Nu pol thinks Israel is based
It's practically /ourfilm/

Why though? Are you not learned enough on the internet ways?

Do these fuckers not read books either? I know in high school I read some good books featuring female protagonists like Sabriel for example.

She had never seen a woman in a movie before?

I might check it out. Probably not in the theaters, I'm not into capeshit and I don't want to pay for it. I already watched Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad and thought they sucked.

>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Shrek so much, I had all the merchandise and movies
>I pray to Shrek every night before bed, thanking him for the life I’ve been given
>"Shrek is love" I say; “Shrek is life”
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Shrek
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It’s Shrek
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear “This is my swamp.”
>He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Shrek
>He penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Shrek
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Shrek
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love
>My dad walks in
>Shrek looks him straight in the eyes and says “It’s all ogre now.”
>Shrek leaves through my window
>Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

It's less than 10$ a month user. That's a mere pittance.

That skinny jew would be more interested in a Gucci Handbag.
Here's a real bitch that will make you cream.

I remember watching Xena as a kid and her body made me feel tingly in my peepee.

>Not crying with your girlfriend and talking about your feelings and shit for hours and she starts ignoring you for a week and you beger with her to come back and start crying and sending her letters until she feels guilty and gets back together with you
no wonder you guys are all so bitter and lonely. you just dont understand women.

> not covering your bodies with shit and have very disgusting sex
You don't understand women at all

>wwho is lara croft
>who is zena

there will literally not be a more badass fiction character than this pair

You defending and making excuses for your cuckoldry is wierd.

Wonder Woman is good rolemodel and movie.

That Black Panther marvel movie shoots itself in the brown hole.
Superhero women need to be sexy.

pop cultcha was a mistake

>still talking about this movie

I'm really getting bored of "hero kills ebil Nazis"

>then we cried


It still happens to me.

I've always loved strong women, if their muscles are frontal.

I don't even have a girlfriend/wife

and then the car clapped

There is an actual women's wrestling revolution going on right now in the WWE. These chicks are tough, beautiful, hardworking and entertaining.

But people care more about jewish media super hero bullshit for fake feminism and women empowerment nonsense.

what gives?

this was already published more then twice MODS delete


>this was already published more then twice MODS delete

I think the type of people who think that wonder woman is the first great female role model don't read books.

She is the first lead representation in Marvel or DC, i don't even know which one.

I don't watch capeshit.

Oh lawdy is dat Jewlia Childs

Batgirl > Wonder Woman

suicide is starting to look like the only viable option at this point

>then we cried

Jesus Christ.

>fictional fucking superhero character


Because they're still having woman only screenings here.


Shit parents letting theit kindergarten age children watch a pg14 violent movie.

I'm not interested in Israeli high fantasy

all these kind of facebook posts sound like stale Sup Forums joke copypastas. do things like this even happen or is it just wishful thinking?

>Nia Jax
>Alexa Bliss

Raw truly has gone down the toilet, Smackdown's ladies do a better job

>Then we cried.

forget being a doctor or CEO, just be a kick ass superhero with no practical application in the real world

even poos attempt to make India look good are less cringe than those virtue signaling idiots

>I work at kindergarten
>not "I am a kindergarten teacher"

Not that kindergarten teacher is some lofty profession, but this retard is some sort of secretary or aide hahahahahahaha

Because it's highly likely that 99% of the people involved in the production and funding of this movie are part of the (((problem))).
I only support things with my money when they don't contain SJW preaching. This has a less than expected, but it's not as spectacular a movie as people are saying. When it becomes a political statement, it makes me not care about it.

It's like they never saw Snyder's Sucker Punch.

>Wonder Woman was created in 1941
>SJW's and "gamer gurrls" think she is some modern victory for representation in media
>character is played by an Israeli supermodel who served as an instructor in the IDF and 100% hates muzzies

I remember when Xena was around. It was a campy ripoff of the campy Hercules show. Guys started wanting the women to be into each other, so they did it. Suddenly it was a brave lesbian breakthrough, and when the dykes started praising it like it was some masterpiece, guys stopped watching it, and it died.

Being Zeus's daughter and having superpowers seems like a lot of privilege that Shaniqua didn't get. Plus Jew.

The hottest character was Calypso

>giving my money to jews

Also she was created specifically for bondage fantasies. It's hot.


>le all israelis are islamophobes meme

Because it sucks.
I know, I know. Everyone's saying it's good. But let's be honest. Is it, really? It's a super hero movie. They all suck. Any mainstream movie that isn't R rated has an 85% chance of sucking eggs. I have better things to do with my time, like fap.

It was actually pretty funny when it first came out. Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi were pure gold, and it had hot women everywhere, which was rare in the ugly late 90s.
Never thought the main two were anything better than average, though. I agree with you there.
