Reminder Hans Island is rightful Canadian clay Denmark need not apply
Reminder Hans Island is rightful Canadian clay Denmark need not apply
John Harris
Andrew Jones
Greenlandic clay.
Mason Jackson
Hands off leaf.
Benjamin Wood
Rare but I have our flag also wut guns laws like there and the temp? is it comfy? anyway its CANADIAN CLAY
not letting go of my clay
Brayden Bell
If the name is Hans island, doesn't that imply...? It's ours?
Landon Nguyen
Hans is French you Nazi the proper name originally was "ᑕᕐᑐᐸᓗ"
Angel Sanders
you keep your grubby little leaf hands away from our island!
Aaron Ross
What do either of you plan to do with it?
Jacob Cooper
Keep your Snaps Brandy away from our glorious Canadian Club!
Adrian White
>guns laws
Untill last year, you only had to be 18 years old to buy a rifle, now you need a license.
8 celsius. Rained this morning, then became sunny. Now there is just fog.
very comfy.