CNN backtracking now!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaahhahahahhahzhahahh


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Bump for liberals blown the fuck out again


How are they backtracking?

A day ago it he WAS being investigated today is MAY*

look at all mislead shills btfo that have threads up now claiming he currently is

They are throwing fake news that make Trump look bad only "correct" them an hour later.
This way all the libtard snowflakes can shill the fake news and make sure their little bubble doesn't burst.

How do you investigate someone for obstructing a crime that didn't take place?

this is what happens when fake news tries to use FOX as the tip of the sword to convince us their bullshit story is not fake news

I don't know what the rest of the faggot internet thinks, but no one here trusts any media of any knid

>Bump for liberals blown the fuck out again
We all called it, didn't we. I knew it was more leftist bullshit the second they announced it yesterday. Checked an article: "anonymous sources say." Yup, it's bullshit!

A day ago they were saying he WAS getting investigated. Someone must have reminded them how badly it went the last time they made an absolute statement based on an (((anonymous source))), so now there MAY be an investigation