The left vs right civil war is at our doorstep.
It is a global fight because it is essentially globalists vs. non-globalists
French right wing politician left unconscious in street after altercation with leftist protestor
WTF. Is that Place Maubert? It looks like it might be from the pictures.
who is the politician you stupid nigger?
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet
she is a (((globalist)))
This bitch is 100% leftist and globalist.
* Globalist
* Feminist
* Pro abortion
* Pro nigger/sandnigger/islamic invasion
* Pro same-sex marriage
she had some papers thrown in her lying hypocrite kike face
she's not right wing, she wanted to join Macrons part but got rejected, she's a globalist
I hope that man who also called her a "bobo de merde" gets a medal
reminder that violence against women is ok if she isn't a leftist
From another thread ( ):
"Cela fait environ une demi-heure que NKM était en train de tracter ici dans le Vème arrondissement de Paris sur le Marché Maubert, sur la place du même nom, quand un homme d'une cinquantaine d'années est arrivé et a commencé à l'invectiver assez violemment. (...) Il lui a arraché les tracts de sa main et a fait un mouvement pour lui renvoyer les papiers dans la figure."
Here comes the funny part:
"NKM, elle s'est protégée à ce moment-là et c'est SA PROPRE MAIN QU'ELLE A RECU DANS SA FIGURE."
[YouTube] NKM agressé à Paris: "Un homme est arrivé et a commencé à l’invectiver" (embed)
She stayed on the ground for ten minutes until ambulance arrived.
Great actress.
A leftist would certainly not yell "bobo de merde!"...
Indeed, and yet whoever got into an argument with her is most likely some leftist fuck as well, with the exact same ideas as her. Probably a feminist too, but it's okay to hit people, even women, when they are "nazis", because according to leftards, anyone that is "right wing" is a nazi, even though there is no right in France.
The irony