Have you ever been so mad that you lost an election that you call for the execution of a sitting president without any...

Have you ever been so mad that you lost an election that you call for the execution of a sitting president without any evidence or wrongdoing?

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XJ3ktGIGyz8J:www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/impeachment-is-no-longer-enough-donald-trump-must_us_593dfafee4b094fa859f19ce &cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

what an asshole

I wish that was real, user. I love when liberals go apeshit. Like planets spinning off into the void.

>wish that was real

it is.

He had to delete it.

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XJ3ktGIGyz8J:www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/impeachment-is-no-longer-enough-donald-trump-must_us_593dfafee4b094fa859f19ce &cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

The party of peace

Can we get more on it? Who is this Robert Fuller? Should I spam the image at him on social media and demand a public APOLOGY to trump?

Those people are insane.

Left is a bunch of violent nuts.

Yeah it happened in 2008 and 2012 lmoa

Liberals should all be shot dead in the street

Wow. That place needs their servers shut down.



Only there is quite a bit of evidence of wrong doing. Fast and Furious just to name one example. Benghazi another.

I am almost sad to say I was once a Liberal, how the fuck did my side get this insane in such a short span of time?

Seemed like the election of Trump set off a whole entire chain reaction of insanity.

Now I consider myself on neither side, frankly the ideology of the left has go so far off it's rocker it's no longer recognizable. Honestly I just want to watch the world to burn.

>Complain about Trump destroying the environment
>Literally call for (nuclear) war with russia
>Destroy earth because Trump is a meanie

>Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason. They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt). And then—upon receiving guilty verdicts—they must all be executed under the law. Anything less than capital punishment—or at least life imprisonment without parole in a maximum security detention facility—would send yet another message to the world that America has lost its moral compass. In order for America’s morality and leadership to be restored, it must rebuke Donald Trump, his entire administration, and his legislative agenda in the strongest manner possible. And nothing would do more than to convict them of the highest offense defined by our Constitution, and then to deliver the ultimate punishment. Donald Trump deserves nothing less. Mitch McConnell, Steve Bannon, and Paul Ryan should also share Donald Trump’s fate, for they have done more than practically anyone to protect him and to throw our country under the proverbial bus. In order to survive, we as a nation must deliver the ultimate punishment under the law to all involved in its current destruction.

>When it's not enough to execute the president, but the entire executive branch

Liberals are amazing

>Trump fails to realize how much he is assisting ISIS with his rhetoric

Yeah, that's a lot worse than literally giving them weapons!


Huffpost has recently laid off a shit load of people.


Jesus fucking Christ, this is a new low even for HuffPoo

Nice greentext, I can tell you're from around here

I dunno, it's standard really