IUS SOLI (right of the soil) is being discussed in the parliament today in Italy. If this shit is approved...

IUS SOLI (right of the soil) is being discussed in the parliament today in Italy. If this shit is approved, Italy is gonna become like France and Germany (full of terror attacks) in at least 20 years.

I pray for it not to happen.

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Today is a sad day


We are the bringers of our own destruction,

This is too much even for us. If this shit happens every child born in Italy will be an italian, so a regular UE citizen. This means that every family with an italian kid will be allowed to pass every border thanks to Schengen and migrant quotas will mean nothing since they will be italian, not "refugee". Nice try Poland with your resistance against UE quotas, but you can't stop "regular italians" to enter. You lost. We all have lost

Not quite, it's like the ius soli in germany and france where you need to be legal for your children to get citizenship


In the Ius Soli, right (you can also have only temporary and not full citizenship, and since everyone is considered a political refugee things are complicated on that front) but thanks to Ius Culturae kids up to 12 years old can become italian citizens if they have at least lived here for 5 years and "have gone to school". Sending away minors would break liberals hearths so is basically free citizenship if you have less than 12 years

I can’t realize how such law has been kept away from the spotlight, this will affect the country for the years to come. I can’t say how I am disgusted.

Stop being racist Luigi! You need to replace the aging population somehow.

Same replying cause i forgot link

Yeah that's true but with the current law they could already get citizenship when they turned 18, it takes some paperwork and a few years but it wasn't really hard... which is why they should move to make it harder not easier... government of traitors

Se passa possiamo solo sperare che la gente si incazzi ancora di più e voti destra.

I'm sure they won't have a problem collecting 500 thousand signatures for a referendum but i don't see 50% of the electors going to vote on something like this

would such a referendum need a quorum to pass? Imagine if the right got to govern again and they abolished the law, wouldn't it just be a confirmative referendum? Also when do we know if the law passes or not?

>I can’t see the 50%

Are we living in the same country? I can’t see anyone but communists agreeing on this shit.

si riferisce al quorum credo

They are just following their interests. If they get these immigrants to become italians they will vote for them in the next elections since they gave them italian citizenship and their muslim friends will convince them otherwise (remember PD and even M5S have brought Fratelli musulmani in the comunal council and at Torino alcohol is already banned to sell after midnight)

Too lazy to go to vote on sunday

No ok, dico che andrebbero a votare tutti pur di togliere l’ eventuale legge sullo ius soli. È assurdo che il parlamento decida così in modo unilaterale.

Yes, abrogation referendums have a 50%+1 quorum which is why they pretty much never pass... of course a new government could abolish the law right away without asking but by the time we get there (if we get there) over 1 million niggers will have gained citizenship and there's nothing we can do about it

I expect support for it would be extremely high, probably in the 90%, doesn't mean they'll go vote though

Wrong, this was the case when referendums were scheduled almost monthly.

>at Torino alcohol is already banned to sell after midnight
Come on, it's glass bottles, nothing to do with alcohol, and it's only during public events (and it was already like that)

>No ok, dico che andrebbero a votare tutti pur di togliere l’ eventuale legge sullo ius soli.
>but by the time we get there (if we get there) over 1 million niggers will have gained citizenship
Do we have that many nigger children? Are you sure of those stats?
Because if it's true then we are fucked


Yes, most immigrants in the country don't have citizenship, some newspaper said over 2 millions are affected by this law, others said about 1 million

pls dammi delle source che le spammo a tutti i ritardati che ho come amici su faccialibro

Remember ex minister Kyenge has 32 brothers and sisters and i have never seen a woman not pregnant. In every refugee center they just eat, drink, sleep, play or fuck, there is really nothing else for them to do (not that many of them do not like it this way)

The term new italians make me sick. What will happen to the old ones?

on the plus side I have yet to see a woman in a refugee center. 99% are men, at least near where I live. Thanks for the link btw

What does it mean?
Something to do with the process of obtaining citizenship?


There are refugee centers in Monaco?

Good luck Italy.

P.S. please evict the Pope from the Vatican.

Bull fucking shit
It was already like that before, except the children of immigrants who was born in Italy had to wait until he was 18 yo to get Italian citizenship before

No, but in ventimiglia there are

>they will vote for them in the next elections since they gave them italian citizenship
Don't count on that, it's not like they like fags or equality for women and shit

Immigrants always vote left. It's the same in every country, America included

>mfw Albanians that manage to have a normal job vote and/or get nominated by Lega Nord in my small North-East Italy hometown

Albanians are better than niggers at least. They work hard if you whip them in the correct way.

Even leftist newspapers are filled with angry people insulting the government, i really don't understand what PD is trying to do passing a law literally nobody wants, maybe the 3-4% that votes for greens/MPD and shit like that