Here in Europe students must learn a minimum of two languages in school.
In addition we teach them geography and world knowledge, so they come out having a balanced view of the world.
Why doesn't American education do the same?
Jaxson Butler
We outsourced our language-learning requirement to the rest of the world.
Jason Turner
The only 3 words I need to know are U, S and A
Tyler Hall
Sorry! We're too busy sending people to the FUCKING. MOON.
Parker Reyes
>Here in Europe students must learn a minimum of two languages in school. Don't worry, soon, it'll just be Arabic
William Taylor
Everyone I know had either Spanish or French lessons in school
Jack Powell
Here in America we have retarded niggers. They dumb down the entire curriculum in hopes of niggers being able to pass. They change the curriculum every few years to try and see if they can find a way for niggers to learn. They never do. White kids end up suffering because of this,
Daniel Rogers
because there's not 50 countries on their continent that all speak different languages?
Justin Rivera
Don't you mean CSA? We shouldn't like them yanks.
Juan Mitchell
>Languages Why learn inferior languages when the world learns yours? >Geography Why should I care where your shitty cuck "nations" are? >World knowledge Again, why should I care about your shitty cuck "nations"?