The president-prime minister Vucic just declared that the new prime minister will be a lesbian with Croatian decent! Good job Serbia on showing your European ways!
english news will prob be soon
When will Serbia finally allow gay marriage?
just waited for someone to post this. she doesn't really have croatian descent most likely, but still.
also, i feel vucic is playing some kind of 3d chess here, i assume all the libshit foreign news agencies will broadcast this, if shit goes down, we have both sjw's and racists on our side, kek. still top kek with pantela picture
Slobo is laughing at us.
when the Croats take over
I hope very soon. I hear they're preparing extensive LGBT discrimination laws, including verbal discrimination.
Then I'll be able to walk around the city with my bf without everyone acting like assholes.
I don't think it will be soon.. A few years ago they didn't even let the pride happen cause of security, but they did start writing in documents parent 1 and parent 2 not mother and father
But his mentee is the president, that's what he wanted
you can change your flag these days so you don't embarass us. Sup Forums has become very tolerant.