Literally witnessing this right now

Literally witnessing this right now.

What do?

Ask him for an autograph.

Go get your fucking shinebox.

Jeb needs a hug.


stare at him awkwardly while taking pictures with your phone

yeah nah bitch. a simple google reverse search shows that you're lying.

saged and hidden

HAHAHA he looks noided out.

No you're not cunt, I saw this picture a week or two ago on here, changing the filename isn't timetravel.

> What do?
Plz Clap

lel le reddit


Post time machine blueprint plans

slow and steady




Please get him to say "what's up Sup Forums" or something and say it's like a republican site filled with jeb fans and record it

holy crap are they really real
i thought only scrooge mcduck did that as a duckling


little late

>having lost his shot at fulfilling his life's dream, YEB reverts back to his antebellum roots and has wiry negros shine up his shoes