How this makes you feel, burguers?
How this makes you feel, burguers?
what about her mama and papa? let's see abuelito's papers too while we're at it.
Can you imagine someone wearing a shirt that said RELAX SPIC YOU'RE IN CALIFORNIA NO ONE CARES
Why is it okay to call white people "gringo"s? I can't call mestizos "spic" or "wetback" or even "mestizo" in public without everyone in earshot gasping in horror, but calling white people "gringo" or "cracker" or "white boi" is totally fine. Really makes you think.
You may be legal, but you are still a shitskin.
Gringo isn't derogatory.
came to say this
legal is fine.
which is why the Left always conflates 'immigrants' with 'illegal aliens'.... they make it seem like everyone not just on the right but the middle just hate all immigrants.
also isnt gringo the equivalent of 'spic'?
And I'm Irish American- calling me an Anglo is both inaccurate and kinda racist.
>Gringo isn't derogatory
Neither is nigger. It's literally the latin word for black.
>thankfully no black has ever taken latin