Charleston Deep State Attack?! Important!

So George Webb warned the authorities about a dirty bomb being onboard a container ship in Charleston harbor a few hours ago.

George Webb and Jason Goodman are two investigative journalists, heavily involved in the Seth Rich case, the clinton chicanery and US drug trafficking.

3 days ago, Goodman uploaded a video in which he looked rather stressed out; saying they had a suspicion that the deep state was about to make a move on them, trying to discredit or detain George Webb.


Could it be that they were handed false information by a few false (deep state) sources in order to discredit them? The USCG twitter feed just came in saying that the reporting source has been detained (presumably Webb).

Could this entire charleston thing have been a set-up for these two in order to silence them (Seth Rich, Hillary, narcotics trafficking, etc)?

Not involved in this shit, just noticed that video about 30 minutes ago. Just sharing info.

Other urls found in this thread:

george webb is a confirmed gasslighter

im not falling for any more pranks

This is all suspect.

It's over. The larper has been detained. Let this be a lesson to all of you.

Also reminder that Webb was suddenly invited to join a whole bunch of government agencies in a video conference, just after he reported it.

I mean, when the fuck does such a thing even happen? Its almost as if they wanted him there.

pic related maybe?

>itt: trolls shilling as LARPers larping as shills

fuck the mods


Where is Eric Braverman?

Has anybody actually traced where the Memphis was before it got to Charleston? Any Israeli cargo on board?

Nigger get out.

iirc it's last port of call was Gibraltar

pic related

Damn, they are sliding this hard man. Look at the catalog... wtf.

>Could this entire charleston thing have been a set-up for these two in order to silence them (Seth Rich, Hillary, narcotics trafficking, etc)?


uh.... uhhhh... hrm....

Made you this video

Waiting the for the full stream to finish processing.

This shit is crazy guys, they called it in and streamed the whole thing.

George webb and Jason Goodman behind Dirty Bomb Hoax charleston Maersk Memphis

Here is paste of everything i found. Shit is fucking redick.

makes sense to high profile to just wack them

its happening this week

False happening actually 4d chess happening.

Discrediting is far more useful than taking out if all someone is doing is making noise (with said noise possibly leading to trouble for the conspirators).

They only take you out if you have 100 percent solid evident on you or you've fucked them over and they want revenge; think Mafia.

you're right
i didn't notice because i was filtering for "webb"
wondering if I'm one of the ten patsies
>tfw you may or may not be saved in one of their contact lists
here we go
roll for /no-van/

gangstalking much?

guess i feel better if they haven't v& (((defango)))

I did it by myself. I just watch those guys literally pull the biggest stunt of on youtube.

Was this Reddit post a coincidence ?

I believe she's saying ((they)) will be wearing orange aka in Prison IF the LEAK in the sinking ship is not plugged. And they need to KILL whoever is in the FRONT SIGHT

That's my interpretation at least."

"George Webb is an embarrassment to his family"-Georges brother on the hoax:

What's up that weird bot-autist in the other thread?


The suspicious thing is why the FBI, coast guard and other authorities took it so serious.

I'm sure if I called up about a random thing, like there's a nuke in the head of the Statue of Liberty, they'd probably just hang up on me or send one officer to go and have a look.

Unless they know it's a weak point.



so whats the deal?



Pol btfo

Dang, certainly looks like it

Ports are unquestionably the biggest weak points in the country right now. The plain logistics of making a port, especially a large port, even remotely safe are simply unfeasible. Also this is a great reason for me to use this flag.


Pol btfo

wtf i hate ports now

you know there was something on the ship
had to have been something significant there, given the response
gw uttered a name then "oh fuck" as he was meeting some guy at the gas station or whatever
they were up in arms about him giving away the guy's identity



End pol


Reporded for spam, senpai


>LARP larp

thanks for the (((You)))

We take our jobs seriously

>not spamming
>reported for spam

How dumb are you? Hate the fact that nothing happen

Thats why it would be the perfect bait i'd say.

Nothing happens


You've been spamming every thread about this, you and your shitty EU flag

I fuck asian girls all the time my dude, they love white dicks

You have to go back


>I hate the truth

Meanwhile irl

Stay mad

>I have a shrimp dick

am sad now

I'll roll for you and to bump this thread.

Eat a dick eurofag

Anyways I'm gonna go but keep reporting this guy, all he does is spam.

Dunno what the fuck is wrong with him

What is truth?

Meanwhile Wmaf irl

It was even in the german newspaper.

>>evacuate ship after tips from a conspiracy theorist YouTube video
>>ship is evacuated
>>safety boarder
>>No threats where found

All back to normal.

>>mfw it was the wrong ship

Maybe....there was NOTHINF

Remember several years ago Lindsay Graham said something about a nuke hitting Charleston? GLPers said a mini-mutiny had occurred after a Navy sub had been ordered to nuke Charleston.

Also, Charleston is fucky as hell. I mean Eyes Wide Shut-Jew-Jesuit fucky. Girls gone missing from Myrtle Beach and Columbia and bodies never found fucky.

Lies people believe in order to feel like they understand things. There is no truth, only layers of falsehoods we perceive endlessly. Each layer is followed forever by more, and each time we'll think we've found the last one. But we never will.

Or maybe they were SPECILATING

>>No threats where found

>>All back to normal.

A week later it explodes still because the cops on the place are part of all of it


Nothin will happen

i feel reassured now thanks eurocuck

No problem

Trump impeachment soon

Who is the guy in the OP? His voice gives me immediately thoughts of someone who works in a 3 letter agency.

Anyone else?

Alone that they are react to something like a YouTube video from a tinfoil guy, this says a lot about what they expect.

And to all the not happening fags,


You just have to look around.

Whatever it is, nothing will happen

Pol btfo

I got that feeling behind this European flag, there hides a leaf


I got a feeling that pol always get btfo

What was the 9999999 post? It got deleted

They are both disinformation agents to make the truther movement look bad again. Something big is about to happen

Man, all this effortposting sure is convincing me there is nothing going on.
Isn't all the effort tiring, EU kike? Maybe you should go to bed, this is all just a big fat nothingburger anyway.

So, if I call up and say there's a nuke in or on such and such, I'm expected to believe everyone would take it seriously before vetting the info?

Seems like they just wanted to run a live action training mission and this was a good excuse for it.

It says nothing will happen


"Trump wins"

A chink leaf, in fact.

Sounds like someone's in denial

Man you're pretty convincing. Think I'll just go to sleep...

No. These guys are morons and just crossed over from Ghost Hunters tier entertainment into serious real life prison territory.

TRump lose

I would say the same
and probably behave the same
if I would sit on the bomb


Loser racist

holy shit you're a salty nigger, thanks for the laughs

yw for the attention laddy

And pol always get btfo


Stop acting gay

unironically, kill yourself