Sup Forums will defend this

ICE agents arrest teenager hours before senior prom

Agents from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested a 19-year-old at his New York home last week, just hours before he was supposed to attend his high school’s senior prom, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

Am I suppose to feel bad for the illegal alien? Fuck him and his criminal family.

Why does he deserve a place in my nation if he refuses to obey the law?

You gotta go back!

>19 years old
Too old for fucking prom, still hasn't graduated. Typical spic retard.


>Muh freedoms

>be illegal teenager
>ask gurl to prom
>see her walk down stairs
>tfw she is so beautiful
>girls father says, "take care of my little girl tonight, Jose."
>"Si, Senor!"
>look down at her wrist, put corsage on
>she slaps on the cuffs
>look up at her, "Why?"
>she tears off prom dress
>turns out to be bald white 55 year old ICE agent
you have to go back

It's nice of ICE to give him a free trip back home.

I'm fine with people coming here to make a better life for themselves and their family... legally. The people who have to cross the border illegally are either criminals, unwilling to learn our language and culture, or just want gibs.