Effects of depleted uranium, lead and mercury from bombs and munitions used in Yemen


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>that brain



>tfw to intelligent too be alive


why does that ballsack have a face?

Apparently nobody understands what the "depleted" in depleted uranium means.

>tfw too intellectual to have anyone reply to my post

why does God allow this to happen? I get that the dude puts some tests here and there, but this straight up denying a chance at a livable existence

that poor mother tho

take me to your leader

.t brainlet

the future is now


Ayy lmao

They walk among us

another round of Roswell children

Here's the father



I already made a megamind joke cuntlet

Most of the depleted uranium comes from the Brrrrrt gun of the A10. Kind of a privileged to be deformed by such awesomeness if you ask me.

we planet of the apes nao?

>Effects of depleted uranium

depleted U is least almost no radioactive, it's literally the shit that's left after removing all radioactivity from Uranium and no country other than US have it, it's secret technology, and who uses Mercury in bombs?? wtff ?

son I am disappoint

God owes precisely nothing to humanity, which conversely owes their entire existence to him.

Unless and until humanity is willing to accept the pathetic nature of their own existence, God will continue proving as much.

dr pimplepopper can take care of that


Hope they can do c-sections in Yemen


how do these not kill the mother?

unless they were licking DU rounds like a saltlick or shelling U.S. bases with DU shells and licking their fingers, this is natural for mudshit countries with inbreeding and lack of things called vitamins and being healthy


no this is textbook fetal radiation

Holy shit you're a faggot
Thanks for stopping by Reddit


can you imagine how the vagina looked afterwards tho

Hold on just shitting a basketball out of my vagina

If the greys are real, maybe this is an explanation of how they ended up the way they were if you believe in that kind of /x/ tier stuff they are the product of survivors and adaptation of depleted uranium, lead and mercury


>Apparently nobody understands what the "depleted" in depleted uranium means.

It is still radioactive.

Is it developing its third eye? Is it enlightened?

its called hydrocephalus and happens all the fucking time in India, where there is no regulation on where to shit, dead bodies in drinking/bathing water, etc.

Anybody else just getting a severe itch to poke it with a needle and see if it starts deflating and flying around like a balloon?


Will the baby become a master quiz wizard?

At least they have telekenesis

Cunt is elastic.


Have a you, God that bitch is nasty

>tfw you accidentally a mind controlling super-human ready to start a nuclear war in order to wipe the world clean of atrocities that turned him this way

They'll say he's a villain.

war crimes. poppa bush got paid, and look at this! all the blood! all the carnage! it continues - a fitting sacrifice to satan!

America is the 21st century Soviet Union.

It's on the rise now and depleted uranium particles become with sand. They aren't absorbed into earth like in non-desert regions.


you're welcome, remember to be PC

DU is highly toxic. It's radioactivity is rather irrelevant. But toxicity is what kills.
Same thing happened in Iraq, a massive rise in birth defects after American invasion.

USA did too in the Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan and even Syrian wars.

why do you lie about the cause, though?

why is pol 99% shill threads now? this place has become a catalogue of gossip threads.

Source? Where did Saudis get this shit to bomb Yemen with the fuck?

Its almost like they cant into Sparta

> Spartans, when their children are born, if they have defects they are thrown off a cliff.

>America is the 21st century Soviet Union.

Worse, Soviet Union supported poor people oppressed by burgeoise and American imperialism.

It's too bad the damage the strattera did to your brain is permanent. Things like your dopamine and noradrenaline production and receptors.

It's DU munitions, used for penetrating armor. DU has high density as well as pyrophoric properties.

U-238 is essentially not radioactive. It's basically one step away from lead in terms of length of it's half-life.

I suppose it is likely that the munitions used may not be completely pure U-238, perhaps containing some traces of more radioactive isotopes.

wtf do Yemeni people use kids as tank shields? How does it end up in kids?

With a few unintentional mistakes they simply supported pro-Soviet cunts.
Irrelevant, that's not my point. My point is America is the Soviet Union of our time. A globalist decadent empire that kills to spread it's ideology.

why would you let that live?

you dummy, it isnt bomb material. Depleted uranium is less radioactive than normal uranium. Americans use it in bullets because it has higher density than steel=penetrates more

tfw you overdose on brainforce

>how does it end up in kids
It doesn't, it ends up in mothers and it's highly toxic. NOT radioactive as some claim. There's a difference.



Wouldnt the camera get fucked if what that article claims is true

Tungsten alloys are just as capable in penetration, but they don't have the pyrophoric properties of DU.
>less radioactive
It's highly toxic. Agent Orange isn't radioactive yet it caused a lot of birth defects in Vietnam, even today consequences are felt.







If you see the explosion on camera it's not a nuke. Nuclear explosion emits a light so bright it would blind the camera.

Popping pimples is good. Removing crap from your body.

#1. not Yemen
#2. pretty sure heavy metal exposure doesn't cause hydrocephalus

That shit about Kosovo is bullshit, and as you can see I'm a Serb so no reason to shill for Americans.
Reason why cancer is rising in Serbia is aging population.
Consequences of DU would mostly be felt locally in Kosovo, because they aren't really food exporters or anything like that.
The fact they bombed some chemical plants in 1999 is far more damaging to environment and health than DU in Kosovo.


The X-men have arrived.

it's both radioactive and toxic. DU has 60% radioactivity of regular uranium.

DU needs to be banned. Ffs the last thing this world needs is more retards

>Strattera damages your brain lol
fuck off moron
it makes your brain god damn normal when you have ADHD

>Tungsten alloys are just as capable in penetration

Tungsten is more expensive so that's probably why USA/NATO uses DU but Russia uses Tungsten now.

Fuck them and their children and their childrens children. Make me stop playing csgo we better mothefuxking Nuke these goat fuckers. I'm also content with using these weapons on California and new york city.

iT'S yemen

aaaaaaaayyyyy lmaooooooooooooooooo

>why does God allow this to happen?
bcos free will idiot, whatever people do to other people and themselves is fair game

>It is only weakly radioactive because of its long radioactive half-life (4.468 billion years for uranium-238, 700 million years for uranium-235; or 1 part per million every 6446 and 1010 years, respectively).
Are you sure? I think uranium is a lot more expensive, but it has a better after-armor effect, and that's why they use it.

you're a dumb fucking nigger


1. degree cousin marriage should not be dismissed as possibility.

No, tungsten is both more expensive and has better penetration.



First is yemen for sure

>mentok the mindtaker
audible kek, show was so underrated.

The early years
