Why can't they be like humans?
Why can't they be like humans?
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you know what, i believe that the dogs who end up with such fates probably have done something horrible in their past lives, and the chinese frying them will be reborn as such dogs
Damn that picture is making me hungry
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>believing in magic
okay harry potter
Man I fucking hate china
just reincarnation
at least it gives me belief that such people will be punished
why is filthy frank in the background?
Because they're animals. They aren't special above any other non-intelligent animal species.
Chinese did not evolve with dogs and cats in the same way us whites did.
We had benefit from dogs and cats as they were used as companions for hunts or ratting operations.
This developed a bond between dogs and cats and us.
Chinese did not have the need for rounding up herds of livestock because there hardly was any, so they choose cats and dogs as their food instead.