Why are liberal memes so fucking awful?

Why are liberal memes so fucking awful?

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Because they are too serious and out of touch with Internet culture.

Because the conditioning and brainwashing has rendered them uncapible of laughture and humor. Anything funny is said and their programmed response is to find a way to be offended by it.

Because Nazis are easily triggered?


They have to be bland and inoffensive because hurting someone's feelings in now a human rights issue.

They make them overly sterilized so they dont offend anyone

I agree comrades, those nazi bigots are just SJW's in disguise xP

How many hundred kilos does the person who eats an entire box of Reese's Puffs cereal at once weigh?

dont mind me

Mostly the fact that they're consistently really funny whereas Republican humor is almost non-existent. Why are rightwingers always so butthurt, hateful, overly sincere, and unfunny?


Memes on Sup Forums are made in an organic environment. Someone just posts something funny and it catches on. Good ideas get reposted, shit ideas fall into the abyss. Liberals prefer places where their user base is actively pruned until they're basically in a room full of people who parrot the same opinions. Since everything is so strictly watched and controlled, ideas can't really organically circulate or be shaped. They're only developed in isolation.

However, even in places like /leftypol/, their memes are just shittier versions of Sup Forums memes. Similiar anonymous environment, but completely different result. It probably boils down to the fact that Sup Forums doesn't shy away from offensive humour, whereas liberals can't offend anyone.

I'm planning on driving up next weekend and telling people that I won't be using gender neutral pronouns made up by sociologists and then I'm going to tell random Children in Quebec that there are only two genders.

I weigh 148 lbs

Because they don't come from the heart.

Uncreative pseudo historical use of artefacts.

shoo shoo

You can't be funny if your self-esteem is extremely fragile.

Most good humor is self-deprecating.

>Someone just posts something funny and it catches on.
You are literally describing reddit, which is the system of upvoting and downvoting to make sure cream rises. You have to go back.

Because it's stuff they share with their coworkers in the HR department.


Universal non-offensiveness is a tall order so there's little or no room left for humor in liberal humor.

I don't get it

They think memes are their allies. They merely adopted the memes. We were born in it, molded by it. We didn't see the effects until we we're already wizards, by then it was nothing to us but cancer.

All good jokes are at someone's expense. You can't be funny unless your willing to offend.

Not really. The issue with reddit is that their entire system is geared towards whoring as much attention and upboats as possible. It's also a sterile environment (active userbase pruning, like I said before), so their ideas still develop in isolation.

Sup Forums's userbase is significantly more diverse than a liberal's wettest dream and isn't actively pruned, meaning that you get more different viewpoints and ideas actively clash with each other until they get smoothed out and refined.

>it's a leaf making a retarded post rerum

On a serious note, indoctrination does something with humor, it gets destroyed.


Maybe they're a reflection of an inner-self?

Meme's can be so witty and artistic and meaningful, even if they're offensive as fuck.

With liberal memes, the liberals have to consider other people's feelings, the liberals operate on hedonism, so they have to include everyone.

Once that happens, the meme becomes "We are all the same!... except right wingers." Or something gay as fuck like that.

This, their jimmies are rustled so they are incapable of humor

The left is held back by political correctness. They can't compete because they are afraid to offend minorities.


How is this even possible and how am I supposed to take these people seriously?


Cause their meme game is held down by idiotic ideologies and their own self righteous ethics.

Just take a look at imgur.

It's humor developed by liberal women.

You can tell the type if they use words like 'derp' or 'num nums' or any other assortment of baby speke.

I've studied a lot of SJWs and people in general without any academic foundation.

I separated people into two groups; people who show their weakness when put at their lowest and people who push others away when put at their lowest.

Now you might think the latter is for a stronger person, but you'd be wrong. People who push others away when embarrassed are putting on a show in fear of being made to look moronic, while people who drop their spaghetti hard and know it are more critically aware of the situation they're in and of themselves.
The people who show their weakness know their weakness and as such have a better chance at fixing that weakness.

SJWs push people away, they try to act what they perceive as tough when put in a spot that makes them look stupid. Their idea of tough is to act broody, mean, aggressive, like you'd think a fat edgy RP furfag would act. In fact they have so many similarities you'd be surprised to find they aren't the same exact group, although SJWs overlap with gaiafag RPers heavily.
They're the same overly sensitive lolcow imbeciles they've always been except now they're political. Their memes are shit because they're the lolsorandum faggots we hated but now grown into a balding stupid fuck or his fat sow wife. Every person Sup Forums has gotten to kill themselves would be an outspoken SJW now, it's the same exact humor and the same exact everything. People act like it's new or separate but it's not at all.

As dated and cringeworthy this terminology might be I can't think of any other way to put it, humanity is divided into two separate groups: Trolls and trolled.

see But to elaborate, I have a theory so to speak. The reason left can't into memes is not because of the environment the memes are produced, nor is it that Kek does not allow them to use meme magic.
The reason left can't meme boils down to what memes truly are. Memes are simply compact, picturized ideas. Richard Dawkins coined the term meme to describe how ideas evolve over time and shape ideologies, movements, religions, etc. Dawkins concept is exactly what we are doing here, we have made accidentally a means for distributing and spreading ideas that can be quickly understood. Memes compete so to speak in terms of people spreading them in the free market of ideas. Left can't meme because in the free market of ideas when you get down to the simple cost and benefit or even just simple logic, left wing ideas don't stand on their own. Left can't meme for one reason: their ideas are wrong, stupid and illogical. Any attempt to push these ideas while competing with right wing ideas will fail.


