Is Brother Nathaniel legit or is he just another shylock sheckling about?

Is Brother Nathaniel legit or is he just another shylock sheckling about?

He seems to sincere, I want to believe it.

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He's real.
If a talmudic jew touches cross, it will burn it.

He's legit

Bronat is a mad cat! don't diss him

If you are a sheep who needs a Jew to lead you by the nose to your own execution, then yes, Brother ((Nate)) is your guy.

I had a dream last night he was it in it. All these whores everywhere gyrating at a holy site and he said don't look

God has spoken. Beware of thots

convert to orthodoxy

Orthodoxy is run by Communism

Communism is run by Jews

Nathaniel is a Jew

I guess he's legit since he calls out the Jews, I don't care that he worships his own ancestor.

>Orthodoxy is run by Communism
spotted the cuckold

Pretty sure he's legit.
Listened to a couple hours of his videos and he seems to have an intense disdain for Judaism and cites reasons as to why that is.
If I was fuhrer I would make him the Emil Maurice exception.

Fuck off back to slave land, sand nigger worshiper

That video was good feels.

i dont trust him

In the 1960s, many of the Orthodox clergy were KGB agents.

Holy shit, literally no brain in the skull.

He's legit. Been following him for years.

He's unsettling.

Hes a bit crazy, and possibly a Putin shill but hes legit about his hate for the Jews.

he's not wrong
great political insight
vast knowledge and understand of das juden

he's legit and quite good at what he does