Homosexuality and the New World Order

Have you ever wondered how the Homosexual Movement has come to be such a powerful force in American life today? How the movement appears to be able to bend government to its will? How the movement attracts millions upon millions of dollars from Corporate America? These questions, among others, have puzzled me for a long time, so I decided to ask Catholic journalist Randy Engel, author of The Rite of Sodomy (www.newengelpublishing.com) and an authority on homosexuality in the Church and in Society, from whence comes all this power and money and influence that the Homosexual Movement seems to enjoys not only in the United States but abroad as well. — jv


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>Have you ever wondered how the Homosexual Movement has come to be such a powerful force in American life today?

Your lifelong partner of 50 years is dying in the hospital.
You try to visit him to say goodbye but they tell you that you're neither a relative nor a spouse.
The love of your life dies in pain without you.

You take your fucking savings and donate all of it to the "Homosexual Movement" and spend all your remaining time being a lobbyist. That's how.


oh well, another slide thread shut down. no loss

It's almost like homosexuality is preferred among those with high IQ or something.

>Your lifelong partner of 50 years is dying in the hospital.
What, of AIDS?

yeah, just like your wife will from taking too much BBC

It's not just in America.

My country passed laws allowing gay marriage purely because the American media got wind of it.

The "marriage equality" side went from a modest amount of funding to over €40 million and they had huge celebrity endorsements also. In comparison the anti-gay marriage side, we only had about €5 million.

Americans wanted to make Ireland the poster child for a formerly staunchly religious and conservative country turning "progressive" with American influence.

It's because Jews have a far higher incidence of being faggots.

It's their matriarchal family structure that leads to them being the degenerate and effeminate people that they are.

Thata why ur supposed to not b gay

It's an open secret that elites have always engaged in homosex, especially in societies where is was stigmatized and therefore unavailable to plebs.

because so many elites are faggot kiddy diddlers that deserve to be burned alive

No, I have literally never wondered or cared. I guess I just don't spend my time obsessing over the lives of queers. You, however, are free to literally do nothing but sweat furiously over fags. They're all around you, OP, closing in. You can almost taste them, can't you?

I think it has more to do with the quality of female options. You're not wrong - Jewish women are notoriously unbearable.

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It's not a fucking hobby, it's your sexuality that you are born with.

No, youre just a pervert. Youre in no way a special snowflake.

>Have you ever wondered how the Homosexual Movement has come to be such a powerful force in American life today

Didn't know we were that powerful?

>How the movement attracts millions upon millions of dollars from Corporate America?

Never got money for being gay. Oreo made their cookies rainbow to try to get me to buy them once though. I'm sure they'd make them any color at all if they think it would make me buy them.

>so I decided to ask Catholic journalist Randy Enge an authority on homosexuality

I understand most Catholic priests are very knowledge about homosexual activity. Particularly the one's that involve the ass hole of the atlar boy.

>Didn't know we were that powerful?
Say something negative about lgbtqpi and you risk having your life destroyed. Even US military has to bend the knee and irrationally sacrifice time/money/efficiency. And almost every media outlet is quick to defend this.


Why are you gay then?