It's fucking stupid, the amount of trolls hiding under various flags is insane.
I suggest next: make the geo-location flag is mandatory and choose additional flag to it, so people can see where is a guy from and what ideology he belongs.
Support this here.
Juan Howard
Not gonna happen pol has been infiltrated and this only way to hide the shills
Nicholas Russell
Sweden has all but gone kek
Zachary Cruz
How do even add the flag?
Jeremiah Evans
Oh, it's automatic. I never paid much attention to it.
Josiah Phillips
The amount of anguish it you newfag pieces of shit is worth more than a Sup Forums gold accoint.
Gabriel Wood
Wyatt Martinez
There is a Tampermonkey script that does something kinda like this, but your idea is much better.
Anthony Martinez
how bout no you dirty snownigger
Connor Nelson
I agree, all the leaves are going incognito, and we have to use real arguments against them rather than spazzing out by saying >A FUCKING LEAF and dismissing what they have to say.