Wish I had a medical excuse, leaf. I'm just a loser.

But that's wrong because only the most homogeneousit lowest denomotor shit gets wide votes in that system, plus the whole fact you can't post unpopular opinions because you'll get downvoted and if you do it enough you won't be able to post st all on Reddit, which means the user base is self selected to be tools

because mems are from the soul and they dont have one


why nigger? i would eat it

>trolled and trolls
Why not both? depending on the environment


Because they're not spontaneous. They start out with the idea "I want to make a meme happen" and go from there. It results in derivative crap that needs a laugh track.

You can't get trolled if you're aware of what makes you weak, because you will react with humility. You can pound mud until you're red in the face but it won't break like stone.

>there are people that use Yotsuba instead of Tomorrow

fucking faggot ass normies

>Why are liberal memes so fucking awful?
Because they are the man. Read jacobitemag.com/2017/05/26/chapo-traphouse-will-never-be-edgy/.

But I could pretend to be weak and being unaware of getting trolled, which an outside observer can not differentiate from somebody who isn't aware off getting trolled.

>Why are liberal memes so fucking awful?
They're not meant to comfort the special snowflakes the way right-wing memes have to do.

>Using tomorrow on NSFW boards

fucking pleb

>it's a buttmad leaf gets rustled again
like fucking poetry




>pretending to get hurt from being hit in the face is the same as hitting others in the face

>fat free milk
>sugar loaded candy cereal

because theyre always on the defensive and theres no new ground to break. Also they're bores. Ever heard of a puritan comedian?

haha epic Batman: The Dark Knight Rises reference xD! Praise kek.

holy shit that one's bad

Some things never change.

I pray to God and ask for forgiveness after having robed and beaten up muslim.

>and then I'm going to tell random Children in Quebec that there are only two genders.
don't forget to tell them that men are physically superior to women




You are in the same category.

Kek every other board says this shit and love calling anyone whos not a cuck a Sup Forumsack

well you can always take some unfunny liberal material and make it funny!


The simplest answer is because they want to take credit for their meme when they create it. They aren't willing to let their jokes go through endless changes and perversions like jokes do on Sup Forums. Just look at the creator of pepe the frog before and after it became a "hate symbol".

It's hard to write a joke with wide appeal that doesn't have someone or some group as the butt of the joke.

Think of any insult, any insult at all. At some level that insult is offensive to an entire group of people. There's no such thing as an inoffensive insult. It's a contradiction in terms. So if your entire ideology is based around an oppression hierarchy, you can't ever say anything that would be perceived as an insult, or otherwise you're going to be seen as an oppressor.

The only way to be virtuous and good in such a belief system is either to be a member of the most oppressed group, or else to be completely submissive to and worshipful of the most oppressed group. That's what gives you the "oppression olympics" where groups compete for most oppressed status, while bystanders congratulate and fawn over them for being so victimized and oppressed. It's a truly sick and joyless ideology. You can't ever be genuinely happy in SJW culture, as that would necessitate that you're not being oppressed, and if you're not being oppressed then you're an oppressor and inherently evil. So just by following their own system to its logical conclusion, happiness and joy are evil. The only thing that is acceptable is celebration of victimhood and sneering at anyone trying to lead a decent happy life. Progressivism is truly a metal sickness.


>tfw baneposting is now mistaken as just making shitty lolxdee references
>tfw you were there for le baines

Cuz leftists are mentally subhumans.

My work is done here, good day to you sir.

Liberals are on point with humanitarian

Our view of the right is on point with demented humor

I'd rather pick the humanitarian side and get qt pussy while secretly worshiping Satan.


SCOOOOOPS are on a spectrum!

pay for it

Seriously though, political correctness is fucking memeing with a handicap.
Liberals are absolute cringe and have made themselves easy meme targets
They are impotent cucks

they are sub cuck, even worse.

Because a meme has to be grounded in truth for it to have any comical effect.

The liberal worldview is a synthethic construct made up entirely out of logical fallacies, devoid of any reason. Bad trees produce nothing but bad fruits.

>Leftist memes are ba-

finished it for you

meme =/= picture, text, shit on a carpet
memeing = integrate ?cultural instincts? into certain vectors
So you are right, but I doubt you know why because you use truth in its singular form, which might be a hint that you yourself are mono memetic, like the left.

holy fuck thats even worse than pokemon go to the polls

stop trying to sound smart, you're just making a fool out of yourself.


are you fucking kidding me?

the left/liberals make great jokes, and the right just doesn't get it, thanks to the righ wing stupidity to only liking toilet humour


Best cereal ever created.


In regards of memes, imagine your average liberal like an old grandma trying to use the computer and internet for the first time. They don't understand it, they can try to learn it and perhaps use it, but not really do anything, let alone stop it if they do something completely shitty.

It's the mindset and the mentality that screws with them. Their memes come across as forced, stupid, or just completely unintelligible. They give too many fucks about how they will be delivered an received instead of just going whatever.

Because they can't laugh at themselves. To be funny you can't have boundaries and the left take themselves very serious.

no need to get upset your memes are shit my man :^)

Because women aren't funny

>left memes
they love equality
when everything is shit, everything is equal

You are an autistic shitposter of the highest calibre